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Thread: Soon in anime itachi will appear

  1. #21

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i remember back in the first saga of naruto....where all the ninjas actually LOOKED crazy gills, no extra detachable head.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Well, it's in the family... limit bloodline.
    Haku didn't look normal. He was too pretty for his own good.
    Even if their weirdness is kinda cute, Sasuke and Hinata definitly aren't your run-of-the-mill average looking ninja, and they were there from day one. As you know, they have those abnormal, kinda scary, weird looking eyes. So, it wasn't hard to forsee what we had coming.
    They're getting uglier by the arc, and Kisame is, by far, the most disgusting. He's obviously evil, while Itachi has enough decieving good looks to make him likeably evil.
    Gaara has still some childlike cuteness left on him, and Kimimaru, keeping those bones to himself, is an honest-to-goodness bishounen.
    Kisame, however, is really unbearable. Besides having a name too close to kisama for comfort, he gets to be uglier than Kankuro. And, if you're saying that his face is all white, he definitly should try wearing some make-up.

  2. #22

    Soon in anime itachi will appear

    If we're talking previews of him, we all know that the first thing we see of him is when he's standing on the konoha wall and says "no, not at all", we'll see that maybe in the preview of 81 or 82.

  3. #23

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Besides having a name too close to kisama for comfort, he gets to be uglier than Kankuro. And, if you're saying that his face is all white, he definitly should try wearing some make-up. [quote]

    kisama explain that one

    the name kisame hoshigaki means demon shark. so is appearance fits his name and why do you think kisame is by far the most disgusting character for me he is thee most badass character.

    just me though.

  4. #24

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    yea, it's just you who thinks he's most badass. I haven't seen or heard enough about him for me to really dislike or like him. He doesn't need make-up, he's supposed to look like a shark, that would just make him look like a gay one.

  5. #25

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    really his looks are just demonic enough to make him look evil and still retain some human personality. yeah his skin is supposed to be white but im still wondering if his hair will be grey,orange or something like that better not be blue.

    i can't wait till he makes more appearance's.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i remember back in the first saga of naruto....where all the ninjas actually LOOKED crazy gills, no extra detachable head.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Well, it's in the family... limit bloodline.
    Haku didn't look normal. He was too pretty for his own good.
    Even if their weirdness is kinda cute, Sasuke and Hinata definitly aren't your run-of-the-mill average looking ninja, and they were there from day one. As you know, they have those abnormal, kinda scary, weird looking eyes. So, it wasn't hard to forsee what we had coming.
    They're getting uglier by the arc, and Kisame is, by far, the most disgusting. He's obviously evil, while Itachi has enough decieving good looks to make him likeably evil.
    Gaara has still some childlike cuteness left on him, and Kimimaru, keeping those bones to himself, is an honest-to-goodness bishounen.
    Kisame, however, is really unbearable. Besides having a name too close to kisama for comfort, he gets to be uglier than Kankuro. And, if you're saying that his face is all white, he definitly should try wearing some make-up.
    huh? not THAT picky about strangeness in looks.....i accept the fact that some ninjas can look like "pretty boys" like haku and that they can have strangely colored eyes and stuff....
    but 6 arms? a brother that can live inside your body? seriously....the only reason i dont let it bug me too much is knowing that the sound village always has crazy messed up ninjas like that (after all, zaku for example, DID have those things implanted in his arms)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    [i]Originally posted by: [b
    kisama explain that one

    the name kisame hoshigaki means demon shark. so is appearance fits his name and why do you think kisame is by far the most disgusting character for me he is thee most badass character.

    just me though.
    I said for *me* it sounded like that...
    And why do I think he looks disgusting? Just a matter of personal aestetic choice.
    Assertn was talking about characters looking *normal* and that led me to reflect on the appearance of the characters and evaluate how close to normal they are. And somehow, I fit a personal and irrational judgement of value in my comment.
    I do think he is evil, perhaps even more evil than Itachi. But,in terms of personal choice for the face of evil, I like evil people who look good or have a fragile, idiotic appearance, since that can be extremelly decieving. I hate to mention Gaara again, but his small size, for one, sent at least 6 guys that we know of to their untimely deaths.
    But, just by looking at Kisame, you would know that any contact with him will put you up to for a lot of trouble, so your first instinct would normally be to stay at a safe distance from such individual, since he who runs away, lives to fight another day.
    Therefore, my theory is that, good looking evil guys can be more effective in disposing of their enemies and attaining their goals. Just think of the possibilities of Sakura turning evil, with her looks. As I said, idiotic also fits my theory.
    On the other hand, in open battle, horrible looks can certainly come to your advantage. Scaring your enemy right of the bat will obviously give you a great deal of advantage. Especially, if he/she has no other choice than deal with you.
    For example, Neji is a pretty boy, but his byakugan eyes can be pretty disgusting at times. Even Hinata, who should know better by then, having lived with that sort of people for at least 12 years straight, got scared crapless. Not that she isn't a scaredy cat. My point is that a disguisting apperance can be scary even to those used to it and therefore effective. Also, good evil speech, being your face pretty or not, can really come in hand. Let me review Kisame's speech and I will get back to you on that. He may be even worse than I tought.

    And on a personal note, why did you ask me that? I am tired of seeing people saying oh, I hate this or that charater, for no good reason at all and this or that charater is whatever. Not that I am not pleased to give my opinion, but why kono Neji-aniki here is the only one who is asked: care to explain? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    owww......i just got italicize-ed!
    this is why i think legato bluesummers is the greatest villain of all time......he's so calm and content that most commoners dont think much of him.....yet at the same time in a serious situation he is very intimidating.....there are alot of other reasons why i find him to be such an interesting villian than those qualities though
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #29

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    what i was asking is what is kisama mean. if it has another meaning.

  10. #30
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Soon in anime itachi will appear

    There's one thing that annoyes me with Kisame- we all know he won't be a badass.

    there's no going around that, as much as I like to think of him as Zabuza #2 (Zabuza is one of the best anime villans, me thinks), it seems that he's just a stupid goon who followes Itachi and won't stand a chance against any 'half cool' jounin, he falls into the class of arrogant muscular buffons, like most of Inuyasha's 3 episode enemies, or the guy from Kenshin's first episode.. all brawns and no brains...

    it's a really annoying trait of animes, pretty boys are allways stronger than strong looking guys, think about it, the guy with the thin curved sword and the long hair will allways beat the heavy wheight champion which uses a broad sword...

    and not only that, Kisame has yet to speak one word of 'intelect' yet, all he said was how much his sword is great and how awsome he is, and when a bad guy speaks like that, we know he's just bark and no bite.

    Too bad, Kisame could have taken a good spot in the badass list, now he's just Itachi's side kick... destined to be beaten by the likes of Sakura and the girl team..

    Edit: I know that Berserk isn't like this, but it's an exceptional, so mighty and great as the manga\anime is, it's not part of the discussion.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #31

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    heh well, this Hoshigaki Kisame crap has gotten everything off-topic now. You didn't have to write a short essay explaining yourself Neiji-Aniki, some people just don't always agree with each other. It's a valid point that idiotic looking people (like Rock Lee or Gai) are more suprising when evil, but Kisame's "ugly" appearance is purposeful to fit his personality and name.

  12. #32

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    HelLO double posting! Be careful, guys. Every time you double post, God kills a kitten.

    For sangai sakusei:

    Kisame Hoshigaki: Demon shark

    kisamA: An extremely rude form of 'you'. If you call someone 'kisama,' it's often translated most accurately as 'you asshole' or 'you bastard.'

  13. #33

    Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Kisame isn't a great bad guy, he's strong, but I think it's just to show how great Itachi is to have him as just a follower. And yea, you hear people yelling Kisama when they're angry at somebody.

    v I didn't really like Shishio. Legato Bluesummers, Hajime Saitou, Dr. Jackal, and Vicious are the type of bad guys that I like. v

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    the strongest villians dont always have to be pretty boys.....take shishio for example [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    although it is true that the guy with the biggest sword/muscles usually isnt the greatest villian....but thats prolly because they tend to be the more boring villains.....all they can do is just hack and slash stuff, while the smaller, more craftier villians are the ones that are fun to watch
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35

    Soon in anime itachi will appear

    thank you for explaining the kisama.

    well i dunno, i think kisame is more then just a sidekick, he is one of the mist seven strongest. and he has to be very strong just to get into the akatsuki.

    i guess for me. the fact the kisame resembles a shark and what not are what i like. water jutsu's and such. i really relate to him for some reason. i guess its because if i was a character id be one similar to his a "hack and slash character" but i think kisame has more going for him then some of you think. after all he is in the akatsuki and we know so very little about them.

  16. #36

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    There's one thing that annoyes me with Kisame- we all know he won't be a badass.

    there's no going around that, as much as I like to think of him as Zabuza #2 (Zabuza is one of the best anime villans, me thinks), it seems that he's just a stupid goon who followes Itachi and won't stand a chance against any 'half cool' jounin, he falls into the class of arrogant muscular buffons, like most of Inuyasha's 3 episode enemies, or the guy from Kenshin's first episode.. all brawns and no brains...

    it's a really annoying trait of animes, pretty boys are allways stronger than strong looking guys, think about it, the guy with the thin curved sword and the long hair will allways beat the heavy wheight champion which uses a broad sword...

    and not only that, Kisame has yet to speak one word of 'intelect' yet, all he said was how much his sword is great and how awsome he is, and when a bad guy speaks like that, we know he's just bark and no bite.

    Too bad, Kisame could have taken a good spot in the badass list, now he's just Itachi's side kick... destined to be beaten by the likes of Sakura and the girl team..

    Obviously you're not a Berserk fan... Gatts wields a 6foot sword and nothing can beat him... he is in no way bishi and he hates homos... he's like something you'd read in an american comic

  17. #37
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Originally posted by: Daniel of Lorien
    Obviously you're not a Berserk fan... Gatts wields a 6foot sword and nothing can beat him... he is in no way bishi and he hates homos... he's like something you'd read in an american comic
    exactly what i was gonna say.

    kisame is bad ass i think, but not like itachi bad ass. he has to be stronger than zabuza cuz there is no point of introducing someone who is so similiar yet, weaker.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  18. #38

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Well, even if Kisame doesn't have the range of jutsus or chakra potential of Itachi, that huge sword of his sucks chakra. That alone could make him very very difficult to fight. Not unbeatable, but difficult.

    What's scary about Itachi is his mystery. Nobody has any idea what his real motives are, and unlike Orochimaru and Kisame, who very obviously enjoy mayhem and murder, Itachi is much more subtle. He's not too proud to retreat when the ultimate goal is unachievable. That makes for someone MUCH more dangerous in the long run. SOmebody like Orochimaru or Kisame will get into fights just for the hell of it, and arrogance can certainly be deadly. Itachi, however, has more cunning than arrogance, which makes for a much scarier badass.

  19. #39
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Me not a Berserk fan? you've got to kidding...

    {insert a really long speach about how ownish the anime was}

    and also

    {here comes a speach about how great the manga is}

    and lets not forget that

    {a speach about how 'real' the story and the charecters are}

    and basically

    Berserk is the best manga i've read so far.

    after all that said and done, I'd like to point out that Berserk is an exceptional one of a kind anime, and that Naruto isn't following in it's footsteps.
    Berserk doesn't represnt all action animes (I wish it did, though, that would mean we have a shitload of good manga to read), Inuyasha or Kenshin fit in more for the prototype of the genre...

    you have to admit that in most action animes, the big and scary looking guys are usually cannon folder with visions of grandiouze...

    About the Kisame-Zabuza topic, i wonder wheather they both become missing nins in the same incident, cuz if they did, it means that either Kisame is weaker than Zabuza or just incrediably stupid, since Zabuza was the one who planned the assisantaion and the coup' de' fout (something like that), so it's either that he was the strongest of them (and therefore the leader) or he was weaker but smarter (and therefore Kisame is an idiot), but since Kisame said that he was the strongest of the seven, it means he's not a thinking type, and he was just Zabuza's tool.

    ofcouse, that all depends on wheather or not they become missing nins together...

    oh, and speaking of Berserk, does anyone know what chapter is the begining of Volume 27? i've grown tired of waiting for the big 'tha hawks' realese, so i want to switch over to evilgenious and then replace it with the volume release in july...

    can one of you guys help a depressed Berserk fan?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #40

    RE: Soon in anime itachi will appear

    Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
    what i was asking is what is kisama mean. if it has another meaning.
    Glad you asked [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Kisama actually means *your honorable self*. But, in the same way the word gay doesn't mean happy anymore, kisama nowadays means you in a very denigrating way. When you call somebody that, you're actually saying that he is a bastard, inferior to you. It's interesting how *your honorable self* turned out into bastard... As a matter of fact, that are other forms of you that are insulting, and yet others that are insulting depending on your degree of intimacy you have with the other person. Quite fascinating, I'd say.
    Still it was just the sound of Kisame that bugged me a bit.
    One more thing about Kisame is that I don't know yet if he's entitled to his appearance. I mean, is he such a badass that his appearance goes in tandem with his evil self, and thus becoming of him?
    And bear with me while I explain what I consider entitlement.
    Kankuro is ugly. So far, for me, it's inexcusable, since he is afraid of Gaara and kind of a overconfident coward in a twisted way. Let's see now if one he will show that his bad looks are akin to his badassness.
    Here we have a multifaceted issue.
    In Kisame's case, he would be entitled to his ugliness once confirmed that he is a true badass, and thus his inner and outer self would be in harmony.
    Haku, even being on the wrong side, was pretty and good, so another example of outer/inner self harmony.
    The, we have somebody like Shino. He doesn't talk much, which is good. But more importantly, if he hadn't that cool 80's appeararance, that appeals to nostalgic older audiences, he'd done for. Without this generational appeal, he'd be just a creepy disgusting guy. As Kiba very well put, he's a mushiotaku, a bug-freak. I bet Kankuro's poison was just insecticide, since he knew he'd fighting Shino in the first place. In any case, nobody likes a bug-freak. There's kind of a balance, here. And still harmony but of a different nature.
    Neji, is another good one. He can be as arrogant and hypocrite as he pleases. Furthermore, he get away with his smug appearance. Why?
    Because he also doesn't talk much and the little he says is pretty much true. He said: Maybe you didn't beat him enough. True. Everything he said to Hinata, true. A loser is a loser. In principle, yes.
    His discourse is completely enervating for the little I think I know of Japanese. He says Hinata-sama, and in the same breath, kiken shiro (give up). The way he says give up is the way to order somebody around. And sama is a very respectful way to treat others. Obviously, you *don't* order around somebody who is your superior. He says that in a very cool manner, so that's a clear hint of his true feelings. And, when we think, what did a shy, weak creature such as Hinata actually did to deserve the huge and personal hatred he nurtures towards her, not to mention the killing intent involved, the situation gets even more mind-blowing. So, those conflict generating contrasts inside his tortured self, entitle him to be as much of a jackass as he is. Even in its precarious nature, this balance of anger/coolness, makes him a likeable character, his obnoxious nature notwithstanding.
    Naruto, though, is the supreme example of entitlement. He can be as annoying and a pain in the ass and dense as much as he wants, because he's the most compassionate character there. Won't go into why, but IMO it's his compassion, not his strenght that will make him an Hokage.
    Anyhow, all that to say that I don't know yet if Kisame is entitled to his ugliness.
    I see that you already realized that he is, which will lead me to re-read the manga and try to grasp this point that I didn't get, yet.
    Yeah, it's kinda off-topic, but I am still shell-shocked with Gaara, and giving a lot of thought on the nature of evil, entitlement, aesthetics, the fine line between flaws and a true evil nature and the like.

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