There, I made the text a little bigger. It's a little better, i guess...
There, I made the text a little bigger. It's a little better, i guess...
98% of teens uses or has tried MySpace. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature
on the second one try switching the text colors (make the red blue and the blue red)
I'm official.
New work. I don't like it - looks too messy.
the first one is better looking but hte second hsa a better concept. if you added hte text from teh sec to the first then it would be pretty good, but hte heads of the renders need a but more work, it seems as if they stick out of the border, a layer change would probably fix that
good work
New F/SN sig, since this is now no longer considered a spoiler. I've been itching to make this one for a while.
well then here we go
yeah it is still pretty messy but im not gonna use it anyway...meh...
yes i know im kinda obsessed with Riku right now itll pass....
I'm official.
gosh damn someone help me with this Xenogears sig!
edit: after getting some feedback in IRC methinks i might just want to start all over with this one : (
Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 04-10-2006 at 02:17 PM.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
I like the render for Welltail. Everything else is too dark. What you might want to do is Get rid of the Fei render and make Welltail the focus Making the Text more dynamic would help also. This sig suffers from some simple errors, like text placement, render placement, and mis-lighting. Once those are fixed, I see alot from this one. I like the bg against all that though.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Master_me: I like your new style with the boxes and shit. Keep working hard man, looking good.
Zinobi: The best advice i can give you is keep it to one render and brush alot, alternate between black and white to create shadows and highlights. Start with this and work your way up. You can find alot of good brushes at, just search for photoshop brushes.
Masamuneehs: I'll give you the same advice as i gave Zinobi. One render, best quality as possible and alot fo brushing.
Keep working hard guys.
Okey so here's a new work comin up.
In this one i didn't brush at all. This is my first smudge sig ever. Comments are appreciated.
Hmmmm, I dunno if it's just me but when I glance at it, it looks AWESOME. However, if I actually look at it, it's a bit confusing. All the boxes make it hard to see what the pic actually is, especially with the axe.
it's needs to be a tad bit brighter.
R.I.P Captain America.
xDM: I see what you mean, i wasn't too sure about it. I experimented alot on it and it probably needs alot of work, after looking at it for a while i realised that there is no main point of focus, it's just some effects and boxes. I don't feel "Look at *insert part of sig*" it's more like you're looking at all of it and can't decide what to focus on.
hai or iie?
^yes ^no
Last edited by Zinobi; Wed, 04-12-2006 at 10:25 PM.
I'm official.
Ummm I dunno whether it's hai or iie but I like it. I would recommend taking out the smaller render though. It's also a bit hard to read the text.
I like it too, make the text a little easier to read as xDM said, and you've got yourself a very very nice sig! Good job.
I'm official.
Sí, miradas buenas. Una recomendación sin embargo, agrega quizá una frontera.
^ Yep that looks good, maybe add a border though.![]()