Originally posted by: InnerSakuraChan
alrighty -
I've been following this forum for a while, and I can't help but comment
I have to agree w/ memnoch - congrats man - you are always so well spoken.
If leaders were chosen by pure strength, the Hokage would be some one like Oro or Itachi, because (although this point is arguable) they are two of the most powerful characters in the show. Obviously, Oro and Itachi would not make good leaders, because they are not concerned with the village, rather, they are preoccupied with their own interest. Leaders that are chosen for power alone, or only act with power become your Sadaam Husseins and your Stalins.
However, leaders that chosen For strength and other skills, such as diplomacy, intelligence, and commitment to the betterment of those they govern, are the more successful leaders. They re the ones that choose peace treaties over war, and respect the wishes of neighbor nations.
Naruto is a character who relies on strength. are demonstrated in the battle against garaa, his battle plan generally consists of launching clones of himself at the enemy, and when that fails, attempting to do high level jutsu that he clearly doesn t have the chakra for he reiles on the kyuubi's strength to get through the battle.
Shikamaru, on the other hand, has no hidden reserves of strength, besides his own intelligence. I think that if Naruto would strategize more and conserve his chakra, and plan ahead, he wouldn't have to rely on the kyuubi's strength. Also, when leading missions, you have to consider the other people in the group, not just yourself, this is why Shikamaru deserves to be a chuunin, and Naruto doesn t.
At this point in the series, Shikamaru is probably more hokage-worthy. The only thing that Naruto has over Shikamaru, is that he cares more passionatly about the village, but he uses force to protect it. however, you might argue that Hitler felt passionate about its country., and also used force to better it. now, before you all jump down my back, i am in no way endorsing the actions of Hitler, or even saying that Naruto is in anyway like him in beliefs.
In the future, perhaps, if Naruto learns to strategize, he would be a much better Hokage than Shikamaru, because of his passion.
In summary:
intelligence/strategizing > strength
Shikamaru> Naruto
Just my 2 yen
Edit: added some puctuation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]