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Thread: Chrno Crusade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shoppingcart in sweden

    Chrno Crusade

    I have read that it was licensed and thats why AonE stopped at eps 14..

    But there is like 2 or 3 other goups that continued the series but i can only find it up to 18.. Do anybody know anything about that?? Did they stop to?? It seems so odd when the continued up to 18 even though it was licensed but then stop..

    So what i want to know is have they stopped or are they relesing it slowly.. because i read somewhere that it is 26 episodes in total..

    BTW I found this series extremly good..

  2. #2

    RE: Chrno Crusade

    There is a thread talking about this... do a search

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