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Thread: Spyware

  1. #21

    RE: Spyware

    do you guys know what these are, they appeared on my spybot SD, and i dont know if i should immunize them or not:
    -backweb lite
    -dso exploit
    very troublesome to remove shit thats important to run the computer properly
    im thinkin of reformating, but i need an external harddrive to save the stuff that i want

    does anyone know what this problem is where this window tells you to send or dont send your error report to microsoft. it keeps doing that whenever i open or try to install a program
    any help would be great

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Spyware

    Fuck explorer and get Firefox.

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Spyware

    im gettin some omegasearch BS that keeps comin up on my internet explorer...
    even though i use mozilla most of the time, i still need ie sometimes for stuff like torrents

    anyway ive found removal tools specifically for certain things....looks like i'll have to go through it again though.....stupid piece of crap
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24

    RE: Spyware

    Originally posted by: tensai
    do you guys know what these are, they appeared on my spybot SD, and i dont know if i should immunize them or not:
    -backweb lite
    -dso exploit
    very troublesome to remove shit thats important to run the computer properly
    im thinkin of reformating, but i need an external harddrive to save the stuff that i want

    does anyone know what this problem is where this window tells you to send or dont send your error report to microsoft. it keeps doing that whenever i open or try to install a program
    any help would be great
    Remove them.

  5. #25
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: Spyware

    wildtangent is mostly harmless, and has some things that are ok about it (it's a rudimentary 3d engine and an sdk for it, but tbh it's kinda a crappy one compared to shockwave's 3d, which is primative compared to directx).

    dso exploit is most harmful (it allows stuff that exploits it to get into your system without your knowledge or interaction, and once one title is on your system it can usher in others). Kill that.

    other two sound pretty generic, and are also definitely candidates for removal.

  6. #26

    RE: Spyware

    I use firefox now.

    IF You want to get rid of spyware download hijackthis.exe go to and head to their forums. Scan with hijackthis.exe save a log and copy the log in a post on the forum asking for help.

    There is now spyware that ad-aware and spybot type programs CANNOT get rid of no matter when you use them or how (i.e. safemode). These types of spyware are browser hijack programs and spyware trojans. Some common examples are COOLWEBSEARCH ALLABOUTSEARCHING.COM , ZESTYFIND.COM SPOTRESULTS.COM AND C:\SEARCHPAGE. Plus xxxtoolbars can also do this.

    Either go to the forum i mentioned or IM me at Outtawack311 on aim and I should be able to help you (I fixed 2 friends comps this past week). Good luck

  7. #27

    RE: Spyware

    thanks for all the help,
    but my comp is still fucked.
    ill try hijack this soon, i did dl it but i deleted it because i thought it wasnt that useful.

    im still having this problem where i try to open/run something that ive just finished dl (software, etc...) and the computer has a error report that asks me if i want to send or not, wtf is this problem, i just cant figure it out
    for example, just a couple minutes ago, i dled firefox and when i tried to run it, the computer just rejects opening it and the error/dont send thing pops up

    thanks anyways

  8. #28

    RE: Spyware

    Ad-aware removes COOLWEBSEARCH and all of the redirect programs.

  9. #29
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    i heard about this new one that is even better than ad-aware. i think it's called SSP... i'm not sure what it stands for but i think it's like "STOP SEARCHING PORN". you might wanna try that.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #30


    hahaha, right, right
    no more porno, just get porno from your friends now
    back to the point
    i dont really have spyware anymore (i think)
    its just this thing that keeps causing an error when i try to install a new program or some shit (could be spyware, but after using a lot of programs that removes spyware, it just keeps happening)
    the worst possibility to get my comp better is to reformat - and thats the last resort option

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