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Thread: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

  1. #1

    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    Its because he got a few mins of deep sleep a while back when he used the sleeping jutsu to summon the badger demon.

    Lack of sleep really does drive people crazy.

    That and he realized his siblings loved him and helped him escape from the battle.

    Now he seems normal again.

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    this is like the "why is gaara good?" thread?

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  3. #3

    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
    Its because he got a few mins of deep sleep a while back when he used the sleeping jutsu to summon the badger demon.

    Lack of sleep really does drive people crazy.

    That and he realized his siblings loved him and helped him escape from the battle.

    Now he seems normal again.
    I've never seem him normal before...
    My theory is that he was commited for a while, and now can try to act civilized, or at least pretend to.
    But, he will have to go on prozak for the rest of his life.

  4. #4

    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    we saw gaara in one pic... i dont think we can really say what his menatal sate is right now

  5. #5

    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    Who knows? Yeah Gaara's realized his mistakes, but he's probably still struggling with the demon inside him. It might be somethign he has to deal with for the rest of his life.

  6. #6

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    He was phsycotic because he couldnt trust on anyone and he lived in fear of sleeping.. But maybe since Naruto and Gamabunta beated Shakaku and him the demon was afraid of coming out again.. Cause he thougth he was the strongest there was but that was misproved and maybe he turned out to be a good person after that...

    Just a guess

  7. #7

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    gaara is still most likely psycotic,

    or ther may have been a seal placed on him to suppress shukaku( merly speculation)

  8. #8

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    but, still, saving lee's ass was quite unexpected, imo

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    Gaara never killed purly becuase of the demon, he did it on his own accord.
    i won't deny that the demon had a part on all those killings he did as a kid, but when it comes down to Gaara's will against Shukaku's will, Gaara wins hands down.

    until Gaara fhought naruto, he believed that existence (not only his) is prooved through the act of killing, and when Naruto crawled to him, he thought that naruto is going to kill him, supposdly, it shouldn't have mattered much to him (like how haku wanted naruto to kill him), but then Gaara realized that he wants to keep living. and since Naruto spared his life, he can't go on killing people, becuase he knows that if he does that, then he'll be betyring the trust Naruto gave in him when he allowed him to live. so now, Gaara is looking out to find a new source of strenght and his new way to proove his existence, since killing is a No-No now.

    in other words, Gaara is on his own search for a perssonal nindo, becuase his previous one was broken (once Naruto beat him, there's no point in 'killing everybody else', since he has now become a victim of that way of life), my guess is that Gaara will sit on the fence between good and evil for a few arcs, and then find a nindo of protecting his sibilings, maybe it'll happen once Sakon kill Kiba and Kankaru (and sakon better do that!).

    well, this post was sitting in my mind for a few days now...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    Because Gaara's seen DR. Uzumaki Naruto M.D., and the dr. prescribed him a good dosage of "existence ass wooping."

  11. #11

    Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    I think its because Naruto was fighting for the others and not for himself and was stronger then gaara.

    That change Gaara to see a diffrent poit of life I guess....

  12. #12

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    he is still the same screwed up gaara.

    its just i guess when he is on a mission, he does what he is told even if it is to help someone he once tried to kill.

  13. #13

    RE: Why Gaara is no longer phsycotic.

    It's hard to say. More than likely Gaara and his siblings aer helping Konoha because they discovered they were betrayed by Orochimaru. Perhaps Gaara is the Kazekage (who would deny him?) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    But...I feel that Gaara is questioning is purpose in life. Remember, Gai protected Lee from being killed in the Preliminary matches and Gaara didn't know how to take it. He thought about it constantly and became unhinged (remind him of his uncle).
    Then with Sakura protects, Sasuke (I think) protects, and then Naruto protects and gives his all. Not only that, but Naruto spares Gaara. Though Gaara may be under orders, there is providence, as it were, for Gaara to aid Lee and not the others.

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