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Thread: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!

  1. #4541
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2005

    This one I made out of boredom, I'll possibly go back and fix up the text but I ran out of ideas
    image fail!

  2. #4542
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Wow. I like it a lot. Actually I love it! The colours are just awesome, and you couldn't of course even imagine a much cuter render. Your name is printed there nicely, but the fanboy text (damn, I was going to comment you are quite a Saber fanboy indeed, but you calling yourself such kind of removes the funniness of it) looks somewhat cheap with the shadow effect, although the round font type goes well together with the cute render and general softness of the whole picture.

    Very good work! Very good indeed.

  3. #4543
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
    moderator ex-emerita)
    KitKat's Avatar
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    GLS, that's really cute! Although the difference between the colours on either side bothers me a bit. Maybe have a bit more of a transition between them?

    DF, I would agree with Kraco in that everything about that sig is nice with the exception of the Saber's Fanboy text. Using a drop shadow like that makes the sky look 2-D and interferes with your lovely horizon there. Play around with the text and see if you can find a better effect or blending style that will complement your sig more, I'd say.

  4. #4544
    DF: Really nice sig, love the BG. I just have two suggestions. One, try playing around with a photo filter to make the render blend in a tad more (if you haven't already). Two, the render doesn't take up enough space in the sig, try moving Saber up or resizing the render.

  5. #4545
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suggest not to listen to xDM (no offence of course, but I just completely disagree). The render is of sufficient size, because the background isn't abstract, and thus the background itself also has a meaning. And with the scarf the render does in fact already occupy enough space. And there's absolutely no reason to blend a render with a scenic background like that. Once again, it's not an abstract background, nor an invasive background like KitKat had, which pushed elements to the foreground. It makes no sense to blend a primary render with a real scenery in the background.

  6. #4546
    I can see where you are coming from, but I just think it is strange when the render has a yellowish light, while the BG has a purplish light. I don't mean make the render completely purple, I meant set it to around 10% opacity.

    I might even go as far as to say it is even more necessary to make the lighting match when using a real scenery b/c you want it to look, well, real.
    Last edited by xDarkMaster; Fri, 08-04-2006 at 10:49 AM.

  7. #4547
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    I can see what you mean, but here I belong to a different school. I don't seek or look for uniform colours but a balance of colours and hues. And to be more exact, avoidance of clashing of colours. And as far as my artistic eye tells me, the colours between the render and the background aren't clashing, but are in quite a nice balance.

    And for all we know, the photographer could have used a flash when taking the picture, masking the overly purple light away from our dear Saber, allowing her to retain her beautiful blond locks.

  8. #4548
    Quote Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
    DF: Really nice sig, love the BG. I just have two suggestions. One, try playing around with a photo filter to make the render blend in a tad more (if you haven't already). Two, the render doesn't take up enough space in the sig, try moving Saber up or resizing the render.
    this post is the correct one

    photo filters are quite usefull

  9. #4549
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Here's something I did in about an hour the other day. Really not done with it but who cares it's Haji and everyone loves him.....I think:

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #4550
    My newest:

    You can find the render here. I am mvp_pape_sow on Game Renders.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 08-05-2006 at 12:49 AM.

  11. #4551

    Man, i've really lost my edge -_-, I need to check some tutorials or something to improve my skills.

  12. #4552
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    @BoC: Remove the name from her face, that looks real crappy.

    @Fox: Looks okey keep em coming and you'll get that edge back. It's always like that when you haven't worked in a long time.

  13. #4553
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    @BoC: Remove the name from her face, that looks real crappy.
    I don't know if you watch the show or not, but that's taken straight from the OP about 35 seconds in. She has the word "You" on her cheek so I thought it'd be a nice touch. Where else could I put it?
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 08-05-2006 at 10:45 AM.

  14. #4554
    text on her face ehhhh

    even though I dont like the idea you pulled it off pretty nicely.

  15. #4555

    I kinda like v2's frayed "overpowered" look, but I'll stick with number one. Figured I post both anyways.

    I hate both, as I messed up on the left side when I attempted to replace the poor brushing with c4ds and botched it in all of its entirety

    master_me + dA = <3

  16. #4556
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    I like it alot Master_Me. Looks cool as hell.

    @BoC: anywhere exept the face.

  17. #4557
    BoC: I like it on the face but for the sake of others maybey it would look beter on the shoulder or gun.
    master_me: Very nice, yhea I agree with #1 looking better

  18. #4558
    Made this one just for the hell of it.

    Not hard or anything, but I like the feel. Too bad it'll be obsolete once a new crew member joins.

  19. #4559
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Why is Ussop turned around?

    R.I.P Captain America.

  20. #4560
    B/c that's the way he was showed in the latest episode where I took 7 screenshots and pasted them together. >_>

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