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Thread: how will naruto end?

  1. #1

    how will naruto end?

    I know this will be in the distant (hopefully very distant) future, but every anime has an end. We dont know if it will end soon, or drag on forever like .. DBZ. But I just want to know how most people picture the end. A theory of mine:
    Based on that guy's theory of how Itachi is a good guy (go look it up in the official Uchiha Itachi topic), possibly after a while, Itachi will save Sasuke's life, but die in the process. Now Sasuke is completely taken over by the curse and is Oro's partner. Sasuke would be considered a "bad" or evil character. Well, while Itachi is dying, he tells Sasuke the "truth". When Sasuke learns this, he betrays Oro and they go on a 1v1 fight where Sasuke wins and all the cursed seals are shattered. Later on, to get down to the main point (dont know how its gonna get there) the ninetails becomes extremely uncontrollable and his seal breaks. Its basically back at the begining again where Ninetails is killing everyone, but there is one more way to stop it. Naruto has to kill himself to finally destroy the ninetails. When Naruto kills himself, the ninetails is completely rid of and Naruto is praised as the hero of Konoha ( which the 4th had planned Naruto to be a symbol of instead of a monster ). Then Sasuke becomes hokage.

    I just thought of this stuff up. Go ahead and say things. Im sure at least one person will flame me. O well. haha. I made this topic to basically see what you guys are thinking and might as well share some of what i think.

  2. #2
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    thats a really, REALLY bad theory. since if nine tails becomes free he is no longer attached to naruto and naruto would just kill himself and not kyubi.

    i'll write my theory later, dont really got time now.

  3. #3

    how will naruto end?

    ahah that started out going good, until you just ended by saying... and sasuke becomes hokage. LOL that made me laugh. anyway i think the theory about itachi saving sasuke is good and would be a nice ending. but the part about how naruto has to kill himself to rid kyuubi (ninetails) is not what i hope. i kinda reckon that yes, kyuubi will break free from its seal but instead of naruto having to kill himself (cuz yeah like Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya said nine tails would just become free and no longer be attached to naruto, resulting in naruto just killing himself and not kyubi) i reckon naruto will come in (all grown up by this time i hope, kakashi type age [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]) and go 1 on 1 with kyuubi and snap him! lol but that would be expecting too much. soo maybe naruto dies somehow or lives, but no matter what naruto will become the hokage. that is the basis of the whole story.

    anyway nice theory, had potential to me.

    p.s. i wanna see naruto's face on that statue by the end.

  4. #4

    how will naruto end?

    My guess is that, instead of Nine Tails coming free, Naruto will gain the power to defeat Nine Tails, and will kill the demon inside of him, thus absorbing the 9 tails chakra as his own, and also neatly surpassing the Fourth. Naruto will then become the Sixth Hokage (Rokudaime-sama) and get his face carved on the monument.

    Sasuke, however, (I hope) will realize in his quest for vengeance, all he's really doing is becoming his brother instead of becoming strong enough to defeat him, and his revenge will become empty even if he acheives it.

    He'll then come back to Konoha and be another Kakashi character: lost everything he cares about, and hiding everything he feels behind a mask.

  5. #5
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    well all i really wish for is to find out about naruto's parents and the rest of his family, know the real reason why itachi wiped the entire uchiha clan out(if there is another reason) and last but not least........ a fight between sasuke and naruto. and maybe some kyubi rampage somewhere but other than that kishimoto can do as he pleases, i believe in his artistic and story telling talents.

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    Originally posted by: lasaire
    My guess is that, instead of Nine Tails coming free, Naruto will gain the power to defeat Nine Tails, and will kill the demon inside of him, thus absorbing the 9 tails chakra as his own, and also neatly surpassing the Fourth. Naruto will then become the Sixth Hokage (Rokudaime-sama) and get his face carved on the monument.

    Sasuke, however, (I hope) will realize in his quest for vengeance, all he's really doing is becoming his brother instead of becoming strong enough to defeat him, and his revenge will become empty even if he acheives it.

    He'll then come back to Konoha and be another Kakashi character: lost everything he cares about, and hiding everything he feels behind a mask.
    sounds about right.

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  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    Originally posted by: lasaire
    My guess is that, instead of Nine Tails coming free, Naruto will gain the power to defeat Nine Tails, and will kill the demon inside of him,

    man that sounds like the plot of yugioh, because thats what yugi does at the end of the manga

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8

    how will naruto end?

    Everyone dies.

  9. #9

    how will naruto end?

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Originally posted by: lasaire
    My guess is that, instead of Nine Tails coming free, Naruto will gain the power to defeat Nine Tails, and will kill the demon inside of him,

    man that sounds like the plot of yugioh, because thats what yugi does at the end of the manga
    Whoa whoa whoa, Yugioh ends with him defeating his millenium puzzle guy??? i though the millenium puzzle guy was good.

  10. #10

    how will naruto end?

    Who cares about Yugioh, Naruto will probably end when Naruto becomes Hokage, like what lasaire said.

  11. #11

    how will naruto end?

    Nah, I think it will go down like this:

    Naruto gains the position of Hokage, Probably 6th Hokage, then, he will have to give up his life to save the village by allowing Kyubi to take over...

    Who knows where it will go from there, alot of directions...but Konohamaru will probably be the next Hokage after Naruto, and then it will end...

    Of course, it could also end with him becoming Hokage, but I doubt it since Naruto is so popular...but then again, that is right now, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    It could also be a family thing, Kyubi being sealed up in the Uzumaki Clan...and they are the care-takers....

    Anyways, we will find out eventually, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    - Reason -

  12. #12

    how will naruto end?

    it won't end with naruto becoming hokage. it'll end with a huge battle between naruto and sasuke. sasuke.

    then a year or two later, a new series will come out. called like... naruto v. where naruto and his friends are all older. starting off with a story like sakura being confronted --after becoming an iruka lvl genin teacher for a few years-- by sasuke, who is returning to town to check up on things, (he has evil plans we don't know about! oo~h!) then kakashi or someone arrives after hearing some commotion and sasuke fights him. sasuke could clearly win, but chooses to retreat instead. he returns again a little while later for some spooky reason and is involved in a huge battle with several top ninjas of the town including possibly aburame shino (yes!) but before sasuke can claim any lives or anything, Naruto returns saving the day. no one has seen naruto since the big battle that ended the first series. many thought him dead, but really he had just become a wanderer learning various skills in the various countries. like wind and sand and stuff. now he's returned because the 5th hokage is getting old and she alone knew of his whereabouts. she sent for him so he could return and become refamiliar with the town. he intends to become hokage, but sasuke has other plans. ...sasuke? or orochimaru...

    of course, that would recquire sasuke to be dead for orochimaru to take over his body, and that totally would piss off an annoying percentage of japanese fans, so it won't happen.

  13. #13

    how will naruto end?

    Originally posted by: titstroke
    it won't end with naruto becoming hokage. it'll end with a huge battle between naruto and sasuke. sasuke.

    then a year or two later, a new series will come out. called like... naruto v. where naruto and his friends are all older. starting off with a story like sakura being confronted --after becoming an iruka lvl genin teacher for a few years-- by sasuke, who is returning to town to check up on things, (he has evil plans we don't know about! oo~h!) then kakashi or someone arrives after hearing some commotion and sasuke fights him. sasuke could clearly win, but chooses to retreat instead. he returns again a little while later for some spooky reason and is involved in a huge battle with several top ninjas of the town including possibly aburame shino (yes!) but before sasuke can claim any lives or anything, Naruto returns saving the day. no one has seen naruto since the big battle that ended the first series. many thought him dead, but really he had just become a wanderer learning various skills in the various countries. like wind and sand and stuff. now he's returned because the 5th hokage is getting old and she alone knew of his whereabouts. she sent for him so he could return and become refamiliar with the town. he intends to become hokage, but sasuke has other plans. ...sasuke? or orochimaru...

    of course, that would recquire sasuke to be dead for orochimaru to take over his body, and that totally would piss off an annoying percentage of japanese fans, so it won't happen.

    but not 1 year or 2 later...just AFTER the serie finish...or just continue the serie whit naruto and all the others a little bit older!...

  14. #14
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    it will end with a huge ninja battle with naruto facing 20,000 enemy ninja naruto will do kagebushin useing kyubi chakra createing 20,000 narutos and the bettle to end all batttles will begin in the end naruto will sacrifice himself to save the village just as the 4th did to become a hero .

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  15. #15

    how will naruto end?

    naruto will become hokage, and be know as the greatest shinobi that ever lived, he also kik sasukes ass and make him his b*&^% hehe, jp, i dont really know hwo it will end, but one thing that i think will happen is that he will become hokage and everyone in the village will acknowleg him as a great shinobi

  16. #16

    how will naruto end? is my opinion(after a time jump to the future):

    Sasuke's body is taken over by Oro and Naruto becomes the 6th hokage, setting up another Hokage level fight. Naruto and Sasuke/Oro clash in a massive battle that smashes forest to the ground. In the end, both are exhausted and they preform one last heroic charge. Sasuke deals a death blow to Naruto, and Naruto gives a stirring speech that awakens Sasuke's soul inside and allows him to drive out Oro...Oro's spirit explodes above their heads and Sasuke drops to his knees, tears in his eyes because he has killed his old, best friend. The other Konoha nins show up, Sakura, and Naruto's wife and child(Hinata[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]), as this is happening. They see the spirit of Oro driven out, and then Sasuke vows to repay the debts he owes for what he has done. Naruto then, with his dying breath, tells Sasuke that Sasuke must protect everyone now that Naruto is dying and names Sasuke the next hokage. Sasuke stares in disbelief and Naruto's eyes drift closed for the last time and we see an episode long flashback of the major moments in his entire life. Then back to the present, we have a flash forward episode where we see Sasuke marry Sakura, become hokage, and lead the village of Konoha into a golden age of prosperity because Naruto killed all their enemies and there is no one left to fight.

    And before people say that Sasuke has to die for Oro to take over his body:
    Oro took over the guys body and suddenly regained use of his arms. Since the Hokage's jutsu completely cut off Oro's spirit arms, that means that the arms can not be Oros. Therefor, the spirit arms must belong to the man that Oro took over. In which case, it is probable that the rest of the man's spirit is still inside his body, but completely subserviant to Oro's will and Oro is just controlling the other guy's arms in order to do his jutsu. Like the way Gamabunta used Naruto to transform and the way the Oro used Kabuto to summon the giant snake(can't remember its name).

    That's just my idea of what could happen...for some reason it seems very anime-esque to me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    nice theory, eriond, welcome aboard..

    here's my theory:
    after all the current plot lines are over (i won't explain how i think they should end here, this topic is for another reason), there's a time jump to Naruto's 25+, when he's married to some girl (prefferably Hinata) and she's already in an advance stage of pregency.
    at this point we have a final arc, reavlling that the seal on Naruto is weakning from all the uses of it, and that the Kyubi will emarge again. suprisingly, that event happens in the same day his child is born, so Naruto decides to go after the 4th and seal the kyubi, and of course, the target is his own son, Naruto dies.
    then there's a final time jump, about 12 years to the future, Naruto's son is a genin (with Sasuke's child, and maybe Shikamaru's one [since Sasuke will obviously go on with Sakura...]), and on the survival test, we see that the stone of heros killed in action has Naruto's name on it, implying that Naruto was achknowleged as a hero, and then Sasuke's child calls Naruto's son to hurry on (in a friendly matter), meaning that Naruto's son is considered to be a hero, like Naruto was supposed to be.

    that's a fitting ending, me thinks, what about ya?

    Benjamin, the guy with the 40$ paycheck; in your face, poors!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  18. #18

    how will naruto end?

    Everybody dies from the hype crushing them just by forums.

  19. #19

    how will naruto end?

    Originally posted by: originalkrn

    Based on that guy's theory of how Itachi is a good guy (go look it up in the official Uchiha Itachi topic), .
    Now, how can a guy who's a henchman of the Akatsuki, an organization to which Orochimaru used to belong and left because he wasn't evil enough, be a good guy?

  20. #20
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    how will naruto end?

    well, obvisouly you didn't read my theory (itachi discussion, page 4), I think I explained it quite well there...

    here are some main points of it.
    Itachi knows who killed the uchiha clan.
    Itachi can't beat that guy.
    Itachi believes that Sasuke has the potenital to do that.
    Itachi want to nuture Sasuke's hate to make him strong.
    When time comes, Itachi will reveal the truth to Sasuke through the mange shiringan, as a sign of passing on the torch of being the heir to the uchiha clan.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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