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Thread: Literacy

  1. #21

    RE: Literacy

    What a stupid thing to complain about

  2. #22
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    RE: Literacy

    This brings up another valid point, Uzumaki ....

    People abbreviate things because "it takes too long to type the whole thing in" ... which is fine. But can you really say that you still type the 30-40 cpm you did when you first started using "u"? I got my first computer 4 and a half years ago, and now type closer to 450 cpm on a bad day. If you're thinking so fast that you can't take the time to type "you" then either you should slow down and reconsider your words, or you should realize that you're only saving yourself 2 keystrokes while looking like dumbass in the process.

    A bad abbreviation is one that doesn't save a significant number or significant percentage of keystrokes. Compare "u" to "stfw" -- "u" shortens "you" by 2 characters, saving you two keypresses. On the other hand, "stfw" shortens "search the fucking web" by 18 or so keypresses. If you're typing 180 cpm, "search the fucking web" will take you about 10 seconds to write, where "stfw" will take you more like 1-2 seconds, for a savings of a whole 8 seconds of your life. On the other hand the time you save thinking "I'll abbreviate you to u" and finding the "u" key isn't significant. As you get to be a faster typist, you would probably tend to move away from the tradeoff "look like an idiot but type a bit faster" with the diminished returns of the cost of keystrokes.

    I recommend to get you over your inability to type as fast as you think, I'd call 150-200 cpm a fairly "normal" range where you can probably keep up with your mental dialogue without too much difficulty. If you're below that you should consider finding a copy of the game "Typing of the Dead" -- which is the greatest learning-to-type game ever created, and get faster.

    Of course, refusal to improve at a skill because you're attached to shortcuts also falls under that "aliteracy" thing... the attitude "I will not improve myself or my abilities" is in my opinion despicable, changing you from a human to a useless husk, a waste of biomass and at best a replacable nearly valueless consumer.

  3. #23
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    RE: Literacy

    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    What a stupid thing to complain about
    Jesus, where the hell are you guys comming with this "whining" and "complaining" accusations from? I am merely worried, because this generation is going to be in charge of the U.S when we grow up, and the president of the U.S using "u", "lol", and so forth, would be very, very sad. I guess you could I say I am worried about the future, and I want to know why people shorten and abreviate words that are easy to spell in the first place. This is merly to soothe my curiosity, and if anyone calls that complaining, well, they can go shove it up their ass for all I care.

    As far as I can tell, it seems most people shorten words and use abreviations to save time or make it easier to type. All fine and good; if that is what they want to do, I sure as hell won't be their mother and say they can't. But is it really worth looking like an idiot to save a few seconds off your life, which you are probably going to spend on the computer anyway?

    PS: I am not a perfect speller, jesus christ. We all make mistakes

  4. #24
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Literacy

    Originally posted by: SideLabel
    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    What a stupid thing to complain about
    Jesus, where the hell are you guys comming with this "whining" and "complaining" accusations from? I am merely worried, because this generation is going to be in charge of the U.S when we grow up, and the president of the U.S using "u", "lol", and so forth, would be very, very sad. I guess you could I say I am worried about the future, and I want to know why people shorten and abreviate words that are easy to spell in the first place. This is merly to soothe my curiosity, and if anyone calls that complaining, well, they can go shove it up their ass for all I care.
    Sheesh, you're acting as if every single person does it, and the country is doomed! There are lots of people who do it properly. Don't worry, I'm sure the person who becomes president in the next generation will use proper English.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #25

    RE: Literacy

    Jesus, where the hell are you guys comming with this "whining" and "complaining" accusations from? I am merely worried, because this generation is going to be in charge of the U.S when we grow up, and the president of the U.S using "u", "lol", and so forth, would be very, very sad
    This is what were trying to say. Step out of the computer/gameing/anime world for a moment. How many people, professionally do you see going omg u r sign meh contractorz?


    People talk like this in short form, created various words mainly for chatrooms,games,and the internet in general.

    I don't know about all of you, but i have a tough day at work, used to at school, or just wanted to get away, i would come to the internet.

    Here i wouldn't have to cross my T's and dot my I's , i could just be myself and type shorthand.

    I HATEEEEEEEEEE, with all those E's, someone telling me to spell out what i mean.

    Come on, were not in school. Ive met people that type like you've described in real life. They are extremly inteligent people.

    When i went to ACPL in boston last year(Asherons Call player luncheon) a bunch of players that were trash talkers, and general omg u r funnay typers, were buissness professionals and the like.

  6. #26
    Missing Nin
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    RE: Literacy

    Originally posted by: bitwar
    I for one have problems typing in online shorthand (or whatever the hell you want to call it). It takes more time to think to type "OMG" than it does to just put "oh my God."
    lies, after a while its the first thing that springs to mind when ur typing to some1 else and u feel the urge to type "oh my god". atleast for me, i use a whole bunch of abbreviations and to type out each one in full would become tiresome in a long conversation.

    what complich8 says about ppls literacy determining their general cleverness is total rubbish imo, im applying for physics at uni, and while down visiting the university i am applying to i was given a few lectures, and during these i noticed a few spelling and grammar mistakes that a "clever" person wouldnt have made. but the fact is the ppl that gave these lectures have IQs way above average and considered some of the brightest ppl in the UK. it could be they were never properly taught the english language in the first place, but most likely its jst that over time ppl get used to the auto correct function on a PC, or a persons mind is more geared towards something else such as sports or maths (im from the UK so its not "math", you dont say "mathematic" do you? no its "mathematics" therefore "maths" if shortened) rather than language.

    well thats my rant over

  7. #27
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Literacy

    hehe r3n, I think we just say 'math' short for MATHematics. I know if I'm talking to my friends theres no point in using proper grammar, for one the conversation won't be graded so what do I care if its not proper grammar lol. Anyway thats kinda strange your worried about the next generation who will eventually be running this country having bad grammar...even if they did...does grammar have anything to do with common sense and decision making?

  8. #28
    Missing Nin
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    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    hehe r3n, I think we just say 'math' short for MATHematics. I know if I'm talking to my friends theres no point in using proper grammar, for one the conversation won't be graded so what do I care if its not proper grammar lol. Anyway thats kinda strange your worried about the next generation who will eventually be running this country having bad grammar...even if they did...does grammar have anything to do with common sense and decision making?
    i agree tbh, who cares if the next president uses "u" instead of you. imo the whole langauge should be changed to shorthand, half of the english words arent even pronounced the way theyre spelt, its stupid.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: SideLabel
    I've been a member on this forum since around September of last year (plus or minus a month or two), and sadly enough, I really do not like this forum. It is not that I don't like the topics of discussion, well, most of them anyway. What puts me off is the level of illiteracy here. Nothing disinterests me more than seeing "wat do u think of this?" in the topic title line. It looks like something a two year old would write. I can go on and give hundreds of examples, but that is not the point. The point is, what do you think about this illiteracy going around?

    Personally, I think it is a sad business. Students in Europe write better English than students at the same age in America. How the hell does this happen? I can not fathom how a person who has grown up with the language cannot manage to spell simple words like "trailer", "you", "without", "cancer", etc.

    So, what is your opinions?
    What are your opinions?

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  10. #30

    RE: Literacy

    Originally posted by: SideLabel

    Jesus, where the hell are you guys comming with this "whining" and "complaining" accusations from? I am merely worried, because this generation is going to be in charge of the U.S when we grow up, and the president of the U.S using "u", "lol", and so forth, would be very, very sad. I guess you could I say I am worried about the future, and I want to know why people shorten and abreviate words that are easy to spell in the first place. This is merly to soothe my curiosity, and if anyone calls that complaining, well, they can go shove it up their ass for all I care.

    As far as I can tell, it seems most people shorten words and use abreviations to save time or make it easier to type. All fine and good; if that is what they want to do, I sure as hell won't be their mother and say they can't. But is it really worth looking like an idiot to save a few seconds off your life, which you are probably going to spend on the computer anyway?

    PS: I am not a perfect speller, jesus christ. We all make mistakes
    The next president that starts using abriviactions im gonna vote for them. Kno y? cause they kno how the real world works. The current president (bush) he duno shit about anything. Going to war on iraq cause of wat? "war on terrorism"? or war for the oil. Man if bush's dad didnt almost died cause of saddam bush wouldn't do shit. He aint never been poor before so he wouldn't kno how the "Average" man feel or act. He cant survive a week in the streets of NY harlem or detroit without money. if the president starts using "lol, y, u, wth, stfu, etc, etc" he would be a president worth voting for. he knows wats going on in the streets. he won't be focusing on "war on terrioism". See if Clinton was still president in 9/11 he would have tooken out osama like that silently. not bomb the whole iraqian government.


    yea aite im gonna shut up now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Literacy

    ive heard of people using stuff like that while talking on the phone these days
    like someone actually said "lol" over the phone once....and not just each letter ("L-O-L"), she casually said it like "lol" as in "lollipop"

    now THAT is just sad [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #32


    I don't use three letter abreviations for my posts or anything else for which I use full sentences. It really does take me longer to think "oh my god," decide to abreviate it, and then type "OMG." And I see no point in getting into the habbit. If I felt like it, yeah sure it would eventually take less time and save me less than a whole second typing it that way. But right now, for me, it takes longet to type in "OMG" thatn it does to just put down "oh my god." So don't jump on my statements and lebel them as lies.

  13. #33


    yea, I've heard girls say jk jk (just kidding), but it's not like they don't get made fun of for it. Online, all those abbreviations are accepted, just deal with it.

    v good job on the assignment v

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    i like to use words like "OMG" and "WTF" just to make fun of this site i made for a really stupid and pathetic assignment i got in my WWW class

    yep, im always serious with my work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    internet talk is fine as long as it's only used through the internet. NEVER is it allowed during an actual non-internet conversation.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #36

  17. #37


    internet talk is fine as long as it's only used through the internet. NEVER is it allowed during an actual non-internet conversation
    Thats what im trying to say. I don't give a dam how you talk to me online as long as i can read it. But if i meet you on the street and you start going , "OMFG I RL EET N))BAJ! , im gonna think somethings wrong with you.

  18. #38

    RE: Literacy

    wait... so, "oh em eff gee, eye are elle e e tee in parenthesis parenthesis bee ay jay exclamation point" would kinda creep you out? I thot people stared at me because of my crappy haircut. -_-

  19. #39
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: Literacy

    Originally posted by: r3n
    im applying for physics at uni, and while down visiting the university i am applying to i was given a few lectures, and during these i noticed a few spelling and grammar mistakes that a "clever" person wouldnt have made. but the fact is the ppl that gave these lectures have IQs way above average and considered some of the brightest ppl in the UK. it could be they were never properly taught the english language in the first place, but most likely its jst that over time ppl get used to the auto correct function on a PC, or a persons mind is more geared towards something else such as sports or maths
    You can't apply statements like "People who speak like complete fucking morons probably are" to people like that. It's precisely like you said, these physics profs and math profs and such don't care as much about perfect language as long as they're able to communicate. They tend to rely on diagrams and demonstrations and equations to speak for themselves, and less on their own ability to verbally express things. Which is fine.

    On the other hand, can you say the average counterstriker can draw you a free body diagram? Much less one that makes sense and is accurate?

    I'm not saying that spelling and grammar that are a little weak imply the person is an idiot. I'm saying that people with drastic fundamental lacks of basic skills in their native language tend to be idiots.

    Besides, the people you're using as a counterexample arguably don't use english as a first language anyway -- math is usually their "first" with english (or something else) being a second. Read any doctoral level physics, math or engineering thesis (I've tried, out of curiousity). You'll find like 15 words you've seen before, a couple dozen you haven't seen before, and a bunch of triple-half integrals and various mathematical symbols that having gone through multivariate calculus, linear algebra and differential equations you probably still wont' recognize (I know I didn't in the three or four that I looked through). It's predominantly NOT in english, it's in math.

    Familiarity with a language determines your ability to formulate coherent thoughts, and lack of a solid language correlates with lack of a good framework for thinking and reasoning, is all I'm sayin'.

    (and who the hell cares whether it's 'math' or 'maths' -- I'll justify 'math' by 'mathematical language' so nyeah [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

  20. #40

    RE: Literacy

    first off, well put everyone...

    secondly, who gives a shit

    lastly, whats the point of writing formal on the internet to other people who don't care how you type. theres a huge difference between TYPING and TALKING. so of course we don't say omg and lol, that'd be stupid. we can't help it if the nation has become a bunch of lazy asses, lol. i personally don't think its such a big deal that "this generation that will be running the US" can't type. so stupid....

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