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Thread: naruto 212 raw out

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  1. #1

    naruto 212 raw out

    omg i knew it gaara's team comes to rescue! my speculation came true im so happy
    go grab it at narutofan. NOW. go.

  2. #2

    naruto 212 raw out

    No need for this post. There is already a discussion going in the "NARUTO MANGA" forum.

  3. #3

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    Lockdown in:

  4. #4

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    baka. keep chapter discussions where they belong

  5. #5

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    Um so what if its in the manga section?
    I want to talk in the OPEN section. with people that don't mind being spoiled. Why do you guys act like you're a mod or something. Well how about this : don't spam and post useless craps. Thank you. Nubs.

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    whats the point of taking it here though? the open discussion is more designed for correlations between the anime and manga......not for manga chapters that havent even been translated yet!

    besides, the same people who go here also go to manga, so its not like they'd be deprived if this topic wasnt here
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #7

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    I'm with jing, it was messed up what mods did to hokage IV. Totally valid topics, that could have been discussed in manga forum (depending upon personal preference). They could have moved it instead of locking it.

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: naruto 212 raw out

    huh? it wasnt blocked because the topic didnt fit in the was blocked because it was just topics designed to trigger flame wars
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9

    naruto 212 raw out

    okay then honestly we dont even need this fucking forum cauz that's were you're taking the conversation to. and there is no rules saying i can't post this topic here. and maybe somepeople prefer discussing with people that come to this forum often. its the people that trigger the flame wars because they all act like "you broke the rule blahblahlblah i R teh BIG SHOT"

    instead of discussing, why fuss about things, thats like gaining ur posts with just pure bs fussing.

    anyways since translations are out, this thread will most likely be locked, and cuz its becoming flamy here n everyone wants to be mods these days.

  10. #10

    naruto 212 raw out

    Well, since I AM a mod, I'll just end this whole mess by closing the topic.

    There is more than one thread about this in the section it belongs: MANGA. Moreover, once Inane has released theirs, there will be an OFFICIAL thread, which can only be started by a mod.

    The end, thread closed.

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