get rid of the copy behind him, looks stupid. Other then that I think its prettyh good. You need to work on your brightness/contrast. The colors look unatural and weird, I think you either messed with the levels or curves too much.
get rid of the copy behind him, looks stupid. Other then that I think its prettyh good. You need to work on your brightness/contrast. The colors look unatural and weird, I think you either messed with the levels or curves too much.
How can a color look unnatural? How does a natural color look?
its just a sayin bro. But look at the red in your sig and the red in mine and you can tell the difference. It losts its highlights and shadows so it looks really uhhh bland.
Ah, k now i get what you are saying. I'm rather slow today tired as hell.
@PSJ: I like it PSJ, the brushing looks really nice and the copy image if you lowered the opacity on it, would make it blend better.
@Kage: when you putting up the sigs for round three voting?
Here is a new sig for me.....
Sig made by Lucifus
Looks good Fooman, The text looks a bit distorted(is that the word?), if that's an effect i think it would look better without it.
Wow, Kage dislikes everything PSJ does. That's pretty funny. I can't see anything wrong with it.
The Sol one was cool, the flamin' feel you get from it fits him well.
PSJ: It is supposed to look distorted, kinda like a screen fliker, you know because its like the matrix.
Sig made by Lucifus
thought so, maybe try to take it down a notch, keep it but lower it a bit?
Lower the position of the text? Take what down a notch?
Sig made by Lucifus
@PSJ: I thought it came out fine. Love the background man, nice job!
@Fooman: The background is kickass and I love the text! The only thing is the render. I know you want the sig to be Matrix-like but I dunno...I think you could find a better render. But overall, its cool. Good job!
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
The effect on the text, you can still have it distorted but less distorted.Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Lower the position of the text? Take what down a notch?
I thought it would be neat to make my Gungrave sig sorta shaped like Brandon's big gun. Personally I don't think it worked out as great as I expected.
Ok, transparency isn't working as it should either...darn it looks terrible.
Something new.. Not quite done
It looks great but dont sig size restrictions still apply? Also you should change the text or make it smaller. You dont want the text to distract from ichigo.
Oops.. It was kinda late, gonna make another bleach sig for this forum.
A quicky That'll I'll use till I make another one.
My latest sig.
whoa that is wicked GLS ! nice work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Made a wallpaper, but I'm not done. Just started and I'm tired.
This goes out to all of you Beck fans. Koyuki
Ps, it's hard to find cool pictures of Beck. If you have some, please post them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Well I havent posted any of my work in here in a while so I'll get you guys caught up on my work in chronological order oldest to newest...
wow thats a lot more then I thought XD