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Thread: Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*

  1. #1

    Official 212 Discussion *SPOILERS*


  2. #2

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    If that's true, that is a masssssive twist [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I think the plot has enough mania to resolve as it is, but I won't complain either way! Would be nice to see Gaara back in action. I can take or leave the other 2, although Temari is cute in some fan art [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    Wow wow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] have they turned to the good side, deserted the dark-side of sand?

    Wait a minute, where did you get that information, source please?

  4. #4

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    I doubt that will happen...However...I'll just have to wait until it's officially released to find out I guess.

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  5. #5

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    Originally posted by: itachi_
    Wow wow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] have they turned to the good side, deserted the dark-side of sand?

    Wait a minute, where did you get that information, source please?
    Am I allowed to link to other forums?

  6. #6

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    OMG the new outfits of Temari and Gaara kook awesome.
    I hope it is true because I predicted that the followers where gaara and his gang [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!


    Gaara, Kankouro, Temari showed up and prolly will help them, man this is so unpredictable! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    hm ok so they were who kiba was smelling. Cool plot twist. I wonder how lee is gonna react to gaara...

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    Nice chapter... gaara and Co. are back in action.. too bad they couldn't come a few mintues later, after Kiba is dead...

    anyway, Kimimaru's blood seems to be diffrent version of gaara's sand (another similirity that Kishimoto loves using), i guess Gaara's going to be the one who kicks his ass and not Lee, though i'd like to see a good reasoning for them to save the genins...

    Sakon (and me) was again denied from the plesure of ending Dogboy's poor excuse of a life, But i seriously doubt that Kankaru (and his doll Karasu) are any match to Sakon ('GO SAKON GO!"), becuase Sakon (not UKon) wasn't injured yet (he lost some chackra, but i don't think he'll let that stop him), while Kiba seems to given up on his survival chance (seeing how he didn't try to defend himself) and Kanakaru is just a guy who likes to wear make-up and play with dolls.

    NOTE: All assumeptions about Kiba's fate are biased, since the writer (me) really hates Kiba.

    Temari's air gust is suprinsigly effective, considering the previous ones, who didn't do anything (altough they worked on TenTen, maybe those gusts are weak enough that they only hurt girls), but i don't really mind that, since we all knew Shikamaru won't die, i just hope we see that Tayuya has another trick up her sleeve.

    Note: the writer (me) is a shobenistic male pig.

    other than that, i'm looking forward to inane's transelation and coloring!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10

    OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    This ends all the questioning of whether we will see Gaara again or not. Some people thought Shika and Temari would get together also, I guess they might end up being right. I just hope Sakura and Ino don't come and join the fight as well.

    v most people thought the fight with Naruto would help bring him to the light, maybe we'll see a flashback about it v

  11. #11

    OMG! Chapter 212!! BIG TWIST! SPOILER!!!!

    I wonder if Gaara is as evil as before because this aint logical, "I fight only for myself, I love only myself", and now it seems like he'll help Lee, WHY?

    Maybe he has betrayed the darkness and turned to the light [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!


  13. #13

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    omg, that was the most unexpected thing in naruto ever...

  14. #14

    OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z

    NOTE: All assumeptions about Kiba's fate are biased, since the writer (me) really hates Kiba.

    Note: the writer (me) is a shobenistic male pig.

    Just curious, why you hate Kiba so much?
    And if you don't mind my correction, it's chauvinistic. From the French Chavin, name of a very chauvinistic guy from the 19th century, and originally meaning ultra-nationalism...

  15. #15

    OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    Wow. Bravo to the guy who called that Gaara, et. al. making another appearance.

    Two of the pairups are absolute ironies.

    1> Lee and Gara
    2> Shikamaru and Tamari

    since they fought against each other. hopefully they'll all team up to fight the remaining sound. Gaara will be especially interesting to see if he's changed like Neji, and his power vs. Kimmaro is certainly well-matched.

    Too bad Shikamaru got saved by a _girl_.. not that it's wrong or anything <g>

  16. #16

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    On a side note, Temari looks hotter than normal for some reason. Could that be an anbu vest perhaps? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] jk!

  17. #17

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    There's nothing that the two demon brothers can't do. Gaara and Naruto can team up to take down Akatsuki now.

  18. #18

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
    There's nothing that the two demon brothers can't do. Gaara and Naruto can team up to take down Akatsuki now.
    ha, that's ridiculous

  19. #19

    RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    now all we have to do is w8 for the translated one....
    is it here yet?..... no? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    WHERE IS IT!!!!

  20. #20

    OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!

    New and improved Sand Ninjas? Well, at least, Temari's outfit has improved. Same can't be said of Gaara and Kakuro. Those cat ears of his are truly irritating, but I guess he can't help it. We saw him as a kid, and his ugliness is obviously is father's fault. His story is sadder than Gaara's IMO. The kid is so ugly he has to wear make-up...And, is it just me or Temari treats Gaara in a sort of affective way?
    Anyway, somebody suggested that they would go after Oro to seek revenge for killing the Kazekage and messing up with the Sand Village. Let's hope for the best. Still, what they're doing in the Fire country?
    And I wonder if Baki also came to the bright side, and if he's the new Kazekage now.
    Well, got to wait a week to see if the kids came to the path of good, beauty and justice and all that stuff.

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