Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
Originally posted by: originalkrn
Well if you cant find after you search, then you can make a new thread and it wouldnt matter. But if its the cry topic, im pretty sure you can type in "cry" and not many things will pop up. I'm pretty sure that if the mod who closed your thread remembered your thread, it wasnt THAT old. Might as well try to revive it. Your questions may be answered anyway if you read the old topic.
What if someone used another word for cry? Wheep? I'm just not accepting what you say because i know it's stupid from what i have seen in other forums. How can anybody know "if" the one starting a thread that has been up really did search, and if he did and didn't find it... Should it be locked? How can a mod tell if he has the right to lock it or not? Because he has been here long enough so that he has been able to see it float by. That can't be correct, because they always tell you to search before making a new thread, but there isn't any chance for a mod to know if the person did search (which i have already said)...
Let's make it into an example.
1. I start a thread.
2. Before i do it, i search using the search function without finding anything.
3. A mod sees the thread and locks it up...
Who was correct?
1. The mod who knew that there was a thread about this topic.
2. Or i who took the percaution by using the searchfunction?
Can you prove that i am lying so that you can justify the mods actions?
What gave the mod to act on his own without even asking if i looked for a similar thread?
Should you put up in every thread you start "I did search for this topic but didn't find it anywhere"? If so, then that system would be abused and people will say it all the time when starting a thread giving them a free hand to create any topic as long it is according to the forum's main subject. Or it would be abused in the way that people wouldn't search at all and instead just put up the sign to get a greencard...
How much more do i have to convince you before you realise that the system they have totally suck as it is. Because you know that if you let mods do as they wish now, the forummembers will only get angry... And if the mods were supposed to "ask" if the person did search, well you can imagine how stupid and timedemanding that would be.