get it at
INANE's version gives reason for defeat of Jounins by the sound four
get it at
INANE's version gives reason for defeat of Jounins by the sound four
cool cool.
it says the next issue is gonna be "traitor" which probably doesn't mean anything since kishimoto lies.
no it means a two boxes of sasuke and naruto talking
heres what it will go like
naruto:SASUKEEEE, what the hell
LOL or should I say kukukukukuku?Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
no it means a two boxes of sasuke and naruto talking
heres what it will go like
naruto:SASUKEEEE, what the hell
this is good news. much thanks to inane and the peeps who did other versions to help pass some time.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
yay, dam kinda took them a little longer this time, but now i can go read wit joy
Finally! I was wondering when the Inane version was coming out. Damn, Rock and sake? Geez, who knew!? Can't wait for chapter 211!
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
did you seriously wait to read inanes only
Well, no, but they are the only manga 'fansub' group I know of that does Naruto. I'm really new to the manga side of fansubbing. Although the other chapters I have are done by several other groups, I never paid it too much mind, since I was too into reading the chapter. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
did you seriously wait to read inanes only
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
huh? in inane's tsunade said that he can start learning jutsu tomorrow.....
i wonder if its implying his taijutsu, or maybe he CAN do other stuff now like someone once hypothesized
edit: or maybe inane just translated it weirdly
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I'm guessing most people already read some subbed version of the chapter, but still got Inane's to make sure it was accurate. The jutsu thing was probably just a weird translation like you said.
the translation had some improvements once again inane shows there professionalism and accuracy
but im sure they miss a few things dunno
OMG, Lee is the most badass character ever!!!!!
I can't wait to have this animated!!!!
yes; we get to see Rock Lee kick some ass now heheh; :-P
on a side note (not related to this) I WANT MY FREAKIN AVATAR BACK...::sigh::
I thought the same thing. I don't think its a mistranslation by inane cause the version on narutoex translated it the same way.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
huh? in inane's tsunade said that he can start learning jutsu tomorrow.....
i wonder if its implying his taijutsu, or maybe he CAN do other stuff now like someone once hypothesized
edit: or maybe inane just translated it weirdly
BTW wren check the avatar thread in general discussion.
In the manga world its not called "fan sub" its called scanlated (so you get scanlations)
Also the word Jutsu means Techniques so I defiently wouldnt think about it so much (yet)
Comment on the color cover: Nice coloring, but it seems like Ino has pupils because of it.(Looks like it to me...maybe its different for you guys). She doesn't have pupils, right?
Yeah She dont have pupils. It's also in the anime.
She's supposed to be ghostly. Thats why she can transfer her spirit all around. Cool eyes though. Those like you can look into her soul.
About Inane 210.... FINALLY!! I hope they don't make 211 come out this late as well!! I want it out by Saturday's dammit!!
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
Ah I thought so....
Also out at you don't have to download there, you can just browse through online.