they could have made a second season to this anime! and yet they chose not too, but why? and hey is there a mirc channel somewhere to download inuyasha boxtorrents is down...
they could have made a second season to this anime! and yet they chose not too, but why? and hey is there a mirc channel somewhere to download inuyasha boxtorrents is down...
if there was one anime that i wish didn't end it would be cowboy bebop. they should make a prequal to cowboy bebop going into deeper detail about spike and vicious.
sorry that my post is completely OT. =/
yea, I don't really care about Robin, but a prequel to Bebop would definately be cool.
i really didnt find cowboy bebop to be that amusing... but i'm sure that a prequel would be 10 times more interesting than the series...
As far as Robin goes... i really liked it and if anytime in the future someone decides to continue the series i will certainly see it because i found the story very intriging and i really liked the characters.... as a matter of fact I think that I'll watch that series again when i go back home... it is one of my all-time favorites
i think robin is good and i dont know where u come from buddy but cowboy beebop was great. and yes sequels and such for both would deffinitelly be good, who invented the really short animes anyways? i find that disturbing.
Anotyher serise that should have been longer. HELLSING
i have to agree with you, hellsing should have been longer. and actually i heard that it was gonna be longer but there were some, shall we say, problems.Originally posted by: Kumiriko
Anotyher serise that should have been longer. HELLSING
I don't think Bebop should've been longer, I'd just want to see a prequel. I agree that Hellsing could've been longer, if the series doesn't have a great ending then everyone always wants it to be longer.
Now a serise that my family all agrees needed to be longer. It dint really end. i was happy with the serise. but everone i know sez. Neia under seven needed to be longer and actually end, personallly i found it to be one of the only serise i found it ok to be open ending
id like to see morw bebop but can someone answer my question about inuyasha?
go to the anime-kraze site
or it should have them