A new one I just made for another forum. That one was slightly bigger so I did a quick resizing. It turned out a little blurry but it isn't that bad. The eyes took a little more work than I expected to get this glowing effect.
A new one I just made for another forum. That one was slightly bigger so I did a quick resizing. It turned out a little blurry but it isn't that bad. The eyes took a little more work than I expected to get this glowing effect.
Why don't you post the bigger version to? just for show.
The scanlines are much clearer in the big version because I was too lazy to redo them when I resized it for Gotwoot.
Ooh, the glowing looks nice. It sort of stands out, though, amongst everything else, being green and all.
I have a few new things:
I like this one, even if it only was five or so layers. It's simple, it's clean.
I touched up the Gaara one a bit, so the gourd doesn't draw as much attention.
This was not only a bad Click Five joke, but a bad signature.
*Not worksafe, possibly*
This was another joke, not really a sig though
wow it seems like ages since i visited this thread.
Master_me: The Gara sig is amazing. Really nice.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I haven't made a sig in months, but heres my comebackIt's just the tip of the iceberg.
Last edited by LaZie; Wed, 06-28-2006 at 07:23 PM.
@ Lazie Kool, I like it. Its a bit dull but I like the style. Nicely done LaZie, you were overdue for a new sig. =P![]()
@ BoC Apart from the text, Its really kool. I should try doing a sig like that sometime....
@ Master To me, the Gaara sig looks too distorted. I can see what you were tring to get at, but it just isn't there yet. =P I like the Megaman one though, Really simple and smooth.![]()
Last edited by Lucifus; Wed, 06-28-2006 at 09:14 PM.
Yeah Lucifus, i'm still working on the technique. This is my first try with it so it's not perfect![]()
Good choice of render Lazy and very nice work on the text. The colors look a bit dull though, so does the bg. The lighting needs fixing to. If you can fix those things up you will have one kickass signature.
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:07 PM.
Yet another Saber sig...
Multiple variations. Please tell me which you think best and what it needs done. I am going insane trying to decide what do to use/do with them.
Help is of course most appreciated.
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:07 PM.
My suggestion: switch the positions of the two renders. Have the big Saber on the left and the hugging behind her on the right.
@IFHTT: I like #4 the best.
I got 2 new sigs and one editied sig.
And then the Revy sig below.
I like 4 the best too. Very nice sig IFHTT. I miss Saber......
Edit: lol, we have the same post count.
Not my best works but I'm currently working on them, so as with not final works I need some suggestions of course
image fail!
This one is actually older than my current sig. Again, it's a cropped and resized version of the original, to fit Gotwoot's sig limit. This time I actually remade the grid lines so they're visible compared to my current one.
Been awhile since I posted here, seems everyone is still making great sigs.
I have made two new sigs recently. Here's the first one:
Second one:
WARNING: Naruto Manga Spoilers
I really need to stop making sigs that I can't use until forever. >_>
As I said yesterday, that Naruto sig looks f'ing awesome!
Thanks for all the feedback guys I went with Thi3f's advice, and here is the result... I am definitely a lot happier with it now.
Once again thanks, for the good comments, glad you guys thought so highly of it, I was seriously about to just give up on it. XD