Ok just making sure
Thank you very much. It really means a lot to me. Don't get those kinds of comments too often. It made the time spent on the sig very much worth it.![]()
Ok just making sure
Thank you very much. It really means a lot to me. Don't get those kinds of comments too often. It made the time spent on the sig very much worth it.![]()
i know what you mean Ifinghate ton ton wheni heard that my first try was not an absolute disaster..... a tear of accomplishment dripped down my face..... ah i was all choked up lol
gama bunta is wicked.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Totally agree w/ them TonTon. Each sig you make is getting better. Also, thanks for all the comments on my sigs.
Thanks!Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
Watch however as they will probably follow the same pattern they always do for me...
First there will be a few crap ones, then two or three decent ones, then back into crappy. lol. I wish I could keep the streak goingOh well, the less frequently you make the good ones, the better the comments sound to you when you get a good one.
. Thanks again everyone!
Getting used to working with an LCD...
^ I like the background. It goes with the mood ( <-- does that make sense?).
BoC, that's really nice! It looks kinda like a stained-glass window.
Here are a couple I made for a friend at another forum. I've been scouring the internet for him for 2 days, but he hasn't come back yet. So in the meantime, you guys get the sneak preview! He requested a sig with a certain picture of Onizuka, so here is what I came up with:
@kit kat: NICEEEE...... great teacher onizuka lol.... nice series as well .... the only thing i could think of that could b=make it better it the cig in his mouth at that pervert face he has when daydreaming about girls..
@BOC: have no idea what series it relates to but its is an aswome sig... and welcome to the world of lcd's..... the air is better up here lmao.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Funny that you made 2 GTO sigs because I was trying to decide whether make a GTO sig or the Turks sig.
It's Reno and Elena from the Turks. Might be a bit hard to recognize from that render though.Originally Posted by dragonrage
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
reno and elena from final fantasy right????...... nice getbackers sig..... boc chan boc chan....![]()
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Thanks for all the comments guys. It's great to be back working on sigs again.
BoC: That turks one is nice, good work on the background and it fits the render very well. The only thing that i don't like is the text, Try adding a glow in the same color as the background, i think that will help it alot.
Dragonrage: For a first try that sig is very good. Keep them coming and try to add a render.
TonTon: The GamaBunta one is okey, it lacks a bit of color for my taste. The background looks decent, try to brush more and alternate between black and white alot, the results you can get are amazing. Keep them coming and we all do crappy sigs once in a while, you can't always make amazing ones.
KitKat: Your GTO sigs look good, i especially like the brushing in the orange one, that's great work. The only thing about them is the renders. The quality isn't that good really, if you could work that out somehow both of them will look amazing, especially the one with the girls in as the renders in that one draws alot of attention. In the orange one you focus alot on the brushing as well as the render.
It's good to see this thread alive again, it was rather slow a while ago. Keep them sigs coming guys!
EDIT: New sig again.
Feel free to comment on it, i'm not really satisfied with this one.
Last edited by PSJ; Mon, 03-20-2006 at 12:02 PM.
^ Damnit You always make awesome sigshehe.
I was kind of going for the gamabunta jumping out of the huge crevase(sp?) in the ground look from one of the older eps.
Thanks man, glad you like them.
I don't remember that GamaBunta ep jumping thing at all. Haven't watched Naruto in over 6 months now. Ah well it is still a good sig in regards to how long you have been at it, you should have seen my first couple of months, everything i made was horrible.
Sorry if some of my comments sounds harsh, tell me and i'll tone it down a notch.
No no no! They aren't harsh at all, I was just letting you in on what I was aiming for when I made it, to see if you could get the feel of it or tell if thats what it was trying to achieve. The episode was back when Naruto first learned how to summon gamabunta which is understandable if you don't remember. Also laughing at the comment about repeatedly making good sigs and how yours are always awesome in my book.
@dragonrage below: "PHOTOSHOP is awsome.... "
Indeed it is. The possibilties are almost endless with photoshop.
Last edited by IFHTT; Mon, 03-20-2006 at 04:44 PM.
Originally Posted by PSJ
the new sig looks good, but it think her hair clashes with the background...i could be wrong...
THANKS for the complement man..... i working on adding renders ...learning how to use pen tool and experimenting with the backgrounds.... i think i am getting the hang of it PHOTOSHOP is awsome....
sorry i didn;t do this before but thanks Kage, narutomaster, phoenix, BOC and assertnfailure for the great tuts.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
@PSJ: Thanks dude! Like I said, the sigs were a request and the picture was provided for me to work with. It was somewhat small to start out with and therefore not very high quality (also, it really does look better on my CRT monitor than the LCD one I'm using here at school). If anyone knows where I could find a higher quality version of this render, I'd really appreciate it. As for the one with the girls, I made them blurry on purpose because the drawing style doesn't really match the style of the Onizuka render, and so I wanted to minimize that clash by taking the focus away from them and softening the difference.
As for your new sig, I agree that it's kinda strange. Something about the lighting doesn't seem quite right. I don't know. I can't really pinpoint what it is, so I can't really give any suggestions.
Same as what the other guys said. There's just something about that background. I can't really make out what it is but I have a feeling it's some 3d render. I think the problem is where you blended the hair with the background because it kinda looks like the thing in the background is sticking out of her head.Originally Posted by PSJ
*sigh* This text thing is annoying.![]()
Here's another shot. If anyone has any suggestions of what I can do w/ the text I would greatly appreciate it.
Well, I'd say go look for some hot fonts. Heres a site that has a huge selection for free:
But yeah,the biggest problem there is the font placement and style
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.