I'm just wondering because it seems like a movie discussion thread, and I think it's just as if not more worthy of posting as a Spider-man, Hellboy, or Punisher thread. It's among the top 10 domestic blockbusters of all time (number 8 I believe), ahead of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and just behind Jurassic Park. I think that makes it worthy of discussion. Are you just affraid of having a religious debate breaking out? Are you just against this movie because of the Christian content? Or are you affraid of the anti-semmitism that the person foolishly portrayed in his post and the firefight that will possibly come about because of it? This thread is in General Discussion which is where I think it has every right to be.
And Uzumaki Naruto, the movie does not protray the Jewish people as evil. Know why? Jesus was Jewish. His mother was Jewish. His disciples were all Jewish. If someone in the movie wasn't Roman, they were Jewish. The people who welcomed Jesus as he rode in on the donkey were not the same people crying out for his crucifiction. The people demanding his death were temple workers that the chief priests ordered to appear at the trial butt frelling early in the morning while everyone else would have been asleep. It's like having a movie with the good American military VS the evil American General who wants to blow up San Fransisco, in that the bad guys were Americans but does that mean the movie was saying that Americans are evil? What about the good guys? Who were they? Are we thinking yet?