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Thread: Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

  1. #1

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    just thought i'd post to tell it's genius and would be an intresting story plot twist [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    Hahaha that makes no sense .. but it's funny. You might want to put some input into existing threads rather than add more ridiculous ones [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    yeah paris hilton moúst be narutos mother they have the same hairs colour

  4. #4

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    You could've posted this in the plot twists thread, even though it sounds utterly stupid to me. No need to keep making new threads about each of your ideas.

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    if you have to sprout an unreasonable theory, at least do it with style, like this:

    Orochimaru and Anko are Naruto's parents, but secertly, Anko fell for the 4th, and when a baby was needed to contain the Kyubi, she gave him Naruto. when Orochimaru heard that, he was really pissed off that his wife went to his rival's side and that his son is forever marked by him, so that's why he didn't take Naruto with him to the sound village.

    when time came, he saved Naruto from further abuse by Anko (who hates him, because she now hates Oro and everything that reminds her of him) by getting her attention to himself, and then he sent Kabuto to watch over him and make sure his son won't get into trouble.
    when orochimaru realiezed that the Kyubi is taking over Naruto, he knew he had to stop it by putting the seal on, or else naruto would get into dangerous fights against people like Gaara or Neji, and Orochimaru doesn't want him to get involved with anything dangerous.

    moving on to the tsunde arc: at this point oro sees that Naruto is hanging with his old rival, Jiriya, and then he totally loses his mind in hate to the son that reminds him so much of his rivals, that he tries to kill him to stop him from becoming a useless pervert like Jiriya.

    and the current arc: Oro regains his mind and decides to do his son a favor, so he sends his men to get rid of Naruto's rival, Sasuke. but that's not all, he plans to make everyone aknowldge (sp!) Naruto by posing as Sasuke (taking over him) and losing shamefully to Naruto, and then the village will make Naruto the hokage and Oro will finally be able to rest in peace, cuz his son achived his dream (his refrears to both of them, i'm too lazy to grammtically correct it. it's also Orochimaru's dream to become hokage, which was stolen by the 4th).

    you see? that's how a theory (dumb as it may be) should look like.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #6

    Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    Way to go man.

  7. #7

    RE: Check this one out Naruto is Orchimaru's son

    soooooooo star wars........

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