Why are you fools talking about Itachi here? To make things simpler for every fucking dumbass who can't seem to put two and two together. Itachi is strong. Wait..lemme rephrase. Itachi is skilled. Which, more or less, makes him "strong". There's no fucking doubt that he's as good. Know what I really think? I think all of your Naruto nuthuggers are just pissed at the fact that the Uchiha has somebody other than Sasuke, who can kick ass with the use of Sharingan, not to mention, make the sannin look like a joke (and Naruto too in the process), and therefore, are trying to justify your dellusional thoughts of him being "weak" by forcing your nonsensical opinions down others throats. Get over it, Itachi is good. HEAVEN FORBID A STRONGER BAD GUY THAN A GOOD GUY. Or, a stronger new kid on the block. Even if you hadn't seen him yet, you'd still figure out that he'd be a powerful ninja, because of the ridiculous amount of hype building up in Sasuke's character towards him. Now, all of this Itachi discussion be taken elsewhere.
I just read the Inane version of the manga. Damn.... Temari is hot. I hope we get an upskirt of her.