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Thread: Why?

  1. #1


    So, ever since I've downloaded and watched like two-five episodes daily of Naruto, I've been wondering why the series aint called 'Sasuke-kun'?
    He has the ladies after him.
    He's probably the most powerful amongst them.
    He has sharingan.
    He definetivly looks cool.
    He's from the Uchiha.

    Maybe the Forth made a mistake sealing the fox inside Naruto, he should've sealed it inside Sasuke.
    Naruto could be this funny-idiot on the side of Sasuke trying to be cool so everyone could laugh at him.
    I'm not saying I don't like Naruto, he's great and funny. But Sasuke is much more powerful

    I'm sorry if I offended any Naruto fans, I hope you won't ban me from the forum, but it's just my opinion [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]


    Hey, I know it's ignorant to say this... I know I'll get alot of negative feed-back :S Sorry

  2. #2


    Well, first of all, thank you for being polite! :-) Even if I hated your opinions I would still like you for that!!

    Secondly, how far have you seen? I don't want to spoil you.

    Thirdly, the reason Sasuke is such a main player is partly due to the fact that he's Kishimoto's favorite character. Kishimoto mentions in an interview that Sasuke is the most difficult for him to draw without making him look too old, so he had to put more effort into making him look the way he wanted to. From that, he became the artist's favorite.

    I think, though, that the reason Naruto is the main character is because he's the one that really learns all the lessons of the heart. All the things that we are supposed to take away from the series are things that Naruto learns and goes through. Sasuke starts off as the dark, brooding revenger character, and up until the most recent anime sub, he's still the dark, brooding revenger character. He has yet to really grow or show any change. Flat characters like that may be interesting, but without Naruto's growth the story wouldn't really advance in any meaningful way.

  3. #3
    Missing Nin
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    Jan 2004


    the creator of naruto the series said that one of the most important themes in naruto is the underdog coming through, this is the same in loads of anime series. so u look at the character naruto and think how can this clumsy fool possibly beat such a cool guy like sasuke? well cos he has dreams and the willpower to work however hard it takes to achieve them. tbh if the series was about a person who was already perfect it would lack character development and would soon get boring.

  4. #4


    Originally posted by: lasaire
    Well, first of all, thank you for being polite! :-) Even if I hated your opinions I would still like you for that!!

    Man, you have class...
    and I will leave it like that, before I lose mine [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Well, at least he wasn't talking about Sakura-chan.

  5. #5


    I haven't watched episode 76 yet, but I'm on 75.
    I don't read the manga.

    Oh, and something else;
    I thinkI've missed the part where Sasuke meets Itachi - I've seen so many pictures of Uchiha Itachi, I don't know that is (I believe it's the brother...) =)

  6. #6


    Haha LOL you couldn't have seen many episodes after saying "He's probably the most powerful amongst them" , he deffinetly ain't.

  7. #7


    He has the ladies after him. "he tends to ignore them i think he may be gay"
    He's probably the most powerful amongst them. "not really"
    He has sharingan. "so kakashi and his brother have it to"
    He definetivly looks cool. "yeah so he has one thin going for him"
    He's from the Uchiha. "yeah he was kinda born that way, there not all that great"

    naruto on the other hand
    goes after the ladies
    is truely thee strongest becuase of his potentially untapped power
    he has one of the strongest demons ever sealed within him
    naruto looks bad ass all kyuubified
    hes u-zu-ma-ki na-ru-to what more could you want

    but hes still a good character

  8. #8


    Haha LOL back at you itachi.
    You said it yourself "He's probably the most powerful amongst them."
    Read it again; P R O B A B L Y.
    Sharingan owns, if he could just train and gain his chakra-capacity, he could become the next hokage.
    But I see what you guys are saying, Naruto isn't perfect, but he tries to improve and he does. It's not only anime, it's a lesson we all could use.
    And hey, since you guys are defending Naruto so strongly, I'll stop posting in this thread, I just want to read your opinions.
    Again, sorry.
    No need to hate me after the thread is locked, I just tried to start a little mind-storm ^_^

  9. #9


    huuuuuuuuuhhhhh, I am staying waaaaaaaay clear of this threat heh, heh
    Ok, couldn't help it.
    It should be called Sasky-kuuuuuuuuun.
    It does make sense, considered that those are by far the two most uttered words in all series, due to the relentless effords of Sakura alone. Who says she is afraid of training????

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Why?

    sasuke's getting all the attention because he's an uchiha and everyone underestimates, gaara, orochimaru, even kakashi at times seem to doubt what naruto is capable of

    he's still got alot to prove
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11


    The only one who believes in him is...
    There a woman (and the only one) who can't care less about Saska-kun.
    How can you people not LOVE her?
    And that, not because she believes in Naruto...

  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I got to admit you have a point, ever since the story started and until the most recent manga chapters, the main focus was on Sasuke, and it looks like Kishimoto is trying to make Naruto look like a complete loser, even now.
    Sasuke could make an amazing main charecter if he had his own anime, but since he's not the main charecter, his nonstop interfernce in the plotline gets annoying...

    notice how, from the second episode until the Neji fight, Naruto never had his own moment of glory. all of his fights were won thanks to either the Kyubi (haku or orochimaru) or were plain stupid (rain nins and Kiba), Sasuke had his glory shown every two episodes...

    Sasuke should learn from Killua (Hunter X Hunter) how to be a good sidekick, even though Killua is much stronger\smarter\cooler than Gon, he still leaves the main spotlight to Gon.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #13


    Are you nut, he's not even "probably" the most strongest, neji, naruto, gaara, everyone is stronger then him, all the jounins, kage, sennin's etc, he's not strong, he's sasgay.

  14. #14


    Sasuke and Naruto are BOTH way short of their total potential. That's all there is to say on the 'who's stronger' argument. The end.

    Itachi shows up in the manga...that's why all the art floating around with him.

  15. #15


    Originally posted by: itachi_
    Are you nut, he's not even "probably" the most strongest, neji, naruto, gaara, everyone is stronger then him, all the jounins, kage, sennin's etc, he's not strong, he's sasgay.
    Love thy bro, itachi...

  16. #16


    DO NOT tell me you haven't thought about this exact thing.
    Because you have...

  17. #17


    Err??? 0_o or not.

  18. #18


    "Sasuke starts off as the dark, brooding revenger character, and up until the most recent anime sub, he's still the dark, brooding revenger character. He has yet to really grow or show any change. Flat characters like that may be interesting, but without Naruto's growth the story wouldn't really advance in any meaningful way."

    Sasuke's ambition doesn't change, but he show many changes throughout the anime. He threw himself in front of Naruto to protect him and fighting Orochimaru without running away (so he can live to fight his brother). Because of Naruto, everyone in Konoha changed, Neji, Hinata, Sasuke, Konohamaru, and Zabuza (he's not from Konoha).

    Naruto is the strongest. So far, he possess the most chakra making him the strongest. Naruto is full of surprises (Ex. Transforming into shuriken... btw, Kakashi said that). The strongest doesn't mean he's the best ninja. In my opinion, I think Naruto can beat Sasuke. Sasuke have the sharingan and he uses it to see and counterattack the same techniques that are already done before, putting him one step ahead of his opponent. It doesn't work well against a person that comes up with new tricks and especially if you don't have the chakra to stop it, too.

    I think I heard Orochimaru said Sasuke have the ability to learn the "best technique" and didn't learn it yet, but I'm not sure if I remember right.

  19. #19

    RE: Why?

    naruto will out run and out last sasuke hell the first time you actually see them fight sasuke gets beat "tied up"

    sasuke is not that good

  20. #20
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Why?

    naruto sucks. he's too plain.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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