i sure will. i wont let you miss my newest creation which goes by the named "cursed". wanna try to guess which character it features?
i sure will. i wont let you miss my newest creation which goes by the named "cursed". wanna try to guess which character it features?
jiraiya?? lol jus a guess ^_^
nah the psj one is featuring jiraiya, i guess you'll have to see.
Toruxxx, you got some BADASS backgrounds for your sigs. How do you do them? any special tricks?
Well, remember that sig I made with the homos, heres a revised one of it, now its a work in progress but, ill most likely have to make them smaller, give me feed back on it
<IMG SRC="http://www.imageark.net/image.php?id=50847">
R.I.P Captain America.
It's a bit crowded and busy, try eliminating a few of the faces, or toning their opacity down a bit.
yeah more or less, just putting the ones that had an actual impact on the series (which would be Lust, dante, pride, wrath and sloth)
R.I.P Captain America.
Hey guys, this is my first wallpaper using Photoshop.
Please tell me what you all think!
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
okay my sigs show at devart now go check it out.
nice gallery PSJ. now i know this isn't the thread for asking but if you have time, i'd like to request that you make me an avatar and a sig please. Gotta go to class so i'll pm you some time today with regards to the specific character.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
i guess the wp is good for ur firsd one but u need a better bg and all, all it is, is stock and just alil bit of cutting out.
animemaster ill make u one if u want what char or stuff u want on it?
sure i can do someting for you animemaster, send me some specifications in a pm with character, colors and everythign else you can think of you want.
so heres my cursed sig and ava, its sasuke, didnt really think anyone wouldnt get it but i said it anyway. the ava sucks so ill probably change that very soon.
btw terra who does those paint pics of you? could you hook me up with one of those(of myself of course) ill send a pic if needed.
i like the sig PSJ very nice ^_^ on of ur best i think ava cant see really but the sig is nice ^_^
animemaster i did u a sig and ava hope ya like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
nice kakashi sig, i guess i dont need to make animemaster one, oh well animemaster you can still pm me if you dont want the kakashi sig and ava. but my advice is take it.
psj.....are you aware that your avatar looks almost like a solid black square?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
yes, i am aware of that. it doesnt look good at all..ill change it when i get something to change to.
the main thing I would do is just brighting it a little than itll look better
R.I.P Captain America.
yea probably but the colors on it isnt the same or even near the once in the sig so it will only look worse, im thinking of remaking the whole ava.
Thanks a lot Toruxxx. I appreciate it. It looks real cool.Originally posted by: Toruxxx
i like the sig PSJ very nice ^_^ on of ur best i think ava cant see really but the sig is nice ^_^
animemaster i did u a sig and ava hope ya like it [img][/img]
I'm off to photobucket to upload them right away.
Thanks again.
And to PSJ, I appreciate the fact that you'd still make the sig. in this case i took your advice and i'm gonna use Tourxxx's kakashi sig.nice kakashi sig, i guess i dont need to make animemaster one, oh well animemaster you can still pm me if you dont want the kakashi sig and ava. but my advice is take it.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
glad ya like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]