Fury, that is one kickass wallpaper!
Fury, that is one kickass wallpaper!
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
I can almost see AlbinoFury take the trophy in WP contest if he keeps that up ^^
Here's a sig I made just now
soooo bored during easter hols, made this purely cos i had nowt else to do:
i dont really like it but whatever. thoughts?
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:11 PM.
without scanlines on the character (looks better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
the text is a bit blurry aye, but i actually think it looks better that way. meh, told you i was bored and didnt like it v much [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
its all just brushing apart from the stock (obviously), and lines around her. thats just the pen tool. theres contrast and colour balance filters on there too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
r3n [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] wow...
Sasuke wallpaper:
Fox Fire did you make that wallpaper? the sasuke pop out isnt that good.................
Yhea it's kinda sucky, I didn't spend time on it like my last wallpaper and this is my first one with something other than graphics.
background of that looks really pixelated/blurred foxfire.
other than that its nice
hey r3n nice sig, where did you get that pic from, its really nice
R.I.P Captain America.
FoxFire: what did you use to create the background. and why are they so pixelated.
its by the same guy that did the artwork for magnacarta and oxide. his name is hyung-tae kim, and hes a god of drawing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] . just stick his name in google and browse aroundOriginally posted by: Knives122
hey r3n nice sig, where did you get that pic from, its really nice
naruto the king is back^^
Just a new Naruto sig I made, testing out new effects.
I enlarged my brushes.Originally posted by: jing
FoxFire: what did you use to create the background. and why are they so pixelated.
been going sig crazy today. this 1 is kinda simpler than the last 1. taking a different approach to sigs now (well for this one atleast). i think it kinda paints a story and as a friend said "dude, you are SO emo".
That ones good but I love the other new one without the scanlines.
@Hellraiser & r3n - awesome sigs!
@KNJ - I like your sig as well! I've never seen that pic of Naruto before.
Here's an animated sig I did of solid snake.
crap on you, I was going to make a sig like that, oh well just as good as the last one, guess I'll just have to change the way I was going to do mineOriginally posted by: r3n
been going sig crazy today. this 1 is kinda simpler than the last 1. taking a different approach to sigs now (well for this one atleast). i think it kinda paints a story and as a friend said "dude, you are SO emo".
R.I.P Captain America.