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Thread: The Slayers

  1. #1

    The Slayers

    Yo. Who here watches the Slayers? I watch it to the point of needing AA meetings for it...

  2. #2

    The Slayers

    I've watched most of the first season, the first five to ten episodes of the second and third seasons, and the first two movies. I don't know why I've never finished them. I guess I've always felt that they've always been around before, so they'll always be available if I need a good anime.

    Its a good series with some great characters. Some action and a smidgen of romance in select parts of the series, but mostly comedy, and that's what I like best.

  3. #3

    RE: The Slayers

    Yeah. Try is one of the best series IMO.

  4. #4

    RE: The Slayers

    I love the slayers!!
    I have alll 3 seasons and al the movies!!!
    You know I like more the first one than try...but I like them all!!!

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: The Slayers

    I finally got my CDs of it back last week...
    i watched all the seasons and movies (ovas- specials, whatever it was, i watched them all), and it was great up until Try...
    i don't know wheather it was just a the overall quality dropping or the fact it was getting old by then...
    the first and second seasons had some charecter development, at the third season, i was able to guess what's going to happen before they even started the scene (like most of ranma's episodes), so it had only a few good parts and alot of shit...

    one of the biggest shits was that after Next, the realtionship of goury and lina ceased to exist, which was really dissapointing since the end of Next was based entierly on that...

    anyway, here's the dragon slayer spell!

    Darkness beyond twilght. Crismon beyond blood that flows.
    Buried in the stream of time, in thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness.
    let the fools who stand before us be destroyed, by the power you and I posses.

    yea, I'm a really sad guy, i know that by heart...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #6

    RE: The Slayers

    It's really silly and cheesy, but it's alot of fun. I haven't seen season three yet, though.

  7. #7

    RE: The Slayers

    Ahhh, Slayers. Although my first animes could be considered Robotech, Sailor Moon and DBZ (all viewed on Toonami,) I consider it to be my first introduction to true anime.

    That's why I will always love this series. Its characters all are important characters for me, the plots wonderful, and the humor never gets old.

    It still sits cozily at number 5 on my anime list, never moving and never planning on moving. I have seen better things, but I will never hate Slayers.

    In fact, when I watch a great deal of anime now, I find myself comparing it to Slayers.

    Naruto: Hey, this is like Rurouni Kenshin mixed with Slayers!
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Hey, this is like Trigun mixed with Slayers!
    Scrapped Princess: Hey, this is like Slayers, but serious!
    Last Exile: Hey, this is like Slayers because Lavie looks like Lina! (And sounds like her, too, in the english Dub.)

    I'm pathetic, huh?

    Oh, and Valgaav will forever be one of the greatest villians of all time.

  8. #8

    RE: The Slayers

    The Slayers is one of my favorites. It mixes comedy with some pretty serious drama and manages to make it work somehow. Also, the lead character is female, not ridiculously proportioned, and gets to kick lots of ass! Yeah!

  9. #9

    RE: The Slayers

    Anyone know the order I should watch the OVAs, the movies and the series?

    I'm trying to figure out the order my looking at anidb but something doesnt seem right... so any help would be appreciated...

  10. #10

    RE: The Slayers

    The OVA and movies follow Lina's timeline before the series, even though they are released side by side.

    I have only seen the first two movies, so I don't know the order past that point. Here is what I know of the order:

    OVAs and Movies:

    Slayers: The Book of Spells (1995 - original OVA)
    Slayers: Perfect (1995 - aka. Slayers: The Motion Picture)
    Slayers: Return (1996)
    Slayers: Excellent (1998 - second OVA series - haven't seen it, but the description says it tells the story of the first meeting of Lina and Naga)
    Slayers: Premium (2001)
    Slayers: Gorgeous and Slayers: Great (No release dates given by, I don't know what order they go in)


    The Slayers (1995)
    Slayers: Next (1996)
    Slayers: Try (1996)

    I was under the impression that there was a fourth season of the series, but again, no info given on so I can't verify.

  11. #11

    RE: The Slayers

    I have The Slayers on vhs subbed and Slayers Next on vhs dubbed...

    Xellos is one of the best characters in anime.

  12. #12

    RE: The Slayers

    But of course. When you have a half golem, half demon, half human, how could he not be cool?

  13. #13

    RE: The Slayers

    I mainly like all their special attacks they use...Gourry is a complete remember in Try when they dressed him up like a woman? That was great now i need to get the movies and im set for life.

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