Ok, thanks master. Heh, i love katamari darmacy. fun game, cool sigs.
Ok, thanks master. Heh, i love katamari darmacy. fun game, cool sigs.
Metal Slug Massacare.
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:08 PM.
i guess it does, ill work on that. thanks.
Metal Slug Massacare.
What do you guys think of this? I personally like the outcome.
Edit: Sucks as an ava, I'll change that later.
Looks great Lucifus exept for the text as mentioned above. The blue version is alot better than the one you got as current though, purple doesn't fit with Haku at all.
Wasn't going for anything special with the text....=S, but since you guys have pointed it out, guess I can change it. =P
New work, it isn't all that good though i think i'll fix it at some later date when i got more time.
Here's the gotwoot friendly version.
I think i'm gonna current it even if it isn't top notch, i'm tired of Stitch.
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:08 PM.
Very strange sig, but still tight nonetheless. Sad to see Stitch playing a banjo go..
Whys everyone so picky about text,Oh well...
Nice work PSJ.
The black border on the text works with the black border around the sig, that was what i was going for anyway.
People are generally picky with texts because well texts are hard to make them look good.
Btw, how is it strange?
Maybe its becasue I'm tired (Been up all night again 8:56 AM), but it looks like a guy blowing a bubble to me...............=S
WTF? It's Elisha Cuthbert one of the hottest females ever. But yea she is blowing a bubble.
Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:08 PM.
Think its time I stepped my sigs up a notch. I'ma go try something new with a sasuke render, tell what you guys think.
I get your point Thief. I still like it though and i am one of those who believe that a text-less sig looks empty.
What do you guys think of this one?
Its...Purple....Originally Posted by Lucifus
image fail!
Thank...you Df, for that..input. >.<
I think this first sasuke sig.And come to think of it, I don't think i've ever done a Naruto one. o.0
the purple and the blue actually go pretty well together...
And I have no clue what the :::: thing is for but I can't help but notice that you mispelled Sharingan.
The Uchiha crest can be bigger (is that little white thing supposed to be the crest?) and I'd brush more on the left side. The render isn't terribly smooth but that can be a good look sometimes... Did you do a color balance?
edit - oh yeah, i have a new avatar. Id, pilot of the Gear in my sig. In the background is the eye prevalent on Zohar. I was having trouble getting the avatar's colors to match the sigs and still be able to see both the eye and his face... Yes, up that high was the best place I could find to put his face...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".