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Thread: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

  1. #41

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Itachi isn't as strong as a Hokage. The 3rd wasn't really hokage really. More liek a replacement so was the 5th. THe 3rd's time apssed. In his prime Oro can't touch him or the other sannins, so he can beat Itachi. The 4th could most likely beat him also. Tusande is a replacemnet for the death as I said and she isn't a fighter. The 1st and 2nd who knows if he can beat him. Plus He might not want to be hokage by the way. The otehr hyuga's don't even go to the academy.

  2. #42

    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    the 4th was strong but he could not defeat any of the sannin i dont believe. he had his sealing jutsu but , remember the reason Oro wasnt chosen to Hokage was because of his dark side. Oro wanted to be Hokage because he was sure he was the strongest...and the things the 3rd said tended to support that. as for Oro not being able to touch the 3rd in his prime...hrmm possible but Oro had such a superiority complex going until he was caught that i dont think he was fighting his hardest..actually he wasnt he was letting the first, and the second fight in his stead. However i am inclined to believe the 3rd was stronger when he was at the same age as Oro

  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Originally posted by: SkyDragon
    Neji isn't slow. Gai said the 5th gate WITH the Ura Renge was the key to beating Neji. He obviously can beat him if he tries any less. The stronger the attack on the user the more hurt the person who did the attack against the kaiten. Neji is quite fast as seen with his battle agasint kidoumoru. He also was easily beating all does clones of Naruto attacking 2 and a lot more at a time withotu even being tired 1 bit.

    You can't base the power of each with characters. You can know what it's capable of but you can't say since Neji > Sasuke or Sasuke > Neji the sharingan/byukagan is better. We haven't seen any main family moves aside from 2. We've seen 2 of the strongest move for the sharingan.
    you're right, he CAN beat neji if he tries less than that....lee obviously has gone through alot of training since the last time he challenged neji, so its hard for anyone to guess how far he'd have to go to be able to surpass him.....he might only need 1 gate, or maybe none at all....

    its extremely hard to see how fast neji was against kidoumaru since its manga....but i dont see any reason why he WAS fast based on the manga.....and you dont need alot of speed to beat naruto's clones and not be tired

    if you ask me, the fact that gai acknowledges lee as a taijutsu specialist who would lose to no one would indicate that his taijutsu level is much higher than neji's......gai should know more than anyone, and the only thing neji trains for taijutsu is power and chakra control, not physical speed...this is why he's considered more of a defensive character

    i never said that the outcome of a match between neji and sasuke determines which clan is better, btw
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #44

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Personally I think that Sasuke and Hinata should hook up and then you would have the Ultimate Ninja Baby!


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  5. #45

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Personally I think that Sasuke and Hinata should hook up and then you would have the Ultimate Ninja Baby!

    The baby would have either Sharingan or Byakugan. Depends on what genes are stronger. But if they would somehow get mixed... omg.

  6. #46

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    why do people keep saying that with the sharingan the person will just dodge the hit. We have seen plenty of times where sasuke has been hit. So you cant jsut say that, sasuke saw lees kicks coming every time and still got owned by them. Byakugan on the other hand allows you too see it and then counter. That is its purpose. I also agree with the person that said that Byakugan is open ended. not every one is awesome that have it. only the elite like the head of the family will learn all of the really good techniques.

  7. #47

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    quote: "i dunno......i find it very hard to believe that any konoha jounin is better than kakashi and gai
    and since kakashi lost to itachi pretty badly.......i'd say itachi would beat hiashi"

    i don't remember kakashi lossing to itachi. can someone tell me when this happened -- and where i can find it?


  8. #48

    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    You don't remember that. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Edit: Chapter 142 to be exact. You can find it at Do you even read the manga?

  9. #49

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    I believe that with the sharingan one can reverse engineer the gentle fist style fighting. With the powers of a skilled sharingan user, one could observe the intended targets of the gentle fist and replay them against the opponent. It wouldnt be perfect due to the chakra holes possibly being in slightly different locations on different peoples bodies, but i believe that one could get close enough and perhaps with practice/repeated viewings one would get even better. Of course someone would still need the required chakra control to be able to release chakra from the hands/finger tips, but that seems like something just about any ninja on the show should be capable of learning.

    with that said, i also believe that buykugan would offer some level of protection against the mange sharingan attack.. i dont have any evidence to support this, but i just think that eye jutsu's should cancel each other out somehow..

  10. #50
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Originally posted by: RangeOfHakke
    why do people keep saying that with the sharingan the person will just dodge the hit. We have seen plenty of times where sasuke has been hit. So you cant jsut say that, sasuke saw lees kicks coming every time and still got owned by them. Byakugan on the other hand allows you too see it and then counter. That is its purpose. I also agree with the person that said that Byakugan is open ended. not every one is awesome that have it. only the elite like the head of the family will learn all of the really good techniques.
    that was BEFORE his body was fast enough to dodge it....dont you remember the whole conversation between lee and sasuke? lee specifically says "even if you can see my moves, your body still wont be able to react fast enough to avoid it"
    also note the other detail lee mentioned during the main matches, where sasuke's sharingan gives him the upper hand because he can run straight at an enemy and still be able to react fast enough to avoid any counter attacks
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #51

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Itachi will own him.
    Hiashi won't even get close enough to do 64 hands of hakke.
    Like Rock Lee said, your eyes can keep up, but can your body?
    we know itachi has a lightning speed....

  12. #52
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    i thinks rock lee would stand a decent chance against itachi up until he gets his ass kicked

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  13. #53
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    i thinks rock lee would stand a decent chance against itachi up until he gets his ass kicked
    what? this doesn't make any sense. itachi would tear of rock lee's head as soon as rock lee blinks.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #54

    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    You don't remember that. Chapter 142 to be exact. You can find it at Do you even read the manga?

    yes. but there was a time <can't quite remember when> when i read obsessively through about 30-40 chapters... guess i should go back and revisit them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] with patience this time.

    thanks for the info.

  15. #55
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    that sentence didn't even make sense, there's no point in discussing something so obvious, you can replace Lee with Udon (plz, restrain yourselves from udon jokes, that trend is over, and we're all very happy about it) and it'll be the same.

    Udon will fight decently against Itachi until he gets his ass kicked = until Itachi kicks udon's ass, udon will put up a fight.

    by the way, itachi isn't afraid of anyone alone, but he is worried that he'll be ganged up by ninjas who have one skill higher than his, and that they'll work together to beat him, for the same reason, he retreats alot, so he won't reveal any week points to his enemies, think about it, Itachi retreated becuase he didn't want to reveal the fact that Gai is faster than him, and he didn't want to expose all his secrets while fighting Jiriya, if he was afraid that Jiriya will retreat with Naruto and then make a counter to all of his attacks, and even worse, will provide information about his attacks to the leaf village.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  16. #56
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    i seemed to me like he was actually reluctant to put up a fight against jiraiya for more reason than just exposing secrets
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #57
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    by the way, itachi isn't afraid of anyone alone, but he is worried that he'll be ganged up by ninjas who have one skill higher than his, and that they'll work together to beat him, for the same reason, he retreats alot, so he won't reveal any week points to his enemies, think about it, Itachi retreated becuase he didn't want to reveal the fact that Gai is faster than him, and he didn't want to expose all his secrets while fighting Jiriya, if he was afraid that Jiriya will retreat with Naruto and then make a counter to all of his attacks, and even worse, will provide information about his attacks to the leaf village.
    jesus christ...ever heard of a RUN ON SENTENCE? lol

    but anyways, i dunno about your theory on why itachi ran away. we still don't know why itachi isn't like "OMFG WE HAVE TO GET NARUTO RIGHT NOW OR PLAN FAILS" he seems to be taking it real easy. i don't think time is concern for him.

    i mean... itachi > kyubi, you know. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  18. #58

    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    Hiashi would not waste time useing the hakke it is likely he can thrust enough chakra into someone to kill them with one finger. he is someone you cant get within touching distance or your dead. Itachi would definately know this. And as long as he does not get within kaiten range( wich he probably will not ) hiashi will not be able to match Itachi range Ninjutsu

  19. #59
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    i never did get the point of the 64 hands of hakke seems like it would be more practical just to make them all mortal blows instead of just trying to disable their chakra
    maybe the move was intended for keeping an enemy alive so they can interrogate him later [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #60

    RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one

    you think itachi is at hokage lvl? don't make me laugh. Itahi is a little stronger than orochimaru, and orochimaru has to wait until the third is almost dead to attack konoha. Neither is the Hyuga clan can be that strong. As for the hiashi vs itachi, no one knows for certain. But Hiashi is definitely above jounin lvls. Look at zabuza vs kakashi fight, if it wasn't for naruto, kakashi is dead. I am sure hiashi can take out zabuza without a sweat.

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