Toast Performance Test
Mine is 1223kbps. ^.^
Just to see what other people have.
Toast Performance Test
Mine is 1223kbps. ^.^
Just to see what other people have.
and what do chose if you live in sweden?
i got a 0.5 mb line from Telia ( or like some say it Felia ( swedish joke there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] )
i got 1122kbps.
I dunno if thats right though because right now im running bitorrent and that usually slows down my connection.
this is what it told me and i clicked on the FREE one:
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Yup same here... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this is what it told me and i clicked on the FREE one:
You need to be a member to access's Premium Content
Join today and get all the following for only $35.40/year (or $4.95/month).
i got 487k, but my connect is 512k. nvm eh
I'm on 512k also, but I got 262! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Most likely because I'm on the other side of the world and there were no local servers.Originally posted by: r3n
i got 487k, but my connect is 512k. nvm eh
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
414 k but i got like 10 bittorrent files goin
I used the CA site.
Uhhh is that good? Lol
On the cable modem at home the red line reads 1867* K
Dunno what the astrix is for. I wonder what my bandwith at the dorms is...
ping matters a lot. when i used the californian servers i got around 250 kbps, but when i used the uk server i got 1033kbps (i live in amsterdam). my maximum dl/ul is 1500/128 and i'ts not uncommon for me to pass that border.
Because your bandwidth at that time was higher than average T1 connections... certain webcelerators will do that.
I'm 10 mbit at home, but with 2 gigs/day limit .... 100 mbit at work, gigabit when I'm serious about it at work. I spent 24 hours seeding lightly on the 9 gig akazukin chacha torrent and sent 160ish gigs (2 megs/sec for most of the time), without significantly impacting available resources (though I've got no intention to continue, consistent abuse is how you lose the ability to abuse at all, and also your job).
honestly, if I could have 3 mbits each way uncapped, I'd be happy. or better yet, 10 mbit uncapped. Next year I'll be a lowly 3 down 256 up cable modem user, and it'll suck a lot I'm sure.