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Thread: upload rate faster than download rate

  1. #1

    upload rate faster than download rate

    So, I've got 2% of the l33t-raw for Naruto 79 finished, and my upload is faster than my download. Any idea why?

  2. #2
    Web Monkey Wilik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    San Antonio, Tx

    RE: upload rate faster than download rate

    This is probably because of people limiting thier upload. The way BT works is you connect to xx people and if those xx people limit thier upload to say... 5kb/sec and they allow 3 people to connect to them then you are getting 5kb*xx/3 kb down. Sometimes you just have to wait till you get a hit on a good sharer, someone with like 100kb/s or more upload.

  3. #3

    RE: upload rate faster than download rate

    If you are using DSL, the uploading affects the downloading speed. If the uploading is too high, then it will slow down the download speed. Use a bittorrent program which you can limit the upload speed.

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