Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
I'm going against the flow when i'm saying this, but i think this chapter was
Drunknen style fist? in the middle of this battle? has kishimoto lost his mind? or was it just his writing skills?
Lee wasn't supposed to be well for a few months, Tsunde said it'll be a long operationa and a huge rehablitation, she said that after seeing Lee's condition and knowing his perssonality. half a day surgery plus one day off is less than a cosmetic surgery, i think ultra-sound tests take the same amount of time.
Kishimoto just sent his manga ever into deeper shit, is he trying to lose fans? first by making the sound four so weak, after that having Kimimaru look so bad ("look, i have bones! check out my bones!"), then bringing in Lee to a certien death situation (Kimi Vs Lee would be Kimi wins, due to his ownage or due to the fact lee shouldn't be able to move), and now rescuing him from it with the most retarted idea ever ("look, i'm doing the Jet-Li thing in Shangai Gladiator, i'm drunk so i can win!").
man, i hope it's somekind of april fools chapter.... i could stand Lee dying in glory flash of opening the death gate to win against Kimimaru, but killing off Lee's coolness? what's wrong with this world!
i could handle Genma + Raidou coming to help and scaring off Kimimaru (it'd still be retarted, but no this much), i could even stand Jiriya and Kakashi coming around to kill Kimimaru.
it looks like Kishimoto is trying his best to ruin the manga, even another one on one fight chapter of Kiba would be better...
Dear manga god in heavens, give Kishimoto back his mind, he really needs it...