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Thread: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

  1. #41

    RE: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    SBC recently acquired two new IP Block ranges from ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers). These two new IP blocks are 70.240.x.x and 70.241.x.x. Because these IP blocks are new, many Internet sites and servers have not updated their systems to allow IPs from these two IP blocks to access their networks. ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers) and SBC are correctly broadcasting these new address blocks to the Internet, and all major Global Service Providers have updated their systems.

    However, there may be smaller networks, servers and routers that are not yet updated. Due to the large number of unregulated networks on the Internet, SBC cannot ensure all networks outside of direct SBC peers update their systems to allow these new IPs to access their networks.

    SBC has attempted to notify all major providers of the new IP blocks, and although this issue will resolve itself in time as more networks update their systems, it may be faster for members to contact these providers themselves.

    Therefore, if you are unable to reach some servers or specific URLs on the Internet, and have an IP that begins with 70.240.x.x or 70.241.x.x, please contact the host network provider or site administrator of the destination network you are trying to connect to, and ask them to update their BOGON and/or Access Control Lists (ACLs) to allow IPs from SBC's new blocks to access their networks.

    Members can locate contact information about the destination sites and servers by going to or and entering the www or IP address of the network you are trying to reach.

    To determine if your IP is from one of these blocks, 70.240.x.x or 70.241.x.x, go to »

  2. #42
    Administrator Ciber's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    The issue has been resolved, and everyone should once again be able to access the main site and the tracker.


    PS: Blame Bonkers.

  3. #43

    Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    my ip is 66.24.96.XX on Time Warner Road Runner

    the site wasent working for a bit, i could connect to the main page but almost nothing would show up, it started working 2 days ago, so i guess you fixed it for my range

  4. #44

    RE: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot


    i can now access the tracker, wich was my problem. My IP is a

    Thank you !!!!

  5. #45

    RE: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    wow for so long i was confused as to why i couldnt acces

    tiger direct
    new egg
    shinsen subs
    anbu dom

    now i know

    i have contacted other sites i cant acces and i have given them this info becouse i am with SBC and i fall in that 70.XXX category

    thanxs for the info i will pass it on.

  6. #46

    RE: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    It's working fine now! Thank you very much [img]i/expressions/sun.gif[/img]

  7. #47

    RE: Site not accessible, nor torrent trackers from gotwoot

    Originally posted by: kaleyeope
    OK, I'm sorry but pretty much this whole post is bunk!

    Originally posted by: hiroshi
    (Sigh). Oh if only you people knew how sneaky ISPs really are. The reason you are able to access some sites, and not others, and the reason it suddenly works after changing your proxy, is because:

    When an ISP considers that you're using up a lot of bandwidth, they redirect your IP to a 'cached' proxy. They may have only one, or multiple amounts of these servers, but the idea is, that instead of you using their precious bandwidth to load up websites, the proxy instead sends you a 'cached' version of that website.
    Partial bunk. Web proxies and mass caching machines are a standard part of the internet. There is NO correlation between their use and ISP bandwidth policies for an individual. They are you friends! They make things faster for you.

    But then what happens if the website you're visiting isn't cached in the proxy?

    Well sometimes it does actually retrieve the information properly, but quite often they will simply fail to get the website and return an error of some kind. This is just one among many nasty tactics that ISP tend to use.
    Complete and utter Bunk. If you are going through a caching server and your information is not there, then you get redirected to the original server, the information that you receive is sent to both your home machine and the cache server so that the next time someone wants to access that site, there is information already available. The information will expire so you don't get stale web sites. If it doesn't work like this, then the cache servers are broken.

    Another nasty tactic is to reduce your speed. They will do this without notification, and quite often they get away with it, because people are fooled into thinking it's the server/client they are connecting to rather than their actual ISP. For instance, i've noticed on my own connection that my download rates tend to max out my bandwidth at the beginning of each month when my IP has refreshed and is new. But later on in the month, perhaps about halfway through, my speeds will reduce to about 30 - 40KBps instead of their usual 112KBps. At first i figured it was just the file i was downloading, but after about 3 or 4 months of observation i can clearly see a pattern. That's when i did some checking and found out it's my ISP. It isn't just my ISP that does that either, it's a lot of ISP's.
    I wont argue that ISPs have some weird and arbitrary bandwidth policies, but what you describe does not make sense unless you are encountering a monthly cap limit (which is usually only seen in things like server co-location services, not home access). If they advertise unlimited access and you find that they actually have placed bandwidth caps on you account regularly, complain, loudly.

    This is how they are able to offer 'unlimited' bandwidth without capping the amount. They slow the connection down a little so that by the end of the month, you would of only used so much of their bandwidth up as to act as an invisible cap limit. That way, it's more subtle and causes less complaints and problems with customers. =P
    This makes absolutely no sense at all. You cannot save or build up a storage of bandwidth. There is not one monthly supply that can be doled out however you wish. There is a constant amount of bandwidth available at all times. If it goes unused, it is lost forever. If your going to get capped, it will most likely be real time not a couple weeks later.

    also, it would be an across the board cap. Not site specific.

    Anyway, in order to fix your said problem, manually put in one of their alternative proxy servers. Make a quick google on your ISP + Proxy addresses or something and see what alternative addresses you can find. Generally most ISPs have quite a few of them hanging around.
    I disagree with this. I don't think new proxies or even new IP addresses are the solution for this problem because I have had the same problem and I have many sources to test from. This is the only place I can't get too.

    GotWoot might be getting Rate Limited though (much more likely then an individual user). They could be exceeding their daily caps which would explain there on and off again status.

    It looks like they are getting services through ThePlanet. Maybe another server on their farm segment is getting attacked.

    Maybe there is a DNS problem?

    Disagree, disagree, disagree.
    Source of information to help back up my info:
    My uncle also works for an ISP in Canada, so if i call him i'm sure he would be happy to clarify things should i be wrong, or should you be wrong.

    Perhaps our ISP's are even sneaker than yours then, but this is exactly as things go for me. Changing the address also fixes the problems for me. And they DO cap people via speed mid month, and not across the board, and they don't declare it either. Perhaps my reasoning for it is wrong, but it's what they do to me and some of my friends too who are also high bandwidth users. However my friends that only ever use it for games, don't ever get a reduction in speed, even if they download a clip from the net or an episode to test the theory, after ours have been reduced.

    Call our ISP weird if you must, i won't argue, that dosn't make me a liar =P
    I'm not going to argue with anything else concerning this matter. I'm just a little pissed off that's all, and after some time i will calm down. I don't care if it dosn't make sense, it is as it is, nothing can change that. It's not something that just applies to me, as i've found out, but many others. So it's not me being weird. =P

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