As can be seen in chapter 213, Kankurou has already released his doll... But you can alse see ANOTHER puppet on his back... Can this mean Kankurou has mastered the Kugutsu even more?

Well, a lot of time has passed since Gaara was defeated by Naruto... In that time, Naruto learned the Rasengan. Surely, Gaara and his little team have gotten stronger as well... I'm sure Gaara will move around more, that Temari has more skills than just by fan usage and that Kankurou has more secrets put into his puppet(s)... ALso, his tattoos or those marks on his face seem to have changed...

I do wonder what their new skills could be...

Gaara does a major Sphere of Sand and surrounds him, Kimimaro and Lee. Then, he takes Lee, controls the sand and gets out of there, leaving Kimimaro in the Sphere... And then he squashed Kimimaro... Or something of the sort, would be cool, right? .... No? Oh well...

Anyway, the question I started with was if that's really a second doll on Kankurou's back?