# Do not ask for licensed anime or manga
As described in Fansubbing and Licensing fansubs are technically illegal as they breach copyright. However as AnimeSuki.com does not wish to be associated with piracy, discussions about unlawfully getting licensed anime or manga or even DVD rips are not allowed. This means it is not allowed to post links to sites with such licensed material or ways to obtain it illegally, or ask for links or instructions to be emailed or PM'ed to you. Threads which break this rule will be either closed or simply deleted.
{{ This rule doesn't really apply to us, since gotwoot's directly affiliated with aone, which subs select licensed anime titles }}
# Do not ask for other illegal materials either
Obviously discussions about getting any other illegal materials, such as Ripped Music CDs (such as Anime OSTs), ROMs, ISOs, Warez etc. are not allowed either. Threads which break this rule will be either closed or simply deleted.
{{ This also doesn't apply to us as much. Anime OST's are generally acceptable on gotwoot, the latest Metallica CD or GBA rom or longhorn iso is generally not. }}