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Thread: Chapter 212

  1. #21

    RE: Chapter 212

    dont let gaara die!!!!!!!!! he is one of my fave character.........

  2. #22

    RE: Chapter 212

    No, no .. I doubt it would happen. Gaara dying, that is. Besides .. Having a liked character (amazingly, I'm still talking about Gaara) die right after returning from such a lengthy hiatus would be really unbelievably pointless.

    .. I was just saying to let Gaara die to present my general dislike of the Genin. Sorry for the scare.

    Ninja vanish.

  3. #23

    RE: Chapter 212

    i think theres something you guys dont realize and that is the fact that more genins showing up means the fights will continue for longer rather then just resolving with a winner.
    prepare for more stupid long fights with no clear winner for 5 chapters!

    hurray for the sand who completely screw up the pace of the story huzzah!

    right when it looked like it was near ending too.

  4. #24

    RE: Chapter 212

    Near ending .. ? At the route the battles were going, the entire Konoha squad [and Lee] were going to die. The remaining Sound would have congregated to Sasuke's location, or Orochimaru. Naruto probably would have been ganged up on. Possibly killed, or angered to the point of the Kyuubi killing everyone. .. Not quite the ending to the story arc I would have been looking for.

    Ninja vanish.

  5. #25

    RE: Chapter 212

    Well, almost everyone show up, could Itachi be far away? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Ok it looks like Kishimoto just want to tie all the loose ends up all at once regretless how abrupt and awkward it would be.

    Not that I don't enjoy watching Lee fight and looking forward to the upcoming sand+leaf genin fight.

    All flash and no plot .... Naruto.

  6. #26

    RE: Chapter 212

    Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean there's no plot. There is obviously motive for the actions of the characters currently engaged .. even if it is self-serving by Kishimoto's possible effort to conclude this arc or perhaps the entire series.

  7. #27

    RE: Chapter 212

    Hopefully the sand people will help give the fights a quicker ending, instead of making them even longer.

  8. #28

    RE: Chapter 212

    Came to think Gaara turning good actually sucks.
    I loved him when he was a bad guy. Darn, he really scared me...totally in when he almost killed Kiba and co, for no good reason at all. Gawds... I felt like *I* was there watching and waiting to be killed. No freaking way out.
    Now, he can't kill everybody as he usually did. Moral restrains suck.
    Bad guys are far more interesting than the good ones, since they can do as they please. In this case, though Oro is too boring, Kisame is too disgusting, Itachi is too much of a psycho, Kabuto is too much of a jerk and Sasuke is too annoying.
    Gaara was the only decent villain. He had no hidden purpose behind his actions, or was obsessed with reaching a goal. He was already there, and whas happy with what he was.
    He was a well-balanced character, where all the qualities were in their right amounts, almost attaining a state of perfect evil. There was beauty when he lost his self and gave himself whole to evil. Evil for evil's sake... Evil in his supreme irrationality. Now, he has to learn to control his inner demon.
    And that's just boring.

  9. #29

    RE: Chapter 212

    Oh, Gaara will be killing people all right.

    He's a NINJA.

    Neji didn't have issues causing internal damage to Kidoumaru and then leaving him for dead.

    Chouji didn't have issues with SUPAAA PUNCHing Jiroubou.

    He'll just be crushing people's spines FOR GOOD!

  10. #30

    RE: Chapter 212

    how many puppets does Kakuro have? it looks like he has 2 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

  11. #31

    RE: Chapter 212

    yeah in that image he has two, looks like he finally got a new one, i think the one he is using is his first kurasu.

  12. #32

    RE: Chapter 212

    I think he only have one. He is always carrying one on his back.
    BUt who knows he maybe got a vodoo doll hidden somwhere.

    Great chapter and Bakafish did it well, although I missed the colored pages that inane always had.

  13. #33

    RE: Chapter 212

    well i hope inane doesn't think that they can just stop because some one else did the translation. by far inane is the best, greatest. and should continue doing a great job.

  14. #34
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Chapter 212

    Jesus people!!! When there's a lot of plot exposition and the mangaka actually takes his time to explain stuff, you complain its boring!!

    When the mangaka decides to make it all action and excitement, you complain there's no plot!!

    I know that these one on one battle are getting tired, but is there any small chance that you might stop complaining for once?

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  15. #35

    Chapter 212


    i know i dint read it all. but with this. i thin they are there because of oro. he killed there kagi. this will not do. they were manipulated to fight agest an ally that apperd to be weaker and were Beat bad. So form an allince anew. Garaa probly went thought alot after learning he can lose. and lose bad. everyone who comes in contact with naruto usally changes for the better

  16. #36
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 212

    did you guys really have to make me do this?

    notice the two sets of hair and the strap he is holding onto.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  17. #37

    RE: Chapter 212

    Who says Gaara is good? He could be fighting for his desire of blood,I mean look at it.This guy gets the offer of a life time,to consume the blood of an ancient and powerful bloodline,he's probably still fighting for himself,just doing a favor in return.

  18. #38

    RE: Chapter 212

    I honestly thought that Garaa would turn to be a good guy. At the end of his fight with Naruto, he couldn't believe he lost but a bigger shock was that Temari was taking him to safety and that he shouldn't worry, she would take care of him(or something like that) And having someone show compassion and care for him is all Garaa really needed.

  19. #39

    Chapter 212

    by the way the inane version is out.

    and the last page is colored AND IT KICKS ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!

    edit: woops ! someone already said it was out. oh well.

    KICK ASS !!!!!!!!!!!

  20. #40

    Chapter 212

    OMG that was soo badass! hahaha damn the sand.. saving the day haha

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