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Thread: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

  1. #21

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    people hate what they cant understand

    granted that Akira was butchered badly and is not a prime example of good anime, i didnt find it all that hard to understand.

    I worked Evangelion out after the second go thru it, and found the storyline excellent and a cut above the conventional anime storylines of its time.

    some ppl like their anime clean cut with all the bells and whistles they come to associate with anime over the years. which is why brain dead anime like Dragonball and naruto are (still =P) popular.

    however alot of ppl (including me if it isnt already obvious) like our anime to have abit more substance. so we applaud efforts like the aforementioned AKira, NGE, Lain , Jin Roh etc etc.

    which is better? i dont know.

    the point?

    if you dont like an anime then its completely up to you. but if you come to a public forum screaming "OMG this is TEH SUX bcoz I AM NOT UNDERSTANDING TEH WORDS!~!!~!~" or some reasonable facsimile, then you just look stupid.

    PS MD Geist needs to be forever interned in the anime hall of shame.

  2. #22

    THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I place Akira as one of the greatest anime's that I've ever seen, about the same level as the original Ghost in the Shell. It doesn't matter that its 15 years old, I still think the artwork is amazing. I noticed another anime due out this year by the same animation team (Steamboy? Something along those lines. The exact name escapes me) and I can't wait for a chance to see it.

    Kaneda is the original street tough anime hero. He doesn't have any superpowers or magic spells or alien abilities or cyborg body parts. All that he has is a really sweet bike and a wicked gang. Of course it doesn't hurt that he picks up a cool laser gun near the end.

  3. #23

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    you couldnt really follow the movie, and it had a lack in overall plot, even though it did what you said soul it wasnt that great. on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest/best its a 4. and i couldnt follow the end at all, i had no idea what they were talking about.

    No matter what anyone who doesn't like it says, there is quite a high chance a lot of people here wouldn't even know about anime in the first place if it wasn't for the early movies (the most influential of which being akira, later ones including Ghost In The Shell)...

    Granted the movie has a lot of holes in (considering the amount of story there was in a manga they'd need a whole series to get it all in) it but that couldn't really be helped...

    I don't think the film lacked plot at all (and to read any of the manga proves that beyond doubt) might have been hard to follow towards the end but then it was cut to pieces from the original manga (much in the same way as the movie of the shining was cut to pieces from the original novel...and therefore wasn't as good as the book...and Akira had a lot more story than the Shining novel!)...

    You are right in one way though, the movie did indeed do what I say (and more, it was a revolution in Japan as well as the west) and whether you like it or not a hell of a lot of modern anime and manga owes a pretty big debt to the likes of don't have to like it but that is simply the case...the medium has evolved and Akira is one of the biggest movies in anime's history...

    anyway if it really sucks that bad...why not just condemn it to memory and watch dragonball, digimon, card captor whatever-it-is or pokemon for a little bit longer to cheer yourself up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  4. #24

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    anyway if it really sucks that bad...why not just condemn it to memory and watch dragonball, digimon, card captor whatever-it-is or pokemon for a little bit longer to cheer yourself up
    I actually did like the first digimon movie, it was pretty good, in my opinion [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

    Anywho, while were on the subject of stupid anime, anyone remeber plastic little? This was one of the first full anime movies i watched.

    Granted i like how it ends, but it was just a excuse for much fanservice.

  5. #25

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I have Plastic Little and I have to admit that the story wasn't that great but who cares if you have Satoshi Urushihara working on it. I love that guy's art. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Lego
    anyway if it really sucks that bad...why not just condemn it to memory and watch dragonball, digimon, card captor whatever-it-is or pokemon for a little bit longer to cheer yourself up
    I actually did like the first digimon movie, it was pretty good, in my opinion [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
    I was only kidding [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #27

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    WEirest oddest anime ever....Ping Pong club....discontinued after 13 episodes

  8. #28
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    heh, chouji, funny thing, a friend of mine asked me to check Ping Pong club and find where to download it,,, do you know a group who did all 26 eps? or anything which could help?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #29

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I believe its on my friends harddrive still, i can call him up for you and ask what he has to offer. But for sure i will check around for you.

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I suppose whether or not you liked Akira really depends on what type of anime you like.

    There are really three types of anime in my opinion, there is the stuff for kids (DBZ, Naruto, and even...ugh Pokemon), there are Adult anime titles (Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis, and Ebichu), and finally a middle ground that both can watch whether they fully understand it or not (Full Metal Alchemist, Mahoromatic, Scrapped Princess, any Miyazaki film). Personally I like all three types. It's nice not to have to think at all about a series, but if you only watch the stuff for children and popular, shallow stuff, you'll be missing out on some of the best anime has to offer, and it would be no better than watching American cartoons.

    Akira clearly falls into second catagory. Most people just won't understand what is going on all the time or even after several times through. I know I still don't. I'm not sure I'm even fond of Akira, but all that really matters is someone thought it was really great, so they brought over a few other titles and here we are today, posting about anime all the time.

    Akira may be more important than you actually think. If you look at it and other important titles like Ghost in the Shell and Macross, you'll see its influence in a lot of the really popular anime titles. I think its fairly obvious that characters and fights in Akira look at LOT like DBZ. Macross in the 80's is the reason we see a lot of mecha every once in a while and Ghost in the Shell is rather influential on the entire SciFi genre.

  11. #31

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    i remember when i went to calgary i was talking about anime...and this kid comes up and was like oh i saw anime i don't like it...and im like how do you not like it? he then replies and says it just sucks...and im like you know theres more then one anime and he then goes no there isn't theres just one anime (referring to akira and those gay ass commercials they had on tv a few years back) this kid was convinced that anime was just akira and that was it...

    Man i hit him good

  12. #32

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I really love Akira. I think it is great and didn't find the story confusing.
    I just recently imported the us pioneer 2 dvd edition of Akira to add it to my english dubbed VHS from 1995.

    I can't understand your critics, but I guess opinions differ.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  13. #33

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    i remember when i went to calgary i was talking about anime...and this kid comes up and was like oh i saw anime i don't like it...and im like how do you not like it? he then replies and says it just sucks...and im like you know theres more then one anime and he then goes no there isn't theres just one anime (referring to akira and those gay ass commercials they had on tv a few years back) this kid was convinced that anime was just akira and that was it...

    Man i hit him good
    i hope you gave him permanent brain damage.

    i h8 kids.

  14. #34
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Akira >


  15. #35

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    HAHA enough said there what about ARMITAGE III? lol wasn't that advertised with Akira too?

  16. #36

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Akira is legendary, rightfully so. It was groundbreaking in a number of ways, and if you can't wrap your brain around the storyline, then feast your eyes on the art, animation, and sound work .. and compare it to ANYthing else out at the time.

  17. #37

    THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    heh, chouji, funny thing, a friend of mine asked me to check Ping Pong club and find where to download it,,, do you know a group who did all 26 eps? or anything which could help?
    My friend belives he has episodes 1-13 on his hd....i would assume you would like me to get them for you?

  18. #38

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    lets face it ... a lot of anime movies end up with badly compressed story lines and half ass character devopement because they try to cram way to much into it

    ohh well its always kinda been like this

    i still like akira thought

    dun dun dun

  19. #39

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Yeah, ok, um. Most of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Akira sucked? F U!

    Akira is one of the greatest Anime films ever made. The only reason you people didn't enjoy it is because you're either too young to appreciate the damn thing, or you're just plain ignorant.

    For those that made intelligent comments about the greatness of Akira - Right on.

    If any of you people that thought Akira sucked are part of my generation, that being 20-25 year olds, just go shoot yourself right now. Spare the gene pool! Think of the future!

  20. #40
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Yakuza
    Yeah, ok, um. Most of you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Akira sucked? F U!

    Akira is one of the greatest Anime films ever made. The only reason you people didn't enjoy it is because you're either too young to appreciate the damn thing, or you're just plain ignorant.

    For those that made intelligent comments about the greatness of Akira - Right on.

    If any of you people that thought Akira sucked are part of my generation, that being 20-25 year olds, just go shoot yourself right now. Spare the gene pool! Think of the future!
    amen brother, you tell them!

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