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Thread: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

  1. #161
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    i will kill two pigeons with one pebble.

    1. when i say that itachi is the strongest character, i mean overall strength, knowledge of skill, speed, quickness, agility, etc, etc, etc. not just strength. so if you add all that up (like in sports video games), he is the strongest overall. also, naruto is STILL NOT the character with the most power (strength, quickness/speed, and agility). naruto has the kyubi within him which can bring out a lot of chakra. BUT how much can he bring out? all of it? no. that's why he is not the most powerful character. when he is able to fully control ALL of the kyubi chakra, then i'll remove #3. til then, no thx.

    2. xtort, it's obvious that you have something against me. don't be mad cuz i made you look stupid and made you come up with a lame excuse to cover it up. and if you want to expound on my sig, go ahead. discussions are always fun and it's what this forum is for, right?

    have a good day, sirs. =D

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  2. #162

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Naruto doesn't need to bring out all the chakra. That's the point. In your statement Naruto needs to bring out all of kyubi's chakra just to beat Itachi. You are implying that Itachi has more chakra than kyubi. This is where your argument is flawed. Don't think that Naruto isn't fast either, remember, Naruto can become beserk Naruto and that enhances his speed greatly. Naruto is stronger than Itachi, Naruto is faster than Itachi, the only area that Naruto loses in is experience/skill.

    Lee is faster than Sasuke, so what do you mean by making anyone look stupid. Your post helped prove the case (I didn't want to do the leg work myself).

    Answer to post below:
    Naruto doesn't need all of kyubi's chakra. Naruto only needs enough chakra to perform each jutsu. That is all. Whether he brings out all the chakra or not is irrelevant.

    What do you mean his ninjutsu is sloppy, jounin level Kage Bunshin, Sennin level Kuchiyose (gamabunta), and Kage level Rasengan. About the cantra, it's just like Ebisu explained, he only needs to bring out "X" amount of chakra per jutsu. He doesn't need to use more or less. Just the right amount. So he doesn't need all of kyubi's chakra at once. With kyubi's large surplus of chakra, he pulls out enough to perform each jutsu. What kind of jutsu are you trying to perform by pulling out all the cantra? It's extremely wasteful, plus there isn't a jutsu out there yet that can utilize the full potential of kyubi chakra, because no one has ever been in Naruto's position before. The fight with Kimimaro was to build up the return of "THE ROCK LEE." It really wasn't even a fight. I'm sure that Naruto would have rocked kimimaro's little world. Kimimaro was a big fish in a small pond. Now he's a small fish in a large pond. GO ROCK LEE!!!!!

  3. #163
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
    Naruto doesn't need to bring out all the chakra. That's the point. In your statement Naruto needs to bring out all of kyubi's chakra just to beat Itachi. You are implying that Itachi has more chakra than kyubi. This is where your argument is flawed. Don't think that Naruto isn't fast either, remember, Naruto can become beserk Naruto and that enhances his speed greatly. Naruto is stronger than Itachi, Naruto is faster than Itachi, the only area that Naruto loses in is experience/skill.

    Lee is faster than Sasuke, so what do you mean by making anyone look stupid. Your post helped prove the case (I didn't want to do the leg work myself).
    lol, we're never gonna get through each other's heads. you are correct when you say that my statment says that naruto needs to bring out all of kyubi chakra just to beat itachi. cuz naruto can't beat him or other super strong characters without doing it. but i'm not implying that itachi has more chakra than kyubi. kyubi is obviously stronger than itachi (this is a given, duh), but naruto can't use enough of the kyubi chakra to beat itachi since naruto just can't bring enough of it out. that's what i'm trying to get at. naruto is fast, but obviously not fast enough as he didn't land one single hit against kimimaro as he was facing thousands of naruto clones. again, no, naruto is not stronger than itachi, and naruto is not faster than him. at least, not yet.

    Answer to post above:
    what jutsus? taijutsu? genjutsu? ninjutsu? and his ninjutsu is weak. naruto lacks A LOT of jutsus. his taijutsu is super sloppy, has no knowledge/skill in genjutsu, and sucks at ninjutsu (besides kage bunshin). the fact that naruto sucks at every type of jutsu kills him. how is naruto suppose to avoid, block, or counter a genjutsu from itachi? naruto gets so overwhelmed by the kyubi chakra he can't fight straight. everything is a rush in with kage bunshin. but too bad itachi can see through each one and figure out which one is the real one. only thing naruto really has going for him is for the opponent to underestimate him and owned by a surprise attack, which has happened every time.

    ok, for bring out X amount of chakra. naruto getting stronger during kyubi mode depends on the amount of kyubi chakra he accesses. currently, he can only access a certain amount, which is obviously not enough for someone like itachi if naruto and his clones couldn't land one hit on kimimaro.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #164
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    its true we can't assume kimimaru has a level 2 curse.....for 2 possibilities.....
    1) that earth curse seal (was it earth, or heaven? i think sasuke's was heaven)....that kimimaru has could work in a different way than the other type, so maybe multiple forms of it doesnt exist, or exist the same way.
    2) kimimaru couldve had his mysterious "condition" back before they had the chance to give him the level 2 maybe it never happened
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #165

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    anyone know when the trans;ated version will com out, but man this chapter rocks

  6. #166

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Dude, "thienz" site CSTuberlin something has had it since like saturday. I thought everyone had it already. I would give link, but it's in my favorites folder on my other computer (down bad RAM). Wait, here it is

  7. #167

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    I was just wondering maybe lee opened the heal gate so that his recovery would be faster, but seeing how kishimoto likes to do things i believe lee will loose because he will probably only be able to do drunken style for a little bit due to his arm and leg being crushed !!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #168

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    2. xtort, it's obvious that you have something against me. don't be mad cuz i made you look stupid and made you come up with a lame excuse to cover it up. and if you want to expound on my sig, go ahead. discussions are always fun and it's what this forum is for, right?
    I just don't waste my time fighting with children. Your sig says everything about you that I need to know, which is that I have no interest in anything you have to say. Good catch on my mistake, and regardless on how many points you want to give yourself for it, I made a mistake. So what?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    have a good day, sirs. =D
    You too there pal. Good luck with that.


  9. #169
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    just in case people are still trying to look for places to dl manga, here are the sites i check for manga releases:
    and thienz

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #170

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    just in case people are still trying to look for places to dl manga, here are the sites i check for manga releases:
    and thienz
    I'm a big fan of NarutoEX. I haven't seen any controversy, there are no usernames/accounts necessary, and the site seems dedicated to getting Naruto out. Good job, cuz that's all I want. Plus, the design is wayyyy more Naruto-esque than the rest of them. They come off a bit too serious, and NarutoEX is well-designed around levity.


  11. #171

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Yeah props to raijin

  12. #172
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Doesn't anybody other than me find it odd that Kimimaro let Lee drink?

    (Page 14-15)
    Kimimaro: Here I go...
    Lee: Wait a moment!
    Kimimaro: What?..
    Lee: I'm sorry, it's about time for my medicine. Excuse me, I have to drink my medicine or else...
    (Kimimaro watches as Lee drinks the sake)
    Reader: (wtf?...)

    I mean really... the guy's about to attack and his opponent says "Wait" and then pops a lame excuse. Let's stand around and see what he does!
    But yeah, I understand that Kimimaro might has his reasons (or Kishimoto too) but that was definitely a "wtf" moment for me.
    I think that nobody mentioned this throughout the last 9 pages on this topic, which I found surprising.

  13. #173

    Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    So I'm guessing that Lee's actual hidden inate ability, the only thing he didn't bust his ass for, is super pissy drunkenness?

    yeah, actually, I could live with that. Makes more sense than a red super eye, a fox's chakra in my gut, or the ability to talk with dogs.

    I'm finally appeased.

  14. #174

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Augury
    Doesn't anybody other than me find it odd that Kimimaro let Lee drink?

    (Page 14-15)
    Kimimaro: Here I go...
    Lee: Wait a moment!
    Kimimaro: What?..
    Lee: I'm sorry, it's about time for my medicine. Excuse me, I have to drink my medicine or else...
    (Kimimaro watches as Lee drinks the sake)
    Reader: (wtf?...)

    I mean really... the guy's about to attack and his opponent says "Wait" and then pops a lame excuse. Let's stand around and see what he does!
    But yeah, I understand that Kimimaro might has his reasons (or Kishimoto too) but that was definitely a "wtf" moment for me.
    I think that nobody mentioned this throughout the last 9 pages on this topic, which I found surprising.
    Kimimaro doesn't exactly seem to be taking this fight seriously, now does he? He's a villian character, and all villian characters suffer from the inability to act when their opponent needs to do something that would leave them vulnerable for a few seconds. Made perfect sense to me.

  15. #175

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia

    Kimimaro doesn't exactly seem to be taking this fight seriously, now does he? He's a villian character, and all villian characters suffer from the inability to act when their opponent needs to do something that would leave them vulnerable for a few seconds. Made perfect sense to me.
    Not necessarely. Kimi has class, IMO, why else would he point out that Lee was fighting too straight?
    And these people do talk a lot during fights. You're supposed to wait until your opponent, bows/does all the proper rituals/tells the story of his life/his opinion about you/his opinions about the mysteries of life and death *and* takes his medicine. Watch a match of any Eastern Martial Art... even in a life or death match, they have to obbey the ettiquette...

  16. #176

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Naruto is stronger than Itachi, Naruto is faster than Itachi, the only area that Naruto loses in is experience/skill.
    Don't you feel morified with such a screwed up opinion, it's no logic at all, He deffinetly ain't stronger then itachi in his current state and jutsus, Haha, they're at a total different level.

  17. #177

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    Originally posted by: Augury
    Doesn't anybody other than me find it odd that Kimimaro let Lee drink?

    (Page 14-15)
    Kimimaro: Here I go...
    Lee: Wait a moment!
    Kimimaro: What?..
    Lee: I'm sorry, it's about time for my medicine. Excuse me, I have to drink my medicine or else...
    (Kimimaro watches as Lee drinks the sake)
    Reader: (wtf?...)

    I mean really... the guy's about to attack and his opponent says "Wait" and then pops a lame excuse. Let's stand around and see what he does!
    But yeah, I understand that Kimimaro might has his reasons (or Kishimoto too) but that was definitely a "wtf" moment for me.
    I think that nobody mentioned this throughout the last 9 pages on this topic, which I found surprising.
    it was WTF moment for Kimimaro too.

  18. #178

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    kimimaro was probably like why the hell is he taking medicine im just gonna kick his ass

    but the drunk lee thing is to try and a humerous effect i really don't think kishimoto is just drawing these out as he goes, i bet he has at least up to 250 done and working on others,

    kishimoto has his reasons

    after seeing every one of the geenins fight and seeing how strong they are if they all survive that means there is gonna be some super powerful adults when there grown up hell they all will probably be better then there fathers

    maybe that why kishimoto is making it appear as if they are dying, as to eliminate characters from appearing in a future story line where it would be to hard to have them there

  19. #179

    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    It's great that Rock Lee is back. This will probably be a good fiht, especially when were able to see the 5 "dances" that Kimmimaro controls.
    But for now, let's see Rock Lee wreck the place.

  20. #180
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 210 RAW Discussion ***SPOILERS***

    who do you guys think will win?

    i think kimimaro has to win cuz of all the hype. it'd be stupid to make someone seem so powerful and just get owned by a drunk fool.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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