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Thread: LOGICS?

  1. #1


    1) Kimmaro have bones ripping through out of his skin w/ alot of blood spilling that looks extremely painful and we also see him break his own bone to make it as a weapon but it seems it doesnt hurt him ,so how does punching or kicking him like Rock lee is doing gonna cause him pain? what is he gonna do break his bone ?

    2) Rock Lee felt pity of himself when he lost to Gaara and didnt make it to next lvl and found himself watching Sasuke fight . He felt envious of sasuke cuz he mastered the speed lee has and plus he has sharingan and felt he was inferior.But later we find out he has a hidden style . That style is called the DRUNKEN FIST. Rock lee wasnt aware that he had this awesome style because for this style to be activated he needs to be drunk that alters his mental state . But it was just coincedence that drunken fist is chinese influenced martial arts and Rock , himself is chinese influence character and the stages that build up to this event to reveal his hidden style was just spare of the moment idea of kishimoto.

    3) My thread Brillance of Kishimoto where it was supposed to be a positive thread, that kishmoto will have great chapters for us. But i find myself defending my post where ppl r flaming me, then I hear ppl sayto me to give up , like im a wrongdoer ,eventually Mod locks it down instead of doing the right thing . So I came to a conclusion that logic is not a logic til you make it established to be a logic or logic is only logic when preferably favored by viewers your giving your logic too.


  2. #2


    your a Vulcan arent you? ( just jokeing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] )
    its a manga... logic dont really work the way it should work

    well we dont really know how his blood limit work

    yea Rock Lee really got screwd by saskue on the speed thing


    lets see you solve that one [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  3. #3


    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    So I came to a conclusion that logic is not a logic til you make it established to be a logic or logic is only logic when preferably favored by viewers your giving your logic too.
    Take a Logic class. Or at least an English one....

  4. #4


    Originally posted by: jonny-mt
    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    So I came to a conclusion that logic is not a logic til you make it established to be a logic or logic is only logic when preferably favored by viewers your giving your logic too.
    Take a Logic class. Or at least an English one....
    Is this coming from a guy who starts a sentence with a OR?

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    let me refear to your #2 point.

    A. Gai is also a chineese style charecter, would you think it's ok if he suddenly is a master (natural user) of the drunken fist style?
    B. China has alot more of Taijutsu style, would it be reasonable that Lee knows all of them?
    C. About every third anime has a chineese based charecter, and most of those are named Lee, is it becuase they all know the Drunken fisy style?

    Lee suddenly having a secret talent is totally OPPOSITE to the build up. as a rule, Lee never gets things easily - he has to work harder than anyone for them. no one will be suprised if in another two months (of manga time) Lee would be practising his super speed again, cuz we'll know that he trained all day for it.

    But giving Lee a secret geniousity in some super taijutsu style? where did that come from? What is it going to accomplish? giving Lee a victory over an enemy that shouldn't have been intreduced if he's going to die so quickly?


    Furthermore, about the drunken fist style, it looks like something that came out of Tenchi muyo (ryo-ohki dodges the lasers while he's drunk!) or Ranma 1\2 (there wasn't anything like that there, but i wouldn't be suprised if Rumiko would have done it) not a serious anime, in the middle of a serious battle.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #6


    Alright, guys, if this turns into another flame war one of us mods will lock the topic again.

    Secondly, it's becoming clear that this Lee and Kimimaro discussion will only be resolved one way or the other when we see how well the rest of the fight comes out. So, be patient and wait for Kishimoto-sensei to show us more; I'm sure it will all become clear.

  7. #7


    I think you might as well lock this one

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    is hokage-iv trying to make a point? or just ranting?

    ^said in a non-offensive way.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #9


    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    is hokage-iv trying to make a point? or just ranting?

    ^said in a non-offensive way.
    Only you can answer that question.Other wise ,logically its offensive. Comprend..e? lol

  10. #10


    Drunken fist. If you people dont know what it is based off of, I am sad. Drunken Fist is the same as Drunken boxing. Jacky chan. It is rather clear. And Lee being a natueal at it isnt that cheap. Seeing lee drunken boxing is one of the highlights of the manga

  11. #11


    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    1) Kimmaro have bones ripping through out of his skin w/ alot of blood spilling that looks extremely painful and we also see him break his own bone to make it as a weapon but it seems it doesnt hurt him ,so how does punching or kicking him like Rock lee is doing gonna cause him pain? what is he gonna do break his bone ?
    This will be more clear after the match is over, discussing it right now would prove useless since we don't know what Kishimoto has planned.

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    2) Rock Lee felt pity of himself when he lost to Gaara and didnt make it to next lvl and found himself watching Sasuke fight . He felt envious of sasuke cuz he mastered the speed lee has and plus he has sharingan and felt he was inferior.But later we find out he has a hidden style . That style is called the DRUNKEN FIST. Rock lee wasnt aware that he had this awesome style because for this style to be activated he needs to be drunk that alters his mental state . But it was just coincedence that drunken fist is chinese influenced martial arts and Rock , himself is chinese influence character and the stages that build up to this event to reveal his hidden style was just spare of the moment idea of kishimoto.
    Forgive me I cannot understand your run-on sentence at the end.
    Are you saying that Kishimoto had planned this in advance and it seemed to be spare of the moment idea?
    I think Kishimoto and his crew had already drawn up the story from way back at least a couple of volumes. If you read some of the notes about Kishimoto you will see that he and his team discuss alot of the aspects of the story before releasing anything, this type of development takes time and its not a one or two week assignment.

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    3) My thread Brillance of Kishimoto where it was supposed to be a positive thread, that kishmoto will have great chapters for us. But i find myself defending my post where ppl r flaming me, then I hear ppl sayto me to give up , like im a wrongdoer ,eventually Mod locks it down instead of doing the right thing . So I came to a conclusion that logic is not a logic til you make it established to be a logic or logic is only logic when preferably favored by viewers your giving your logic too.
    logic != opinion, logic is established through mathematics (boolean algebra) if you can set a proof using math then we can incorporate logic into this, otherwise let's just respect opinions.

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
    and 2+2=5

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    well himura_san...thats only the programming/math aspect of logic....the word in itself has more definitions than just that. the logics he's referring to is in terms of practical knowledge....which in this case probably IS both logic and opinion (logic from the perspective of the person making the observation combined with personal knowledge/experience, but opinion in the fact that there is no facts to back it)

    and kumiriko, dont take that jackie chan movie too seriously....drunken boxing is a LOT more complicated than just knowing taijutsu and getting drunk
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13


    syntax (conclusions, machine level) and semantic (implications, human "readable") are of equal power. What can be expressed in the one way can also be expressed in the other. And as our logic is based on the old greeks who were not only philosophers but also mathematicians, his abstraction to a formal level is perfectly alright.

    And btw, 2+2=5 is fine for large values of 2.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  14. #14


    This definition of logic debate might as well be moved to general discussion. Hokage IV, I don't see what you plan to accomplish by making a thread like this.

  15. #15


    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    This definition of logic debate might as well be moved to general discussion.
    Completely agree....

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    well himura_san...thats only the programming/math aspect of logic....the word in itself has more definitions than just that. the logics he's referring to is in terms of practical knowledge....which in this case probably IS both logic and opinion (logic from the perspective of the person making the observation combined with personal knowledge/experience, but opinion in the fact that there is no facts to back it)
    The thing is, though, there is also a set foundation of logic rules relating to non-mathematical logic as well, i.e. syllogisms (All Greeks are human, Aristotle is a Greek, therefore Aristotle is human) and the like. If you've ever written an analytic paper, you know very well that there is certainly a system to proving one's logic; simply stating your opinion is not enough, and even providing facts to back it up is merely reducing the possibility that the reader will think you are incorrect. Outside of mathematics, the number of things that can be conclusively proven is rather small...even accepted scientific theories are just that: theories.

    Originally posted by: Hokage-IV

    Is this coming from a guy who starts a sentence with a OR?
    Indeed it is, my friend. It was a stylistic liberty taken in order to place more emphasis on the separation between possible choices; although ultimately grammatically incorrect, that was more than made up for by the fact that it achieved the effect I desired. Although I would probably not use it in an academic paper, I was not speaking in an academic tone, and so I do not have to adhere to strict grammatical rules. It's one of those neat little tricks you pick up while learning to clearly express your thoughts through writing, which is the focus of real English classes as opposed to simple grammar-oriented ones. My apologies; I assumed you were already taking real English classes....

  16. #16


    dont take that jackie chan movie too seriously....drunken boxing is a LOT more complicated than just knowing taijutsu and getting drunk
    I know it is more complecated then that. he dint just get drunk and know it in the movie. but yah. Rock just has a natueral talent for that style of fighting. It is like a person picking up a gutar fooling around for a bit. and then just Belting out a Song they have herd before half an hour later as if they have been playing for years. People just tend to have a Nack for stuff. Lee would be a self tought Drunken fist.

  17. #17


    Ok, so.

    If you want to have a discussion of logic, take it over to general discussion. I must admit I am impressed with people's knowledge about the formal study of logic; it's definately a worthwhile topic. Just not here.

    Wait and see what will happen with Lee vs. Kimimaro. Topic closed.

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