Haha, thanks muchieZ my lady.
I would usually compliment you on your signature simply because you were of the opposite sex but I gotta say, spend more time in Photoshop! You ain't getting no favoritism from me unless you show the goods.
KitKatZ got that role in my life alreadies. O, and I do like your signature btws.
Flash them colaz AA. I mainly didn't make you a avatar because I couldn't find anything that could be linked to a male angel and be fit into a 100x100 avatar; I also couldn't find another image o that guy in your signature and I dont like using the same image for both Ava/Sig. So, I suggest you start training that little yellow rat.
Oh My God Saya!!!!!!!



'Critique and Comment' please! I'll solo these sets for a little while.
<3 4 C2, Saya, n Horo