Apologies for imposing on your avatar. Does this style not suite you?
You guys really seem to like Aigis. I could have done better with that one, but at least I've started moving away a bit from the style I've been using.
I think it is precisely because it departs from your usual style that it looks better.
Honestly, I'm not really found of the text in a lot of your recent works Luci. You used to be really good with text placement and blending so it brought the piece together, but lately it seems like you're just throwing it on as an afterthought. Just my opinion though... the rest of the sigs look great. I think they could do without the scanlines as well, though. I really love the simplicity of the Raven one.
I'm extremely frustrated right now cause I have so many ideas with so many different renders (one of which I cut myself), but I haven't been able to find the right background and/or styles for them. I'm thinking of breaking out some tutorials and going from there...
Oh and lastly... I don't mind the ava alteration that you did... it seems like it might go better with my sig... but one of the biggest reasons I used this one is because of the green of her eyes. Doesn't sync well with the sig, but no one seems to have any problems with it so far =/
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
I'll have to agree with Al on that one, that text looks awfully plain and out of place. Go for something clean and neat if you have to or just drop it entirely.
Al, you should totally go with Saber Alter's gothic lolita mode for the avatar. That or something more ruthless to go along with the sig.
Your both absolutely on the money there, I've been extraordinarily lazy with my text in comparison to all the effort I used to put in em.
I forgot how important getting the placement and coloration right is. Disgusting. -_-
How's the text/lighting on this one?
That version is slightly smaller than the original, but for the sake of making a sig, you'll be shrinking it regardless.
Luci... the new version of your Kenshin sig is much better than the last. A couple things to point out though... there appears to be a blur right above the hand going for the sword. I'm not sure if the original background is like that, or if you added it for some reason, but it's very noticeable. And the font for "Battousai" doesn't sit well. Probably because it's all caps and has the curl on each letter.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
New Penguindrum set.
It took a few second for the "mac" symbol to make sense, but that's cool. :P
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The lines in the sig seem a little too sharp and/or fuzzy. I'm not sure if that's do to the aforementioned crop/resizing, or if the source was already like that. Other than that, though, they look great.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
I vectored the more jagged parts then applied a light gaussian blur. Is it any better?
Here is a version with the vectors but no blur.
I think with this resolution, high contrast (like dual or tri-colour images) tend to show pixellation.
First one looks blurry, second one still looks too sharp and honestly i'm not a fan of the idea in general. If i had to choose, I'd go with the second one after some manually applied light blurring around the edges.
Blurring parts of it make it look like crap. Blurring just doesn't work with dual colour images.