It's some sort of bird man attempting to rape what seems to be a female Cloud...?
It's some sort of bird man attempting to rape what seems to be a female Cloud...?
It's Lynx and Kid from Chrono Cross...
Here's the Original. As you can see, I wasn't working with a very high quality image in the first place.
I decided to toy with the dimensions, text placement, and coloring a bit... Not going to pursue this one any further. Kinda bummed it didn't turn out the way I'd planned. Oh well...
I need to get around to play that game...
Anyway, in those cases i find that exacerbating just how shitty the render is actually helps, add some noise for uniformity and sharpen it for some texture. Play around with the lighting a bit since it would be a waste to not call attention to the double moons on the background and voila
Yeah, that idea had crossed my mind, but I'm not a huge fan of just slapping some effects onto an already completed image. However, in this case, it may be the proper route. Also, It helps that you used a much better version of the source image...
The fact that your shit render is even shittier than it needed to be doesn't help you, no. And what the fuck is up with the 14 year old emo quotes? Are they part of the game as well? Even they are it sounds lame as all hell.
I reused the background because blending such a grainy render to any other background would be a pain in the ass and smoothing the shit out of it like you did doesn't look good either.
True, that first image was pretty shitty by comparison. Taking a look around for a better copy of an image I saved 6 or 7 years ago would have been a better approach. Yes, the quote is from the game. I agree it's sorta lame, but despite being heavy on the cheese, the image had a yougonnagetraped feel to it, so I felt it fit. What the fuck are you expecting from a JRPG?
Anyway, now I'm gonna go rip off your idea and see what I can come up with. Thanks.
Last edited by IFHTT; Fri, 08-12-2011 at 04:30 PM. Reason: smokin more crack
Well in the end, regardless of the result, we'll both know that all the merit and prestige for the idea are mine... but yah, go for it
New set for an old loli.
It'd be funnier if the ifhtt was in the love pillow, i'm just sayin
I really need to stop ignoring PS for months at a time.
How rusty am I?
EDIT: Has there always been an "attached tumbnails" box below your post when you post an image? How the hell do you get rid of it?
Last edited by Alhuin; Tue, 09-20-2011 at 01:12 PM.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
Not too bad.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I don't think you can.
As for the sig, lighting on the foreground is the main issue that sticks out. The character is clear and clearly lit while her background is misty and the like. It's the sharp contrast in style that gives the feeling of you having put a character on a background and blended the edges (which you actually do) instead of having the sig look like one complete piece of work (which you're actually trying to pull off).
I actually have to motivate myself to actually install and use PS..
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
You can, go to manage attachements and remove it.
Sweet, that took care of it.
@Bill: I see what you mean. I didn't spend near as much time blending the render as I used to, but I think part of it has to do with the sharpened render layer I created, focusing on her face. If you notice around her dress, I lowered the opacity to soften it. I'll make some more adjustments to see if I can make it flow better.
I'm quite pleased with the text for her name, but I'm wondering if the quote is alright. Whether it's the colour, the placement, or just the quote itself.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
Decided I didn't really like the quote, so I moved the name slightly to compensate for the loss of balance. I spent a good two hours just trying to make the render blend in a bit more. I may or may not have accomplished that enough. I feel like it needs to be slightly brighter, but if I do anything to make it bright, it brings the render out more and I'm back to square one.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
When you manage to make a character I hate look good it means you made something right Alhuin.
I didn't think that GW still allowed such tall sigs. What are the actual limitations for sigs anyway? It's about time I make a new one.