another sell-out to the grunge -_-
another sell-out to the grunge -_-
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
ok this are the two versions...
which one do you prefer... first the one you like the most... and then critique it... but please pick one
Who IS that guy you use in your avatar/sig Bud?
the main character is Ryou Takatsuki but he is transforming to what is in the background called Jabberwock....
It's from the series Project ARMS... one of my favorite animes out there... you can get it from zhentarim up to episode 26 (first half of series).... and aha is up to 34....
I really like those sigs Bud, they look sweet [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. I like the second version of your sig that you posted because the first one seems kind of dark. Also, I like the grunging used in the second one.
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
i tried some new filters and effects today came out with this, kinda like it :>
all done without the regular grunge approach using filters instead of brushes and cloud overlay.
hey man... you are stealing my thunder... it's time for me to show off my sig... post later
not bad albino, altho 1 suggestion i have is to stop using scan lines in EVERY SIG YOU MAKE. they dont really add to it, and i think that sig you jst made would be better off without it. my opinion
To Both Bud and Albino: I like both of your sigs, Albino I would take R's advice b/c it makes it look iffy(I dont know what that means), and Bud I like your sig and I dont know what the teeth are for, but who am I to tell what people should put on there
R.I.P Captain America.
lol knives, i didnt even realise they were teeth on buds sig, jst saw it as some funny pattern.
hmm could someone gimme a link to a place to dl photoshop or some other photo altering program so i can make sigs and whatnot?
hummm dont know... im too lazy too look... but check suprnova or even google it do it like photo shop + torrent...
or use emule or something like that...
heh iv tried supernova and they didnt have anything unfortunatly so yeah i guess ill try google if noone has any leads in the next coupla days as i dont wanna get a virus or something
baka.... suprnova has about 3 different torrents for PS7 not to mention PS8 CS. look again you're obviously not very good at going into the search page, typing in "photoshop" and pressing enter. *sigh*
Well if you would have seen the series then you would know what does teeth are and the theme of the sig... so when you watch it then let me know what do you think... so just criticize on how do you think it looks not on the actual content (only criticize the content if you have watch the series)Originally posted by: Knives122
To Both Bud and Albino: I like both of your sigs, Albino I would take R's advice b/c it makes it look iffy(I dont know what that means), and Bud I like your sig and I dont know what the teeth are for, but who am I to tell what people should put on there
Well heres my new sig I think I might of actually gotten a font that someone might agree with me on using, so here it is
R.I.P Captain America.
i changed mine got rid of the scan lines, bah though scanlines in different overlay modes are the shit!
its mitsurugi from soul calibur 2, my my have we been hating a lot recentlyOriginally posted by: AssertnFailure
what IS your sig? it looks like some highlights of some guy hidden behind maroon chicken scratchesOriginally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
i dont think red sucks, my sig is pretty badass. made by possible btw.
I wasnt criticizing anything, I just didnt know why the teeth were there, I didnt say that they were bad(partly my ignorance of not seeing the series) so i apoligize if you took that comment the wrong wayOriginally posted by: Budweineken
Well if you would have seen the series then you would know what does teeth are and the theme of the sig... so when you watch it then let me know what do you think... so just criticize on how do you think it looks not on the actual content (only criticize the content if you have watch the series)Originally posted by: Knives122
To Both Bud and Albino: I like both of your sigs, Albino I would take R's advice b/c it makes it look iffy(I dont know what that means), and Bud I like your sig and I dont know what the teeth are for, but who am I to tell what people should put on there
R.I.P Captain America.
well im just saying that if you dont know you shouldnt bring that up IMO.. its like there is a sig of naruto and there is a kyuubi in the backround... but i have never watch Naruto and then come up sayin yeah its cool... but why is there a fox in the sig... it's out of place...
but whatever... any critique is good