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Thread: Iraq War

  1. #121
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Iraq War

    mmmm thanks assassin, hit me up with some more're lookin good
    almost makes you sound intellectual
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #122

    Iraq War

    first of all i apologize if for my "ignorance" comment. althought i still stand by it, it wasn't directed solely at u. im well aware that u dont agree with what bush is doing, but that doesn't change the fact the the majority of americans think the ppl from 3rd world contries are stupid and "hate freedom" or someother shit like that (perhaps not the majority, but a good amount). im glad to hear that u've been outside of teh states and have talked to ppl outside ur own country. however 50 conversations from a country of 140 million ppl hardly consitutes a majority. Im from pakistan. i grew up there, and not a single person i know "loathes" western powers. what they loathe is the actions of the governments, and they are well aware that governments dont always represent the ppl.

    to this day i have yet to meet any pakistani (or middle eastern) who supports bin laden or other such terrorist groups. that's not to say that they dont occasionally agree with his or some other groups' cause. but no a single person i have ever met has said "bin laden is my hero" or something like that. i dont doubt that there are ppl who think of terrorists as heros, but like i said before, the majority of these ppl are uneducated, and all they know is that america (to them america and american gov't are the same thing) is bossing the muslim world around and is persecuting muslims, and for that they should be destroyed. add a bunch of religious leaders who say that bid laden is doing god's work, and u get the 50 ppl u have conversations with.

    basically, if i were to go to hicksville, USA and ask some redneck with a shotgun (pardon the setreotype) what he thought of bush and his war, he'd probably say bush was a hero as well. u ur self have said how much of an idiot bush is and how u detest what ur gov't has done internationally, but there are well educated ppl who praise bush for his actions.

    the point im trying to make is, there are always ppl who think ppl like bush or bin laden are hero's, but the majority of them are idiots who dont know what's reall going on in the world. that doesn't mean that EVERY single person has the exact same opinion. So to say that the muslim population basically hates non-muslims is ignorance. it would be more corerct to say that the muslim population hates US foriegn policy.


    kindly point out where these "stereotypes" that u speak of are.

  3. #123
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: Iraq War

    Actually I have met some people that thought Bin Laden had the right to do what he did. They're not ignorant or uneducated, just bad people. I mean how ignorant or uneducated do you have to be to know that killing people is bad? They know it's bad but they still support it.

    By the way, happy birthday AssertnFailure!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  4. #124

    RE: Iraq War

    well as i said in my earlier post, there are ppl who're like that (for example all of al queda). but there are also ppl like collin powel who think little brown patches on sattelite images are chemical weapon facilities, and use that as a reason to invade a country......the world will always have dumbasses, lol. its the whole universal balance thing....can't have smart ppl without idiots [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #125
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Iraq War

    Most countries like that should not have 'freedom'. Their people aren't educated enough to handle their freedom. They need some. But restrainted freedom to a certain extent.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #126
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Iraq War

    its actually true many ppl in middle eastern and overall muslim countries do not like, well frankly, hate the US and its people. the sad thing is it isnt their fault, its their radical leaders and people like Bin Laden who tell them that the US is against them and against their religion. they are told this since they are children and as the years pass they grow a strong hate for the US. not too long ago i seen a special on MTV about Iraqi teens. in these kids books they are taught to hate and kill Jews and Americans. that dorky MTV journalist guy asked these 2 teens what they thought of Sep 11. they responded they felt bad for them but that the US deserved it. now with the Iraqi close to becoming free, thought they dont see it, some Iraqi kids are not seeing the US as evil as they were once taught. so what happens to these kids? in Iraqi schools kids who show any liking to the US get beaten.

  7. #127
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Iraq War

    Don't blame them. They just want to be popular. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  8. #128
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Iraq War

    actually assassin was referring to the "western ignorance" line

    and even though you may have meant it towards certain groups of people on the western hemisphere, i'm sure there would be the same groups of people on the eastern to say that its a western thing to be ignorant about war, politics, economics, culture, history, and all the other things that relate to international affairs, would in fact, be stereotyping
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #129

    RE: Iraq War

    actually i said that *type* of western ignorance, not that its a western thing to be ignorant. i was referring to those individuals in the west who assume things based on what the governent or newspapers say. i've already mentioned that there are ppl in the eastern side that are the same.......forming opinions about ppl on the otherside of the globe cuz of what u've heard from someone else is ignorance. it happnes on both sides, i know that. if it wasn't for this lack of knowledge, we wouldn't have to deal with situations like sept 11, or the iraq war.

  10. #130
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Iraq War

    Since it's on topic.
    Do you think 10 years from now, Iraqi's are going to look back and praise Americans for liberating them??
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  11. #131

    RE: Iraq War

    Not a chance, America will contiunue to be hated with supreme vengeance for centuries to come. Peace will probably never come to the middle east, sad to say... unless in the aftermath of a world war, a unified arab league arises that establishes a government which is non-islamic, that is committed to principles of freedom, education, and stability. Likely? Nope. The middle east, just like most of the world, is full of a few rich/powerful who like to stomp the pure shit out of the general population. The Islamic faith, while completely fine in itself, makes for horrible control/manipulation to further the goals of the leaders/manipulators .. while weakening the general population.

  12. #132

    RE: Iraq War

    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    The Islamic faith, while completely fine in itself, makes for horrible control/manipulation to further the goals of the leaders/manipulators .. while weakening the general population.
    Thats why I don't like it when religion has too much influence on politics...I'm glad we don't live like that these days...

    And as to whether the Iraqi people will appreciate us going over there and giving them capitalism, I'm not sure...I guess we won't know for some time. Opinion seems to be divided over there (and of course over here), and the humiliating and torturous treatment of prisoners which has allegedly been inflicted by some American and British soldiers will not have helped one little bit.

    Imagine from a normal Iraqi's perspective...their brutal dictator is overthrown and it appears as if the people who are supposed to have saved them are treating suspected criminals in a similarly sadistic fashion to the sort of thing Saddam might have done (eg the thing where the guy had to stand on the box and if he fell he'd get shocked).

  13. #133

    RE: Iraq War

    Good points, SyS, and I want ro re-iterate .. I meant no offense to the Islamic faith, just the dangers that befall the populace of an Islamic-led government.

  14. #134
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: Iraq War

    Well those criminals deserve a taste of their own medicine. I doubt normal prisoners of war get treated the same way as these scumbags.

  15. #135
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Iraq War

    All prisoners of war gets treated shitly. It's no surprise about what happend there in the jails in Iraq.
    It's because of the internet that things get widely spreaded. Really have to complement the intelligence of those fellows taking photographs of the Iraqi's in the jail. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  16. #136

    RE: Iraq War

    Originally posted by: Xollence
    Well those criminals deserve a taste of their own medicine. I doubt normal prisoners of war get treated the same way as these scumbags.
    From what I heard they weren't all prisoners of war...some guy who was getting abuse was apparently a thief...

  17. #137

    RE: Iraq War

    I wonder how the fallout from the decapitation thing will affect public opinion .. not much I guess, I just wish they didn't have that stupid rule that says you cant show pictures of the coffins being shipped back over here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  18. #138

    RE: Iraq War

    iraq=new ireland/israel/bosnia (delte where apliccable)

    but hey lok at the bright side, at least the US got its oil.....................

  19. #139

    RE: Iraq War

    All i have to say is You people who say

    America only thinks about it self, and stuff realy know nothing

    If you had to go through what my Grandfather did u would understand. He fought in the Iranian vs Iraqi war and died because of BIO weapons. Do any of you know what its like to die from a BIO attack. I think America's actions were good, weather their intensions were good is another story. Also about the Prisoner abbuse, the people who did that should dig their own graves and should be shot for treison, thats all there is to it.

    Also if any one wants to diss the war effert please only do it if you understand what it was like to be there durring the time of Saddam. Also for all those who want to pull out now, UR RETARDED the same thing is going to happen to Iraq as what happend in Afganastan if we pull out now.

  20. #140
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Iraq War

    if the US got iraq's oil.....then it wouldnt be costing us $2+ per gallon for regular gas [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    at least, in the northeast US thats what the rate is at the moment
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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