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Thread: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

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  1. #1

    Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    Whats better Dbz or Naruto?? give some reasons

    i would like to know lol

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  2. #2

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    you know this is gonna get locked.

    but i love them both .

    hardcore dbz fan from back in the day (one my all time favotites).

    hardcore naruto fan cause its damn good.

  3. #3

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    Ummm.. I never thought Dragon Ball Z was that good (I have to admit i liked to watch it though). I didn't like the animation and i believe the series could have been better scripted. To me it was kind of like a soap opera for guys where fights=love scenes, there was too much unbearable grunting, and i wondered how they came up with some of the messed up plot devices (i.e coming back from the dead several times). But it did have compelling characters and it did revolutionize anime serials as we know it.

    But when it comes right down to it i think Naruto is a better Anime than Dragon Ball Z in depth of the plot and story, fleshed out characters, and artistry. I know millions of people around the world will disagree and probably despise me for it, but Naruto is better in my opinion.

  4. #4

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    Whatever you prefer is better, I prefer Naruto. Both are hugely successful series that have many similarities. I watched a few episodes of DBZ but couldn't really get into it, whereas Naruto had me hooked on the first episode, I just couldn't wait to see where the story was going.

    The eye of the beholder...

  5. #5

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    DBZ was great... 10 years ago
    It doesnt hold water to current standards thou IMO

    If your a DBZ fan, you could think of Naruto as modern DBZ in a sense

    Generally the difference (either then technology ones) is that in DBZ you get powering up, in naruto you get story in the form of flash backs

    I like Naruto much better then I ever did dbz.

  6. #6

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    ::sigh:: Getting tired of people trying to compare the two.

    First of all, DBZ was an example of bad planning and an artist being forced into something he didn't want to do. The reason why fights drag on forever and ever, particularly once you get to the Adroid Saga and beyond, is because DBZ was actually supposed to END right after the Radditz saga. Goku wasn't going to come back to life, and the proverbial torch would be passed to his son.

    The problem was, the series was so popular, that the producers of the series forced Akira Toriyama to continue and continue, beyond the point when he not only had no plans for the story, but he actually got sick of doing it. It was supposed to end right after Goku beat Frieza and became the Super Saiyan, but again, Toriyama was forced to continue. The same thing happened at the end of the Cell Saga, only this time, Akira Toriyama really really didn't want to bring Goku back to life, thus Goten was created solely because Goku fans missed Goku. And then, after the end of the Buu saga, DBSZ wasn't even made or planned by Akira Toriyama at all!

    Naruto, on the other hand, is completely different. Kishimoto is still in the process of creating the manga, and as the manga series has shown no signs of ending soon, I am sure Kishimoto-sensei has still a great deal more plans for the story. DBZ's fights were dragged on and on solely for the purpose of slowing the plot down to allow more episodes to air, and more money to be made by the studio who forced Toriyama to continue, but Naruto's fights move rapidly in comparison and the backstory is much more important.

    So, there you go.

    The end.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    I'd have to go with Naruto. DBZ is a good anime but I thought it was too repetitive. Bad guy comes, Gohan and Vegeta and Picollo and everyone try to hold him off till Goku gets there, Goku eventually comes after 5 or 6 episodes and transforms into a Super Saiyan and beats up the bad guy. The animation for DBZ was good, I liked it alot, especially the Super Saiyan's. But Naruto is better. As to way, I cant really explain except that Im really hooked to it.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  8. #8

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    Thanks guys !!

    I just wanted to know. cuz i was such a Dbz fan then wam Naruto comes and it seems so much better then Dbz. i was just so confused.

    I guess there will always be a little dbz in me lol

  9. #9
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    dbz is cool and so is naruto.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #10

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    Naruto now, Dbz Later

  11. #11

    RE: Whats better Dbz or Naruto??

    dbz_kidnaruto, read my explanation as to the differences between the two.

    I think this thread has run its course, I'm closing it.

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