SBC recently acquired two new IP Block ranges from ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers). These two new IP blocks are 70.240.x.x and 70.241.x.x. Because these IP blocks are new, many Internet sites and servers have not updated their systems to allow IPs from these two IP blocks to access their networks. ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers) and SBC are correctly broadcasting these new address blocks to the Internet, and all major Global Service Providers have updated their systems.

However, there may be smaller networks, servers and routers that are not yet updated. Due to the large number of unregulated networks on the Internet, SBC cannot ensure all networks outside of direct SBC peers update their systems to allow these new IPs to access their networks.

SBC has attempted to notify all major providers of the new IP blocks, and although this issue will resolve itself in time as more networks update their systems, it may be faster for members to contact these providers themselves.

Therefore, if you are unable to reach some servers or specific URLs on the Internet, and have an IP that begins with 70.240.x.x or 70.241.x.x, please contact the host network provider or site administrator of the destination network you are trying to connect to, and ask them to update their BOGON and/or Access Control Lists (ACLs) to allow IPs from SBC's new blocks to access their networks.

Members can locate contact information about the destination sites and servers by going to or and entering the www or IP address of the network you are trying to reach.

To determine if your IP is from one of these blocks, 70.240.x.x or 70.241.x.x, go to »