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Thread: good bye naruto?

  1. #1

    good bye naruto?

    well i heard that starting april all hdtv transmisions in japan will be protected and japaneses wont be able to save the raw chapters so we wont have naruto O_O U_U

    some people tried to crack the code of the protection but the project failed.... U_U

    you can found tha page of thet project here

  2. #2

    good bye naruto?

    What the!?

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    good bye naruto?

    Originally posted by: Rensato
    well i heard that starting april all hdtv transmisions in japan will be protected and japaneses wont be able to save the raw chapters so we wont have naruto O_O U_U

    some people tried to crack the code of the protection but the project failed.... U_U

    you can found tha page of thet project here
    I heard something similar but it was referring to people doing illegal activity such as cracking cable codes so they could view channels with programs such as naruto. This doesn't affect regular paying costumers only peeps who trying to scam the cable company. Raws will still be available. No worries Case closed.

    Mods Lock it down guys.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  4. #4

    good bye naruto?

    what a stupid topic.

  5. #5

    good bye naruto?

    Originally posted by: kage_bunshin
    what a stupid topic.
    don't worry about it, it'll probably be locked soon.

  6. #6

    RE: good bye naruto?

    Uhh, this was metioned long ago. and i am sure there is already a way around it. Fan subs have to infulince what gets Licenced. Naruto will defintly since everone at the last Con i was at knew all about it. but i am getting off topic

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