thats cool some cool sig never heard of them though:S
thats cool some cool sig never heard of them though:S
great sigs everyone. really like that zabuza.
My new sig someone made. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] #gotwoot
Kitkat makes great signatures!
I like it, although the guns are a little bit "too bright" overall its fine
R.I.P Captain America. #gotwoot
Kitkat makes great signatures!
Nice job Dragon, keep em coming. Are those new avatars for your corresponding sigs as well?
Sig made by Lucifus
the beyonce 1 is just godlike [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] make more
Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Nice job Dragon, keep em coming. Are those new avatars for your corresponding sigs as well?
Indeed, but all the credit goes to my friend. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] #gotwoot
Kitkat makes great signatures!
btw i drew some fate stay/night fan art, as well as a gundam, but ehm.... i dont really have a scanner, nor a digicam at hand, i only have a webcam [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img], would it be ok to ehm, make pics with that *hides*........
edit, omg 303 posts already?? i never even reached that on ne other forum..
Your stuff needs borders Dragon.
Aight heres a kinda bad sig with the band Kiss...comments please
It looks like the opposite of contrast. Go to the layers pallete then go to adjustment layers then go to brightness/contrast, theeeeen finally up the contrast........a lot.
btw, what do you guys think about the design of my webpage?
It's interesting, a few critiques...
Blue text on blue background is annoying (the links). Also whats with the comments not being all in one column but kinda spread out? And I don't know if many people agree with me but "intro pages" where you just click an image to get to the site annoy me.
Other than that I like the design going on in the site.
New sig, comments?
I think it would look better without scanlines.
Tried that. I thought it looked boring.
How about a teck border, and some text to finish it off. otherwise it looks good, you could lower the opacity on the scanlines some so its not as strong, maybe.
Sig made by Lucifus
Do what Fooman said and if you want juts one lil touch of brushing.
its more commonly used for sites made with flash.....just to let the viewer know what is needed to see the siteOriginally posted by: Jessper
And I don't know if many people agree with me but "intro pages" where you just click an image to get to the site annoy me.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07