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Thread: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!

  1. #4201
    Ok, how is this? Any suggestions on how I can make it better? Im not sure if I should keep Byakuya in it.....What should I replace him with?

  2. #4202
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Keep Byakuya and remove Ichigo from the pic. The background needs work. I don't really know what you did there but it doesn't look very good. Keep working and read Kage's tutorials.

  3. #4203
    God#2: TRY to make the BG and render/s look good with each other. I honestly think you just make a BG with a random color and stick a render or two onto it sometimes.

    PSJ or anyone else: You guys are all like "Read Kage's tutorials." However, I can only find the two video tuts and the Spidey tut. Am I missing something?

  4. #4204
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Nah that's the tuts i'm talking about, the first video tut(one with Justice gundam as render) is probably the best for most of you, got some about brushing in that one.

  5. #4205
    Honestly, I don't agree with all the "read Kage's tutorials".

    Most of the people that need to "read Kage's tutorials" need not to learn how sig making works, but to learn how to use Photoshop. The fundamentals are a lot more important than learning how to blend a render with a background. They need to learn how to use the all tools in Photoshop in conjunction with each other. They need to learn how to work with pictures before learning how to make sigs, not the other way around. Once you learn the basics you can apply them to sig making or whatever it is you want to do.

    Good-Tutorials <- site with thousands of tutorials ranging from complete noob to very advanced.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "don't read Kage's tutorials". I'm sure they're very helpful. Personally, I've never read a single sig tutorial because it feels like you're just recreating what the author was making. I find it much more valuable to learn Photoshop in general and make what I want to make.

  6. #4206
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Although I haven't read the said tutorials myself (my sigs aren't exactly of the same style), I think such straight-forward tuts can be very valuable. While I naturally think it would be nicer to know PS all-around as making sigs is 0.5% of the time I spend in PS, for many people desiring a completely custom sig image that's not necessary. If they can just follow an efficient and good tutorial, they will still get their own handmade signature in far less time than first learning great many things in PS they might not ever need. If they later decide they want to use PS for many other things, then they can go and learn it in a more broad way, taking their time, like the rest of us.

  7. #4207
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    You learn the use of diffrent tools and whatnot in a sig tutorial. "Learning how to blend a render with a background" isn't the only thing in a sig tutorial and you are not just re-creating the tutorial makers work. Learning how to blend bg and render is important in sig making though and i'm giving the advice of reading the Kage's tutorials because i think most people that visit this part of the forums does it mainly because they want to make kickass sigs not to learn PS as a whole.

  8. #4208
    But I'm speaking on behalf of the people trying to make their own sigs instead of following a template, people like God#2. They've worked very hard in creating their own stuff, but visually, they're certainly not the best in the world. I was on this boat when I first started too. It's people like this I'm gearing my last post to. Instead of saying "just go make what Kage's making", it's better for them to explore Photoshop before making images for specific purposes.

    I agree that there are people who just want to make a quick, good-looking sig. And I'm definitely not saying you're giving bad advice. There is simply a group of people who choose not to follow templates, myself being one of them. For them, it's better to learn Photoshop in general.

  9. #4209
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    So you're saying that the rest of us aren't making our own stuff and just copying Kage and other people who have been nice enough to create sig tutorials?

    I was the same when i started out photoshop to, and you can still explore photoshop. To me it is better to have a foundation to build on and then build your own work and put your own touch in it. I don't see my works as a "copy" of other people's sig works yet i have read tutorials to learn how to do diffrent things. The key is to mix and match everything you have learned as well as to put your own experimental touch on it.

  10. #4210
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    So you're saying that the rest of us aren't making our own stuff and just copying Kage and other people who have been nice enough to create sig tutorials?
    I meant no such thing. Obviously, people like you are already quite competent with Photoshop. I'm saying it's better to tell a beginner "go read a little bit on layer masking" than to say "go check out Kage's tutorial".
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    The key is to mix and match everything you have learned as well as to put your own experimental touch on it.
    That's exactly the point I'm trying to make. There are some people who benefit more from learning the tools of the trade than from sig templates. To them, a simple tutorial on a blur effect could make all the difference. Like I said in my last post, not sure if you missed it or not (oh, it was the first sentence), that I'm only speaking on behalf of the people who fall into this category.
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    I don't see my works as a "copy" of other people's sig works
    And I never implied that. Nowhere did I say it's bad to read sig tutorials.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 05-20-2006 at 03:55 PM.

  11. #4211
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    I haven't always been good at PS though. One thing that really made me try harder was to see good works from other people, among them Kage and the desire to make works like them. In a way i guess this can be interpreted as copying but it's more like inspiration.

    I get what you mean though, there are alot of people that wants to know photoshop in general rather than just sig making, i think our opinions really doesn't agree on God#2 and that's why we have this discussion. Although i don't know #2 that well, but his works give me the impression that he mostly wants to learn how to make sigs and not the general idea of photoshop therefore i gave the advice of reading up on backgrounds and render blending. I might be wrong here and in that case the link to good-tutorials is a much better choice, i never learned alot from there though.

  12. #4212
    Quote Originally Posted by God#2
    Like you, I don't know him very well either. But looking at this sig, it's obvious that something isn't right. Not because it doesn't look like a sig, but because he's not using Photoshop properly to piece everything together. It's not like he can't make sigs and needs a tutorial to get a rough starting point. It's that he already made a sig but it doesn't look right. I didn't mean he should master all aspects of Photoshop, I'm saying general tutorials could help to eliminate the technical flaws he currently has. This is probably what I meant to say in the beginning.

    And no, PSJ, I'm not picking on you or anyone else in particular, so don't take it personally.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 05-20-2006 at 04:54 PM.

  13. #4213
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    I meant the same. Lets drop this discussion now. I didn't take it personally it just sounded a little strange, that's all. No harm done though.

  14. #4214

    I'm thinking about scanlines in the background, but there seems to be something lacking. I'd like to say now that I can _not_ use color balance layers, as photoshop is broken. This was made in Imageready.

    master_me + dA = <3

  15. #4215
    I think the render being on the very right and the abstact stuff sticking out the left feels unbalanced. Try putting them closer together, if possible.

  16. #4216
    kk well now that was a lot of mentions of moi. Well heres my take:

    BOC, you say you never read nor seen any of my tutorials. Yet somehow you know precisely what it covers? I made my tutorials to teach begginers and to teach anyone something new and original to add to their collection of PS knowledge. And of course that is exactly what tutorials are made for, atleast mine anyway. To give out knowledge you have learned from all other tutorials and trial and error. I have done my share of both and can assure you that this is the best way to learn the elements and tools photoshop has to offer. Unless you have a job where they don't monitor you and you can sit behind your desk all day doing nothing but photoshop, testing EVERY LAST DETAIL, then you can never really learn everything there is to learn. Or your a bum who doesn't need to work and does the same. Don't be so quick to judge my tutorials if you haven't read them. k?thnx.bye.

    oh and btw, go read em. You might just learn something.

  17. #4217
    Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:08 PM.

  18. #4218
    Well, I thought we dropped this discussion, but apparently not. And in addition, you come straight at me with hostility. If you really want to go at it like this, I have no objections.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    BOC, you say you never read nor seen any of my tutorials. Yet somehow you know precisely what it covers?
    Actually, no. Find me one quote where I specifically mention what they cover. And don't say "blending render to background" because that's what every sig tutorial includes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    I made my tutorials to teach begginers and to teach anyone something new and original to add to their collection of PS knowledge. And of course that is exactly what tutorials are made for, atleast mine anyway. To give out knowledge you have learned from all other tutorials and trial and error. I have done my share of both and can assure you that this is the best way to learn the elements and tools photoshop has to offer.
    Maybe you misinterpreted the entire discussion, because that was not the topic at hand. We were discussion whether it's better for certain individuals to read sig tutorials or general Photoshop tutorials. Sig tutorials teach techniques that look nice in sigs, while general tutorials teach techniques that are more broadly-used and could help to improve a sig. There's a big difference between the two.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Unless you have a job where they don't monitor you and you can sit behind your desk all day doing nothing but photoshop, testing EVERY LAST DETAIL, then you can never really learn everything there is to learn.
    I never said you have to learn EVERYTHING if you don't stick to sig tutorials alone. I never said you have to master every last detail. Please don't put words in my mouth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Or your a bum who doesn't need to work and does the same. Don't be so quick to judge my tutorials if you haven't read them. k?thnx.bye.
    Oh, so quick to bring out the flamethrower. Did I judge your tutorials? Again, find me one quote where I judged your tutorials. I just used your tutorials as an example of sig tutorials. Once again, the discussion was whether or not sig tutorials or general tutorials are better for certain individuals. Please stop putting words in my mouth. Or better yet, stop getting all riled up just because your name was mentioned in a discussion. If anything, you should be proud because your work was used to represent sig tutorials in general.
    Quote Originally Posted by BoC
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "don't read Kage's tutorials". I'm sure they're very helpful.
    Btw, that was in my very first post. Please read the entire discussion instead of skimming through the page looking for your name.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    oh and btw, go read em. You might just learn something.
    Maybe I will. I never said I wouldn't, I just haven't done so yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thi3f
    Any tutorial/method of doing anything, should not be followed mechanically, you need to find the right balance between using it as a base, and your own creativity and experience, this applies to pretty much anything, unless your goal is to copy something.
    And that was exactly the agreement we came to. A sig is a compilation of many tools you've learned, and those tools can come from both sig tutorials and general tutorials. Whenever someone makes a sig that doesn't look quite right, telling them to "go read a sig tutorial" is quite restricting. That's why I said it's better for some people to read general tutorials. Never have I said "don't read sig tutorials."

    And here's to all you bystanders waiting to get a piece of this action:
    Make sure you read and understand the discussion before posting irrelevant garbage.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sun, 05-21-2006 at 11:37 AM.

  19. #4219
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by master_me

    I'm thinking about scanlines in the background, but there seems to be something lacking. I'd like to say now that I can _not_ use color balance layers, as photoshop is broken. This was made in Imageready.

    First i don't agree with the positioning of the render. The render should be the main focus in the sig, your sig simply doesn't have anything i can focus on as the background is pretty empty in itself. Don't get me wrong, it's a good background but it needs a point of focus and the text in the middle simply isn't enough of a focus point.

    It also feels very bland, it lacks color. On the render you have a color balance layer right? It is erased right by the shoulder which is grey, this looks very strange. Keep the render in colors and use the colors from the render in the bg.

    It may be because you didn't make it in PS. Please note that it is in no way a bad sig, it just needs some finishing touches and changes.

    I hope this will help you.

  20. #4220
    I have just made my latest sig. It is a bit different than all my others in more that one way.


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