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Thread: Somebody HAS to die!

  1. #41

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Chouji's pills aren't a talent at all, they were just there to have him win his fight somehow. The seal takes time before it can be used, and not everyone can even survive after recieving the original cursed seal, so it's not as cheap. There's no reason to have Chouji continue living anyways, he's not needed anymore.

  2. #42

    Somebody HAS to die!

    I agree someone has to die.I want it to be sasuke cause god i hate him.Thinking hes the best and all.His ego just irritates me to the bone.Ohw look i got my cool sharingan i own u bitch.Second i want saskura to die if she doesnt get a cool jutsu or 2 soon.Whats the use of good chakra control without jutsus :S

    Those two have to die.But it probarly wont happen in this bless the good guys anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #43

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Originally posted by: Hyuuga Hinata
    Those two have to die.But it probarly wont happen in this bless the good guys anime [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    My suggestion for the both of them is this: Liebenstod. Sakura serves him a cup of sake with a love potion but she makes a mistake and puts death poison in it. They drink to comemorate his return to Konoha...

  4. #44

    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    Yeah, someones got to die. Definitely.

    It might as well be Sasuke. I mean come on, we don't need him anymore. And it would provide a better twist than the I must kill my brother ting which has been done too many times.

  5. #45

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Choji does actually have a talent. He can turn into the meat tank. So to say that he has NO skills is kinda wrong there Mut@t@. And on a side take this way to seriously. Someone disagrees with you and you go ape shit. Shows how much of your life goes into this, and although Naruto is a great show, it is rather stop being such a douche and let people have their own opinion.

    Which now that I mention it...looks like you should maybe douche considering your pussy looks like it has one hell of a yeast infection playa.


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    wasnt chouji also the physically strongest out of that group? at least i believe thats what shikamaru was saying
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #47
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Choji does actually have a talent. He can turn into the meat tank. So to say that he has NO skills is kinda wrong there Mut@t@. And on a side take this way to seriously. Someone disagrees with you and you go ape shit. Shows how much of your life goes into this, and although Naruto is a great show, it is rather stop being such a negative douche and let people have their own opinion.

    1. no.
    2. i'm not stopping anyone from saying what they want cuz i'm also saying what i want, douche bag.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #48

    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    1. Yes.
    2. Your negativity is making people feel as though there opinions dont matter.
    3. Forums are all about diverse opinions.


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  9. #49

    Somebody HAS to die!

    heh, the flaming just keeps going lately. Assertn, maybe Shika meant Chouji had the most physical presence (largest not strongest).

    v yea, I think his multi-size was supposed to be used as the quickest large-impact finishing move v

  10. #50
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    wasnt his reasoning for having chouji 4th in the lineup was so he could rush in to deliver the finishing blow if the front guys end up in a conflict?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #51

    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    If Choji is good enough for someone as smart as Shika then he is fine with me. Shika will think up alot of he wouldnt bring someone who couldnt help. Obviously he trusted Choji to help.


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  12. #52
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Somebody HAS to die!

    Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    1. Yes.
    2. Your negativity is making people feel as though there opinions dont matter.
    3. Forums are all about diverse opinions.

    you're making it sound as if i'm actually forcefully stopping people from posting what they think. have i don't it? noooooooooooooooooooooooooo... so listen up man, relax. there hasn't been any problem until you newbs came along, got your feelings hurt from every day posts, and decide to play hero by defending and protecting everyone. stop. everyone of us here can take care of ourselves. everyone has their right to say what they want, i agree with that. but when you actually re-read this thread, i didn't post anything negative about anyone here on the thread until someone provoked me telling that i'm dumb when i only posted what i thought about that loser chouji. and now, i'm the bad guy here when i defend myself? you've got to be fucking kidding me.

    don't be so quick to jump on the "i hate mut@t@/dazzz" bandwagon, you ain't gonna go anywhere with it.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #53

    Somebody HAS to die!


    you're making it sound as if i'm actually forcefully stopping people from posting what they think. have i don't it? noooooooooooooooooooooooooo... so listen up man, relax. there hasn't been any problem until you newbs came along, got your feelings hurt from every day posts, and decide to play hero by defending and protecting everyone. stop. everyone of us here can take care of ourselves. everyone has their right to say what they want, i agree with that. but when you actually re-read this thread, i didn't post anything negative about anyone here on the forums until someone provoked me telling that i'm dumb when i only posted what i thought about that loser chouji. and now, i'm the bad guy here when i defend myself? you've got to be fucking kidding me.

    don't be so quick to jump on the "i hate mut@t@/dazzz" bandwagon, you ain't gonna go anywhere with it.[/quote]

    I jump on no wagons thank you! Nah. Its cool. I dont hate anyone. And if your thing is to be negative towards alot of shit. That is all you. But I have a problem when people are talking about reasonable stuff in a forum and someone jumps down their shit for no reason. Obviously someone called you dumb, but
    that is no reason to flip out. We are all here for one thing....and that is to talk about Naruto. So from here on out. I am above all this drama. So Mut@t@, voice your opinions no matter how negative...but dont be mean to others expressing theirs....cuz that is bad.


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  14. #54

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Indeed. Mut@T@, I understand where you are coming from, but please make your points without profanities and insulting other people's intelligence.

  15. #55
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Somebody HAS to die!

    The pills are pretty cheap though. You might say that the seal is on the same "cheating" scale as the pills, but the seal is a physical inbuilt ability, so it's different.

    True, the seal is given to someone artificially, but it's still an ability that a shinobi can use, it's another skill in their arsenal. Why wouldn't they use all their skills in battle? It's not cheating. Only a select few can use the seal, whereas anybody can use the pills and instanly become strong. The pills are pretty cheaty (that's not even a word!) in my opinion.

    Chouji is pretty crap actually. He only really knows one move, the meat tank, oh and that spinning ability, both of which are pretty pathetic. He doesn't really have any confidence either, as he tries to run away from every fight he's been in, excluding the most recent one where he had his "cheat pills".

    Seriously, he's a "loveable" character, but on the pathetic scale, he's only slightly above Sakura.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  16. #56
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Somebody HAS to die!

    I thought the pills extracted all his Inert Chakra that been build up as his fats?

    Nevertheless. This is going nowhere. No point defending the Humble Hero Chouji willingly sacrificing himself for the rest of the team in which he MANAGED to beat the Sound 5, which Unfortunately the others did not. Even Naruto and ESPECIALLY the much Inflated Shika. *Sigh* [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    If you Die Chouji.. PLease take Neji with you, because he's in a lot of pain. XD
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  17. #57

    Somebody HAS to die!

    I've got to say, I agree with the topic of this thread. If anything, a death becomes even more crucial with the somewhat dubious entrance of the Sand Shinobi.

  18. #58

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Originally posted by: Boogster
    I've got to say, I agree with the topic of this thread. If anything, a death becomes even more crucial with the somewhat dubious entrance of the Sand Shinobi.
    Then, there would be necessary three deaths.

    As for Chouji. I guess I've said it before, but he has always acknowledge Shika as an exceptional ninja and even if he doesn't understand his actions at first, he does trust Shika and his intelligence.
    Shika is notorious for being lazy and therefore, assumed as unreliable. So, when he was tricking Joroubou, all of them doubted Shika. All but Chouji. In a war situation, a good soldier will acknowlege his leader and trust his life to him.
    Obvioulsly, if Shikamaru was promoted to Chunnin, that means that he's a good leader and he should be trusted.
    And, just because he acknowledges that, Chouji deserves a great deal of credit. Not everybody can be the brightest lightbulb in the box, but even a 20watt light does a great job when put in the right place.
    All charaters have their virtues and flaws (well, except for Sakura and Sasuke[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]) I think one of the functions of the story is to make the reader/viewer realize that, and acknowledge that every character has his own unique and important place in the whole.
    Having said that, I still wish that Sakura and Sasuke burn in hell...

  19. #59
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Originally posted by: Hyuuga Hinata
    I agree someone has to die.I want it to be sasuke cause god i hate him.Thinking hes the best and all.His ego just irritates me to the bone.Ohw look i got my cool sharingan i own u bitch.

    yeah i agree he needs to die or get his ass seriously beat(im talking to the point where hes between life and death) Him having this stupid inferiority complex problem is by far the most annoying thing in any anime ive ever seen(its like seeing vegeta in another anime)


    R.I.P Captain America.

  20. #60

    Somebody HAS to die!

    Nicely said, burn baby burn.

    I hope chouji is alive. I want to see multi-size chouji vs Gamabunta.

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