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Thread: Madlax

  1. #1


    I downloaded this a couple of hours ago... awesome first episode... I recommend this download for all of you that have the time... even to those that dont... I really liked it...

    Anyone else saw this already?

  2. #2

    Madlax - New Series

    First off...while I was downloading this...I couldn't help but wonder if this show was a show about a powerful laxative. Fortanely I was wrong. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Next: I liked it, I'll watch it unless the next episode is retarded or something.
    For some reason, I can't help but get the feeling this show is based off of some hentai thing, though.

  3. #3

    Madlax - New Series

    Madlax was pretty good. Another gun totting anime to add to the pile, as i had already watched phantom this week.

    Something about the character design seemed kind of weird to me, or it could of been the animation.

    But best of all was the music, my god i loved the music.

    Haven't had a show like this besides GITS SAC where i simply had to have the music.

  4. #4

    Madlax - New Series

    Yeah, the music was pretty awesome.

  5. #5

    Madlax - New Series

    mad laxative, haha!!! you're funny XwingRob.

    I just finished downloading and watching it, this show is great, I really like gun totting shows (trigun, gungrave, Ghost In Shell,.....).

    The part that got me confused is during the fighting scene in the jungle, I was wondering why she changed her clothes to put on a dress.

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Madlax - New Series

    just watched the first episode today, here's my impressions:

    Bee Train should stop doing animes and focus on realesing OSTs... this thing has even more amazing BGM than Hack sign and Noir combined... so damn cool!

    the other stuff? well, the animation is amazing, like all there works, but as usual, there's too much focus on the eyes and too much still scenes.

    I can't say much about the plot yet, since it's the first episode, but for now, i'm not excited or anything about it...

    the charecters? still a bit dull, but an improvement from the previous animes (Avenger, Hack sign, Noir), it seems like the guys in Bee Train finally realized that a charecter that keeps silence all the time (or just spourts some plot related sentences once in a while) can not be considered a charecter... to make myself clear, I liked the Pasta comments...

    to summ myself up, it's a Bee Train production, so i have mixed feelings concerning it, but it looks like Avenger was the bottum that they could sink to, and from now on they are on the right track...

    Note: i'm aware that i'm reviving this topic from page 2, i just didn't have the time to watch this episode yesterday...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #7

    Madlax - New Series

    Plot aside... I really liked the episode... I think that I just like those type of animes that are a shooter type without any mecha involved...

    I get what you are saying about the silent main characters and the animes you mentioned are perfect example of it... I think that Noir pulled it off nicely though... just like GunGrave is doing now

    But Madlax doesnt seem to be that type of character...

    I hope this series has a thick plot with a lot of mix-ups and shit... and betrayal, and some cruel killing... like a bad guy killing innocent children or something...something controversial...

    Humm... that seems to be my wish of a perfect anime

  8. #8

    Madlax - New Series

    This show sucks and is Boring with capitol B. The music during the fight scenes nearly drove me insane and speaking of the fight scenes, they were total horse shit!

    I have a bad feeling they're gonna make it like Noir too, as it Noir didn't suck enough!

  9. #9

    Madlax - New Series

    This series has an interesting start, but like Blue Wind said, it might become the next Noir.

    Granted that I haven't seen most of Noir yet.

    But Madlax is different. Her character is actually more human. But they way she killed people was a tad disturbing and unbelievable.

    Anyway, I'll make my judgement a when a couple of more episodes come out.

    Good music though.

  10. #10

    Madlax - New Series

    This show really resembled Noir alot.

    The thing i hated was the fights. They looked nice but were just too unbelievable. The reason i like anime is because it's beautifull animation and because it's fantasy.

    The way she killed those guys was just to unreal. Most of the time not even looking at them.
    Wassup with that. You might be ill when it comes to gun bussin' but even Vash had to look where he was shooting.

    This chick was just standing on a tree, not even looking at those militay guys and just killed them with ease.

    But still can't wait till the next episode

  11. #11

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    episode 2 came out a couple of hours ago for those of you that are watching it

  12. #12

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    Wow...the second episode made me just say...WTF?

  13. #13

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    I second the "wtf" for episode 2.

    Hopefully Episode 3 makes some sense of it.

  14. #14

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    Watching the preview it aparently does make sense of it... at least we get some backround on Madlax

  15. #15

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    I really disliked the first episode. The plot was thin and pointless, and I wasn't too fond of the animation (the music was very good, though). I'll give the second episode a shot, but it doesn't look too good...

  16. #16

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    I just watched the second episode. My conclusion:


  17. #17

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    Episode 3 came out a couple of hours ago... I've really liked the series so far, dont know... this is the type of anime i've been missing the last couple of months... and I really think episode 3 took a step in the right direction...

  18. #18

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    this is one of the shittiest anime i've ever seen.
    I can't understand why people are doing this or kono minkuku or even bakuten & not Gantz.
    Madlax is slow, boring, & has a so damned conventional plot... It seems like the authors wanted to do like a reply of noir or something like that...screw it.

  19. #19

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    Well I like it, and apparently I'm the only one... but I will keep promoting it, because I think it will bring about a good story

  20. #20
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: Madlax - New Series

    I watched ep 3 now, wasn't as bad as 2... i actually managed to stay focused in it!

    the only thing above avarege in this anime is the music, scratch that, the only exceptional thing in all Bee Train 's animes is the music. the action theme could make even Sakura's flashbacks into a worthwhile experience...

    too bad that the plot is not only completly sucky, but it's also trying too hard... I could handle the anime if they kept the plot level realstic, but they are trying to act as if they are something special...
    the only thing worse than that is the constant close up on a few obscure items (red shoes, wow!) and thier neverending repeatence of useless sentences (a blue moon, how wonderfull, let's all party like it's 1999!).
    oh, sorry i fotgot to mention the flashbacks... even though i don't have any idea who they are concerning, or why they are appearing, i'm pretty sure they are useless aswell.

    Again, my mistake, the worst part must be the fact that the two main charecters don't have even the slightest connection between eachother, and each of them has a bank of sentences which she uses about 5 times each episode ("it's boring"~"the moon is blue")...

    hehg, funny thing, i have no idea how this post became so negative, ep 3 wasn't that bad, it was way above ep 2, anyway...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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