Then why make it if half the story is missing
Then why make it if half the story is missing
i think your over analyzing it a little too far, i thought the first episode kicked ass i mean man the graphics and drawings are good maybe your too used to animes having lots and lots of money to be able to add loads and loads of good graphics into each episode of course they are going to mess up a couple of times but give them time and cut them some slack or just dont watch it. anyways i loved the first episode and i hope this anime is a long one...Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
Subtle errors with the integration of CG and regular animation will usually be enough to turn me away from a series, if they persist long enough.
The quality during the initial panning of the rooms wasn't impressive, and it even looked a little outdated. When they are moving along the railroad tracks towards the man, the scenery is again CG and moving at a different speed than the characters.
WTF??? The second episode almost made no sense at all. I hope they explain what's going on.
But, its an alien
This is the type of anime that is intended for deep though and overanalyzation.
It was fairly obvious that in the opening scene they were trying to show off their CG surroundings. If they try to show off something that isn't impressive, what does that say to you? I think that the series could stand on its plotline and characters, but if they try to draw so much attention to poorly done aspects of it, then it takes away from the story.
I didn't notice any real cgi. I did notice some animated 3d affects (the panning). You can edit and image with a computer without it being CGI. CGI is done using polygons and rendering. I didn't see anything that looked rendered. Even the ball didn't look rendered, just cleverly colored. I'm probably wrong, but if they used real CGI it was done to look animated, and was probably a total waste of technology where hand-drawing achieves the same affect.
The storyline is indeed filled with alot of symbolism and food for thought.
I don't think stuff like visual affects really add that much except as a place-setting.
However, I really don't see the requirement of being analystic to enjoy this anime. It's okay just to follow along with a blank mind and see what happens, too, and absorb the symbolism when it comes to bloom. I like animes that can appeal to both avenues. I did not read the manga, but I think the anime is good, of not graphic enough to be a real classic like the Samurai X 4-part Rurouni Kenshin OVA, Lain, or GITS. I'm really glad AONE is doing this. They are among my list top quality encoders.
pretty good... a lot of explaining to do. Also shame they censored it....
If you go to the official site and click on movies, you'll see some of the stuff they cut out.
Hmmm, i think this series needs its own forum area [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
yupp. this anime is censored....i guesS i'll skip this one wait for the DVDrip release....
Why not just replace the gore with glorified blood spraying like in all the other animes? I mean, that's a heck of a lot better than cutting away from the scene, right?
wtf, i've read the manga, so i know what was going on between scenes, like the old guys heaad exploding...the little onion/leek dude getting killed...
they missed out a shitload of vital scenes, including when people cant hear them and they're shouting. why the hell is this anime censored. is it just censored for tv and there'll eventually be a dvd release, because if so ill be stopping with this series soon, not only do they censor nearly everything, but they miss half the fucking story. its a hard enough anime to try and understand at first anyway without them making it even harder.
Yeah but also the boobies of the girl was cut out :/
Its not a requirement, but I feel that the anime will cause most people to think about the events and people. It should lead to much deeper discussions than Naruto has.
I'm not involved in graphics in any way. I can't even use Paint properly. Therefore, any 3D effects that I see that obviously use a computer in some way I refer to as CG. If they are graphics that require a computer, what should I call them?
where can the manga be found? if there is an english translation?
*EDIT* nm, found it now with a quick google [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i just wonderin' since when anime get censored?.... o_O
Well, I for one haven't read the manga... And I think it's a cool anime sofar, i'm gonna keep watching it and perhaps pick up the manga a couple of episodes down the line. So i'm guessing other people can't see them? It was made obvious when none of the taxis stopped for the old man... So what do you guys recommend me doing? Going straight to the manga or staying with the anime a little while?
Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P
Just go straight to the manga, I would continue on with this show, but the main character is way too annoying.
Comon don't say that manga is more enjoyable then anime because it's not
But I hate censorship... And from a guy like me who haven't read the manga, I can't understand that second episode, and it seems like the impact would be better if all the scenes were included...
So, is AonE intednig to sub the yet-to-come DVD version?
Well the anime in 2 episodes has covered 17 chapters in the manga. They have missed and changed a few things, worth reading the manga if you like the series (well i've only read the first 20 chapters so far [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] )
The manga is never more enjoyable to see, but if you want to see everything (no censorship), and can't wait to find out what happens next, you should read the manga.
LOL, that has got to be the slowest manga ever if two episodes in the anime have covered 17 chapters.