Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
OK, I got some questions...
WTF does d********** stand for? and did you not catch the minty hint of sarcasm in his post? I live in florida and it is lame as shit...
The girls are about as smart as your average 7 year old. The beach is evil... did you hear about all those shark attacks last(?) year? the kid was on the news and junk... yeah, I live there. Sun burn is the worst thing ever, and I'm so good at avoiding it, its legally considered ninja. (you try living in florida and have no tan lines) the cars are nice, but they are usually out at night, so its gravy. Boating is Ok, but sun suxorz so I dun do that...
So remember kids: SUN + SKINNY IRISH CHILDREN = Death to Small woodland creatures